Vincent: archer, conniving little manipulator.
It is finally happening. We are before the dungeon. Before Augustine even allowed us to head out, he piled pots and pans in his bottomless bag. I think he is coming with me, just for the Jell-O. Which is bad because there is no Jell-O recipe...
Yes, smaller slimes are not as acidic as older and bigger ones, but they are...slimy. My aunt has eaten slimes before, when her food ran out during a mission, but she always said that they left her a taste in her mouth, that she couldn't get rid of.
Not even after she brushed her teeth a thousand times.
I am certain that she exaggerated. I have seen her eat some pretty bad things. Like tomatoes. Raw tomatoes, which were not made into a purée together with peppers. God, how I hate tomatoes...