Vincent: Archer, finally getting ranked. Unhappy, for not being the one and only for Augustine.
"Is that... slime jell-o?" The guild master asks, and I smile at him. If the jell-o is good for something, then it is as proof. I barely managed to talk Augustine into bringing it here before he tried to peddle it to one shop or the other.
"I... see," he says, but something tells me that he really doesn't.
"It is our belief that we must use a dungeon to its fullest," Augustine says next to me, and hands the guild master a spoon. "Do eat. It is like a fruit salad."
The guild master takes the spoon, and then scoops up a bit of the jell-o and eats it. He closes his eyes, and hums. Then, he opens them, and eyes Atha from head to tail.
"By using the dungeon to its fullest, you mean taking the dungeon core for a party member, as well?" he asks, as he shoves even more jell-o into his mouth.