Augustine: Song weaver, self-proclaimed Life Skiller. Turns a training session to his own advantage.
Vincent wants to train. Atha all but promised it to him. I don't see any point in us fighting dummies, however. Besides, we are near the drake caverns. I can think of wonderful dishes with drake meat.
"Let us go hunting," I suggest. Vincent looks at me.
"I was hoping we could go train, instead," ah, I was expecting he says that. I wink at him.
"I am not talking about elk. I have drakes in mind. Just think, we can sell the horns, scales and bones to the loot drop collectors, and buy stuff with the money. Not to mention the roasted drake I can cook, and sell to the gourmet shop in town," a smile tugs at my lips. Vincent takes a hold of his bow and looks it over.
"I guess, new strings would be nice," he says. I look at the rest of the party, my eyes falling on Atha.