[6] Stitch by Stitch

June 7, 2020

I shouldered my duffel bag and stepped out of the apartment, locking the door behind me. It wasn't much, but it had been home. Glancing back, I felt a sense of finality settle in my gut.

Heading downstairs, I saw not one, but two cars parked side-by-side. One was a sleek black luxury sedan that screamed money. The other, a more practical-looking SUV, seemed more like something Ijichi would drive.

"Hey! You ready to go?" a loud voice boomed from beside the black car. It was Itadori, his pink hair practically glowing in the morning sun. His grin was so wide, it was almost annoying.

"Uh, yeah, I think so?"

Gojo appeared next to Itadori, trading his blindfold for a pair of black sunglasses that made him look like a douchey celebrity.

"Excellent! We've been waiting," he declared.

"Actually, Gojo-sensei," Itadori piped up, scratching the back of his head, "We just got here ourselves."

"Ah," Gojo chuckled. "Well, even better. No need to rush perfection, after all." He pointed at the SUV. "Ijichi took care of moving your stuff to the school, Akuma. Just toss your bag in the back there."

I heaved my bag into the trunk, catching Itadori's eye for a second. He looked a little nervous, but then again, so was I. At least I wasn't in this alone.

Giving Ijichi a quick nod, I climbed into the passenger seat of Gojo's car. No backing out now.

As Gojo pulled onto the highway, Itadori's chatter and the hum of the engine filled the silence.

"So... seeing as you're here," I started, "I guess you got that curse under control? Sukuna, right?"

Itadori's smile faltered, something dark crossing his face. "Yeah," he nodded, his voice quieter than before. "But it's...complicated. The higher-ups, they decided my best shot at keeping Sukuna down is… well, I'm gonna eat all twenty of his fingers."

"That's some diet."

"And then..." He trailed off, staring out the window like he couldn't look at me.

"And then..?"

"And then get executed."

I let out a low whistle. "Shit, man. That's rough."

Itadori shifted in his seat, his eyes glued to the scenery flying by. "Look," he said, so quiet I almost missed it, "I didn't ask for any of this. But Sukuna..." He paused, taking a deep breath. "Apparently he's dangerous. Really dangerous. The higher-ups want him gone, for good. And if that's what it takes..."

He shrugged, but I could see the tension in his shoulders.

I leaned back in my seat, processing. Eating Sukunas fingers, getting executed... it was a lot to take in. But then again, I guess we were all in this mess for our own reasons.

"Why'd you do it then? If you knew what it would mean?"

Itadori was quiet for a long moment. Then, "My grandpa," he said softly. "He was dying. His last wish was for me to help people. To do some good in this world."

He met my gaze then, and I saw a fire in his eyes that hadn't been there before.

"If eating Sukuna's fingers, if giving my life... if that's what it takes to protect people, then that's what I'll do. No matter what."

This guy... he was something else.

Gojo's voice cut through the heavy silence in the car.

"Don't sweat it, you two," he said, grinning like this was all some big joke. "We'll figure it out. Besides, we've got other stuff to focus on. That crazy cursed energy of yours, Akuma... we've got our work cut out for us."

Suddenly, the car swerved off the main road, diving into a tangle of side streets. The tall buildings faded away, replaced by quieter streets lined with houses and shops. Trees and parks whizzed by as Gojo steered like a madman.

Just when I thought we were totally lost, the road started to climb. The city disappeared behind us as we headed up a twisty mountain road, trees crowding in on either side. The setting sun turned everything orange and red, making the shadows look like they were dancing on the road.

We drove up the mountain for what felt like forever. As we got higher, I asked, "We're pretty far out... Are we still in Tokyo?"

Gojo laughed. "Welcome to the boonies of Tokyo," he said. "The city's a lot bigger than most people think."

Itadori looked around, his eyes wide. "And this school... where's Fushiguro?"

"Getting patched up by a sorcerer," Gojo replied. "Probably snoring away as we speak."

"Home sweet home, boys!" Gojo announced, waving his arms around like a circus ringmaster as we pulled up to a big, old-school Japanese compound. "Well, temporary home, anyway."

