[10] Power Plays

With Itadori:

I took a deep breath as I stepped into the dim, dilapidated building. The air was cold and stale, with faint wisps of dust dancing in the filtered sunlight.

Nobara was already bounding up the crumbling staircase ahead of me, seemingly unfazed by our eerie surroundings. I shook my head, trying to focus. Couldn't let myself get distracted, not with actual curses lurking around.

I tightened my grip on Slaughter Demon. The machete's rough hilt grounded me, its heft and balance feeling oddly natural in my hands. Still hard to believe a week ago my biggest concern was deciding which bread to buy at the konbini after school.

Now here I was, cursed blade in hand, about to confront my first real evil spirits. Talk about a crazy turn of events.

"C'mon slowpoke, I'm not waiting all day!" Nobara called from the second floor landing.

I hurried to catch up, taking the stairs two at a time. "Hey, shouldn't we stick together? Safety in numbers and all that?"

Nobara scoffed. "What, you scared or something?"

"No way! Just, you know, trying to be smart," I shot back, a little defensively.

She rolled her eyes. "Please. I can handle myself just fine. Worry about your own hide, newbie."

With that she spun and marched down the hall, ponytail swinging. I grimaced, torn between irritation and embarrassment. Who was she calling a newbie? I'd been part of this world for like, a week already. Practically an expert by now.

I stomped after her, Slaughter Demon at the ready. Fine, if she wanted to split up, no skin off my back. I'd clear this floor no problem. Wasn't like I was actually worried about her or anything.

The hall stretched out before me, doors hanging crookedly from rusted hinges. Graffiti and holes marred the water-stained walls. The deeper I went, the stronger the smell of mold and rot.

I strained my senses, trying to detect any dark energy. But everything seemed still. Too still. The only sound was my footsteps crunching on debris strewn across the floor.

Where were all the curses Gojo-sensei mentioned? Maybe Nobara had already taken them out upstairs. I picked up my pace, not wanting her to hog all the action.

As I neared a classroom at the end of the hall, the hairs on my neck stood up. A prickly, heavy sensation seemed to emanate from behind the door. I tightened my grip on Slaughter Demon.

Here we go. I sucked in a breath, then kicked the door open, blade raised.

A shadowy figure whipped around with an unearthly shriek. Glowing red eyes peered out of a misshapen head. Twisted limbs ending in curved talons lashed toward me.

I dodged on instinct, the claws barely missing my face. The curse lunged again, too fast. I swung my blade wildly, forcing it back.

We circled each other warily. My heart pounded, but I felt strangely calm. Excited, even. This was really happening. My first real fight with a curse!

The curse crouched, limbs coiling. I mirrored it, knees bent, blade ready.

"Alright, ugly," I muttered. "Let's dance."

It sprang with a hair-raising wail. I darted left, slashing at its side, drawing an oozing gash. It shrieked and whipped around, raking its claws toward my chest. I knocked its arm away with my blade and spun into a roundhouse kick. My foot connected solidly with its head, caving in part of its face.

It reeled back, then shot out its talons again. I severed its hand in one clean swipe. The claws hit the floor, writhing like grotesque spiders.

The curse screamed, lunging recklessly. I seized the opening, driving my blade deep into its chest. It let out a guttural death rattle before dissipating into wisps of dark energy.

I sagged back against the wall, breathing hard. My shirt was ripped and blood seeped from scratches on my arm, but I barely noticed. A fierce joy surged through me, almost like a runner's high. I actually did it. I killed my first curse!

A chorus of inhuman moans echoed down the hall, sending a shiver down my spine. More were coming. I straightened, rolling my shoulders.

"Okay, round two," I said under my breath. "Let's go."

I stepped back into the hall, energized. Another curse crawled along the ceiling toward me, limbs twisting unnaturally. I greeted it with a wild grin.

"C'mon, uglies!" I shouted, beckoning with my free hand. "Who wants to be next?"

The curse shrieked and scuttled down the wall, launching itself at me. I spun and slashed in one smooth motion, slicing it in half. The pieces dissolved before they hit the floor.

Two more crawled out of a classroom, hissing wetly. "Nice, twice the fun!" I darted between them, hamstringing one while impaling the other through its gaping mouth. They collapsed, clawing feebly before melting away.

I laughed, exhilarated. This was amazing! I'd never felt so powerful, so capable in my life.

More curses emerged from the gloom. I charged to meet them, Slaughter Demon singing in my hands. I lost myself in the dance of the fight, acting on pure instinct. Dodge, strike, spin - my body moved effortlessly, guided by some primal force within.

I carved my way through the spirits with ease. None could touch me. I was untouchable. Unstoppable. For the first time, I felt the true potential of this strange new world I'd stepped into. And damn, did it feel good!

By the time I reached the end of the hall, I'd left only wisps of dark energy in my wake. My muscles burned pleasantly and my blade dripped black. I breathed deep, taking it all in.

Now, where was Nobara?

With Akuma:

I leaned against the wall, my eyes fixed on the dilapidated building where Itadori and Nobara were battling curses. The adrenaline from my own recent encounters with those twisted beings still hummed through my veins. I flexed my fingers, itching for action.

