Chapter 106: A funeral is for sorrow, but tomorrow will still come.

The pyres, lit by the fire mages, as was tradition, and with light wisps over them, which were going to be extinguished only after the fires themselves died out, lightened the night. No one spoke as fifty of them, the best of the best, burned.

Some were crying silent tears, others were standing to attention, fists on their chest. Silence reigned as Leander made the last details of the stone slab with the names.

If one were to look onto it, they would see:

We don't know who died when. We mourn them equally. This stone slab is not written alphabetically, for everyone who came forward with the names and titles of their loved ones did so at different times.

Then, they would see names and titles and small glimpses into the lives of the fallen fifty. The slab would remain standing long after they left Puebleque.