Chapter 25: Brunch

 Allan: Healer hopeful, kitchen helper. Might be getting the flu.

Augustine and I finish the kebab. A wonderful meal full of red peppers, onions, mushrooms, and homegrown green herbs, the strongest of which is the basil. My stomach grumbles, and I blush.

"So, you are staying for the brunch, aren't you? I'd like to introduce my party to you, partner," Augustine says.

 I bite my lower lip.

"I wouldn't want to intrude," I say, and it is true. I mean, Dean will be there, right?

He paid off my debt, so he can move away from me. Burned all the bridges between us, and...

"My party partners want to meet you. And there is another thing. Why didn't you tell me that you didn't have a place to stay?" Augustine asks, a frown marring his normally serene face.

He has the kind of face the Madam would have done anything to get in the brothel.

"Well, answer me," Augustine demands, when I end up just staring into his eyes.