Vincent: Archer, wants to be a hero. Vets the grandpas like no other.
"Shouldn't we go and check for quests at the guild house?" I ask.
"What guild house? It hasn't been rebuilt yet," Dean says. Allan shrinks in on himself.
"Never mind that," Dean pats Allan on the back, showing him that it is really not a big deal, to have blown up a guild house. Which is not the truth. It is a big deal. If guild master Warren didn't need to rake in the insurance money, we would have all been lost. "Let us go find Dru a forever man, or several."
"Really, Dean? A harem, at her age?" Atha asks. He has gotten attached to Dru and wants to protect her feelings. Or he simply doesn't believe that Dru can have a harem again. With him, it can be either of those things.
"It will make her happy," Dean says, not wanting to hear the rest of us. "As I said, I know just the place to find her stallions."