Chapter 37: The secret

Atha: Dungeon core, dual sword wielder. Wants to be a real dungeon core...

I fill up the stretch of the river where the piranhas are congregating with mana, as Dean stands at the banks of the river, with a knife in his hand.

"Are you ready?" I ask him. Behind us, there is a big cooking area hastily set up because Augustine just couldn't pass on the opportunity to have a cook off. We will be up to our ears in fish guts, I just know it.

"Ready when you give the signal," Dean says. I sigh and blow him a kiss.

 I honestly can't understand why Dean has to make everything seem like it is about sex. Still, I can't complain. He cuts his hand and casts a net of mana at the same time. Then, I have to run for it, since the effect is not the one I expected.

Instead of the piranhas dying in droves, they grow bigger and grow wings. I slither as fast as I can, as Augustine takes off his harp, and begins to play a tune.