He jumped out of the car. "Feast your eyes," he declared, gesturing at the building, "on the Tokyo Metropolitan Jujutsu Technical College! Your new digs."

The place had a vibe of old power and history. Big wooden gates creaked open to show a courtyard full of cherry trees in bloom. A bunch of serious-looking buildings lined the sides, all sharp angles compared to the wild forest around us. As the sun went down, the whole place felt calm and quiet, but with this weird energy humming underneath.

We climbed a bunch of stone steps up to the compound. With each step, the place seemed to get bigger and bigger, the quiet of the mountain pressing in around us.

"Tokyo Metropolitan Jujutsu Technical College," Gojo started, sounding more serious than I'd ever heard him. "One of only two jujutsu schools out there. Makes a pretty good cover story, too – a private religious school. Lots of sorcerers keep using it even after they graduate. It's like a pillar of the jujutsu world. Not just for learning, but for backup and support after missions."

"Missions?" Itadori repeated. "Do we get paid for those?"

Gojo barked out a laugh. "You bet your ass you do!" he said. "Pay depends on how tough the mission is, though. The nastier the curse, the bigger the paycheck."

I raised an eyebrow. "So, what, we're like... supernatural bounty hunters?"

Gojo's grin widened. "In a way, yeah. But it's not just about the money. It's about protecting people. Keeping the balance between our world and the cursed one."

I snorted. "Right. And I'm sure the fat paycheck has nothing to do with it."

Gojo just shrugged. "Hey, a guy's gotta eat. And buy designer sunglasses."

As we reached the top of the stairs, Gojo spun around again.

"Oh, by the way, you two are gonna have a little chat with the principal," he said, like it was no big deal. "If you screw it up, he might just kick you to the curb. No pressure!"

"What?!" Itadori yelped. "You mean, like, instant execution?"

I opened my mouth to say something, but before I could, a voice cut me off.

"What's this? So you're not the top dog?"

I whipped around and nearly choked on my own spit. There was a freaking mouth on Itadori's cheek!

"The fu-" I started, but the mouth just kept on running.

"Any system not based on power is useless!" it snarled, sounding pissed as hell.

Itadori slapped his cheek, giving a little shrug. "Yeah, he does that sometimes. My bad."

Gojo looked like he was trying not to laugh. "Well, isn't that a nifty party trick," he snickered.

"That's putting it lightly," I grumbled.

Out of nowhere, the mouth moved, popping up on Itadori's hand instead. "As soon as I take over this kid's body, you're first on my hit list," it growled.

"Aw, I'm flattered to be targeted by the great Sukuna," Gojo shot back, not looking worried at all.

Itadori slapped his hand, then turned to Gojo, looking totally lost. "Okay, seriously, who is this guy?"

"Ryomen Sukuna," he began, "is an imaginary fierce god with four arms and two faces. But, he actually used to be human about 1000 years ago. In the golden age of jujutsu, sorcerers gathered all their might to challenge him, and failed. Crowned with the title of Sukuna, he couldn't be destroyed. Even in death, he exists as a cursed object. Without a doubt, he is the King of Curses."

"So, who's stronger, him or you?" Itadori blurted out.

Gojo pondered the question. "If Sukuna gained all of his power, he might cause me trouble," he admitted nonchalantly.

"But would you lose?" I pressed.

"Nah, I'd win."

With that, he turned around and waved for us to follow him. We walked into a dark building, the creepy quiet only broken by our footsteps on the old wood floors.

I couldn't shake the feeling that we were being watched. The hair on the back of my neck stood up, and I found myself scanning the shadows for any sign of movement.

"So, this principal," I said, keeping my voice low, "what's his deal?"

Gojo glanced back at me, his sunglasses glinting in the dim light. "Masamichi Yaga. He's been running this place for ages. Tough as nails, but fair. He's the one who decides if you've got what it takes to make it as a jujutsu sorcerer."

