Dean: Incubus, mage. Wants to be the only incubus in the party, darn it!
The little imp might have thought himself clever, but he is not. I smelt him as soon as I entered the stable. I just wanted to see Vince taking charge, so, I didn't say anything.
Still, I will not wade in dung longer than I need to. I tap my nose, and then my lips, and move in the direction of the incubus scent that has been tickling my nose.
There is a weak illusion spell over where the incubus is. The strange thing is, that the area is rather small. Just how old is the imp?
Now, one might ask, why am I calling someone from the same species as I, an imp. Simple, I am a purebred incubus, from a long line of incubi, and succubi. This imp smells like an imp. Yes, there is an incubus aroma under it all, but it is faint.
I unweave the illusion spell, to see... a baby.