Atha: Dungeon core, dual sword wielder. Doesn't want to be kept separated from his harem.
We exit the tent of the guild master, and I slither before my party.
"Move in with me," I tell them. They all blink at that.
"Are you...sure?" Allan asks. I am certain that he won't have anything against it. I just don't know about all the rest.
"We are a modern harem," I say, as I look them all in the eyes, one after the other. "We should get to living together, before we..."
"Are you hearing wedding bells, Naga?" Dean asks in a drawl.
"What if I am?" I ask, and Dean snorts.
"I won't be tied so easily," the incubus says. I frown at him.
"If you want to remain in the harem, you will be caught," Augustine voices my, and probably Allan and Vincent's, thoughts.
"We nearly got saddled with a baby," Dean reminds us, and I wave a finger at him.