I swallowed, trying to ignore the knot in my stomach. I'd faced down plenty of tough guys before, but something about this felt different. Like everything was riding on this one moment.

We stopped in front of a set of heavy wooden doors. Gojo rapped his knuckles against them, the sound echoing down the empty hallway.

"Come in," a deep voice called from inside.

A low light flickered to life in the center of a large, open room, revealing a scene that ripped a surprised chuckle out of me. Seated on a straw mat, surrounded by an assortment of bizarre-looking dolls, was a tall, muscular man with a short, spiky black hair and a thick goatee. Despite his imposing frame, there was a gentleness in the way he handled a needle and thread.

"You're late, Satoru," the man's voice boomed through the room. "Eight minutes late to be exact. As usual, not enough to chastise you for. I told you to fix that habit."

"If it's not enough to chastise me for, then don't chastise," Gojo replied. "Besides, you just sit around making dolls anyway so what's eight minutes?"

Turning towards us, Gojo made the introductions. "Kantaro, Itadori, this is Masamichi Yaga, the principal of the school."

"So, these are the ones you told me about?" Yaga's gaze swept over us, sharp and appraising.

Itadori bowed deeply. "Yuji Itadori. I'm into girls like Jennifer Lawrence," he announced. "This is an honor."

I threw him a sidelong glance. Really, Jennifer Lawrence? With a slightly less enthusiastic bow, I added, "I'm Akuma Kantaro. It's nice to meet you, Principal."

Yaga didn't so much as twitch a muscle in response. "Cut the flattery," he rumbled. "You're here for a reason. Let's hear it."

"Are you asking me or Itadori?" 

"You first."

I cleared my throat, straightening up. "Well, Principal Yaga, I'm here because I want to use my powers for good. To protect people, you know? To make a difference in the world."

The words sounded hollow even to my own ears, but I kept going. "I figure being a jujutsu sorcerer is the best way to do that. To really put my abilities to use in a way that matters."

Yaga's eyes narrowed, his bushy eyebrows drawing together. "Is that so?"

I nodded, trying to look earnest. "Yes, sir. I want to be a force for positive change, to-"

"Cut the crap, kid."

I blinked. "Excuse me?"

Yaga leaned forward, his gaze intense. "You heard me. Cut the crap. You're not here for some noble, altruistic reason. You're here because you want something."

I opened my mouth to protest, but he held up a hand, silencing me.

"I've been around a long time, Akuma Kantaro. I know a load of bull when I hear it. So why don't you try again, and this time, give me the truth."

I stared at him, my mind racing. I could feel Itadori's eyes on me, probably wondering what the hell I was gonna say.

Finally, I sighed, my shoulders slumping. "Fine. You want the truth? Here it is."

I took a deep breath, then let it all spill out. "I'm here because I need money. I have a debt to pay to a certain someone and I've been fighting in underground rings, but it's not enough. It's never enough."

I looked Yaga dead in the eye. "Gojo said if I become a jujutsu sorcerer, he'd pay for them to get a new building and I can make some real cash. So that's why I'm here. Not to be some hero, but to help the only family I've got left."

The room was silent for a long moment. I could hear my own heartbeat pounding in my ears, feel the sweat trickling down my back.

Then, slowly, Yaga nodded. "Now that's an answer I can believe."

He leaned back, picking up his doll and needle again. "Being a sorcerer isn't easy, Akuma. It's dangerous, thankless work. You'll see things that'll haunt your nightmares, face enemies that'll make you question your sanity."

He looked up at me. "But it's also a chance to make a real difference. To save lives, not just those at the orphanage, but countless others. It's a heavy burden, but if you're willing to bear it, you might just find a purpose beyond just surviving."

I swallowed hard, his words sinking in. A purpose. When was the last time I'd had one of those?

"I'm not gonna lie and say I'm some selfless hero," I said. "But if being a sorcerer means I can help them and maybe do some good along the way... then yeah, I'm in. I'll bear whatever burden I have to."

Yaga's mouth twitched into something that might have been a smile. "Good. Then let's move on to the next step. Yuji Itadori. You're up."