Chapter 28: Getting an F ranked quest!

 Atha: Dungeon core, dual sword wielder. Not really in the mood to walk dogs...

We, all of us plus Allan, are before the quest board. I think that, if we test Allan on something F worthy, he will get the rank. I mean, most healers don't bother to learn about mana spells, until they join a big-time party. Our still nameless party is anything but big time.

"What about this one? A house sitting, with babysitting a turtle?" Augustine asks. I groan at that.

"I am a dungeon core, and you want me to babysit a turtle?" I ask him. He just shrugs.

"We won't even need to feed it. Considering, turtles don't even eat that much. I bet the owner will even change its water, and all that," he says. I look to Vincent for support. He just grins at me.

"We can use the time to read some fighting manuals," he says. I bite my tongue, trying not to call him a traitor. That might end up with me being chased out of the bedroom.