Chapter 104: It was just a dungeon core…

The heart of the wendigo was a dungeon core. Claudius, Antonia's twin brother, took his axe and began bashing the crystal, tears running down his cheeks.


She would never smile again or call him a slowpoke.


She would never get married. He would never get to tease her that white was not her color, as she stood fuming in a wedding dress.


The healers that the wendigo had gotten to would never heal again. The rest might be too scared to stay on as adventurers.


It was all for a blasted dungeon core. Not even the Father of Monsters, the enemy they wanted to defeat once and for all.


Claudius sunk to the ground, looking at the core, which was split in two. The remaining spiders vanished into thin air. The dungeon borders lifted. Puebleque was Alcandino's now. But for fifty adventurers, a tenth of the entire guild, this didn't matter.