Vincent: Archer. Doesn't understand what his thumbs have to do with anything.
Augustine has been staring at my thumbs for the past couple of minutes, instead of reading the quest board. He shifts and turns to stare at Atha's thumbs next.
"Ok, what is this about?" I ask, as Augustine goes back to staring at my thumbs.
"Well, you see, there is this girl," he says, and I frown at him.
"You are going to invite people in the harem without asking us?" I ask.
Atha snorts.
"He said a girl, Vince. I very much doubt that he wants her to be a part of the harem," the Naga dungeon core says. Then, he points at a quest in the A column. "This one looks promising. I'd love to get my hands on a dragon schema."
"We are not ready for an A quest," I tell him with a straight face. "Tine, do tell me, what does a girl has to do with you looking at our thumbs?"