Megumi stood nearby, his face a mask of cool indifference. But I caught the slight tension in his jaw, the way his eyes darted to the building every few seconds. He was worried, though he'd probably rather eat glass than admit it.

"So, Gojo-sensei," Megumi said, breaking the silence. "You mentioned Itadori's recklessness. What about Kugisaki?"

Gojo's perpetually amused expression didn't change, but something in his voice sharpened. "Curses are born from people's minds, Fushiguro-kun. They grow in number and strength alongside human populations."

I raised an eyebrow. "You're saying Tokyo's crawling with nastier curses than the boonies?"

"Bingo!" Gojo grinned. "The curses Nobara-chan dealt with in her backwater village? Cute little puppies compared to the rabid wolves prowling this concrete jungle."

Megumi's eyes narrowed. "You threw her into the deep end on purpose."

"Now, now," Gojo waggled a finger. "I prefer to think of it as... accelerated learning."

I snorted. "Sink or swim, huh? Real compassionate teaching method you've got there."

Gojo's smile didn't waver, but his hidden eyes seemed to bore into me. "Oh? And how many curses did you tangle with that night I found you, Kantaro-kun?"


Megumi's head snapped towards me. "Ten what?"

I met his gaze steadily. "Ten Grade One curses. All at once."

Megumi's eyes widened, a crack in his usual stoic facade. "That's... impossible. Even Inumaki struggled with a single Grade One."

Gojo clapped his hands together. "And yet our Akuma-kun here not only survived, but came out on top! Quite the impressive feat, wouldn't you say?"

I shrugged. "I got lucky."

"Luck, he says!" Gojo laughed. "As if luck could account for taking down ten top-tier curses solo. No, my dear students, what we have here is raw talent. The kind that comes along once in a generation."

Megumi's brow furrowed. "If you're so talented, why didn't you know about Jujutsu society before? Why were you fighting underground?"

I bristled at his tone. "Not all of us were born with a silver spoon and a family legacy, Fushiguro. Some of us had to scrape by however we could."

"Now, now, let's play nice," Gojo interjected, still smiling. "We're all on the same team here. Akuma-kun's unique background is precisely why I scouted him. Fresh perspectives, untapped potential – it's all very exciting!"

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, real exciting. So exciting you decided to bench me for this mission."

Gojo's smile turned sly. "Patience, grasshopper. Your time will come soon enough. For now, consider this a learning opportunity. Observe your classmates, analyze their strengths and weaknesses."

"Whatever," I grumbled, turning back to watch the building.

Megumi cleared his throat. "So, these Grade One curses... what were they like?"

I hesitated, weighing how much to reveal. "Nasty pieces of work. Fast, strong, smart enough to coordinate attacks. One alone would've been bad news. Ten?" I shook my head. "It was a nightmare."

"How did you beat them?" Megumi pressed, a hint of grudging respect in his voice.

I smirked. "Trade secret, Fushiguro. A magician never reveals his tricks."

Gojo chuckled. "Now, now, Akuma-kun. Teamwork is all about sharing. Why don't you give us a little demonstration of your cursed technique?"

I shot him a glare. "I thought you wanted me to 'observe' and stay out of the action."

"Consider it a pop quiz," Gojo said, his grin widening. "Show your classmate what you can do."

I pushed off the wall, flexing my fingers. Might as well give them a little demonstration. I bent down and picked up a small rock from the ground, about the size of a golf ball. 

"Watch closely and learn something," I said. 

I held the rock in my palm, focusing my cursed energy into it. A faint red glow began to emanate from the stone as I charged it up. The air around my hand seemed to waver and distort.

"Charge," I muttered.

The rock's glow intensified, pulsing with barely contained power. I could feel the energy thrumming through it, eager for release.

With a casual flick of my wrist, I tossed the charged rock towards a nearby tree. It streaked through the air like a miniature comet, trailing crimson light.

The moment it struck the tree trunk, there was a thunderous crack. A blinding flash lit up the area as the stored energy violently released. The explosion sent splinters and bark flying in all directions.

I turned back to Megumi and Gojo, raising an eyebrow. "Impressed?"

Megumi's eyes widened. "What... what is that?"

"That is Kinetic Charge," I said. "Pretty handy in a fight."

"Handy, he says!" Gojo cackled. "Our Akuma-kun here has the potential to rival even my Limitless technique. With proper training, of course."

I walked back to my spot. "Yeah, well, potential doesn't mean much if you can't act on it and evolve."

Megumi's expression had shifted from skepticism to guarded interest. "Is that why you were fighting underground? To evolve?"

I shrugged. "Partly. Mostly I just needed the money."

"For what?" Megumi asked.

"Do I need a good reason to need money?" I asked, turning back to the building. "Anyways, shouldn't we check on our intrepid curse-hunters? They've been in there a while."

With Nobara:

I slammed my hammer down, driving the nails deep into the mannequin. The curse spirit in front of me let out an ear-splitting shriek before vanishing into thin air.

"That's what you get for messing with Nobara Kugisaki," I smirked, dusting off my hands. "Seven down, who knows how many to go."

I turned, ready to hunt down my next target, when a small movement caught my eye. There, huddled behind a broken desk, was a kid - couldn't have been more than eight or nine.

"Hey," I called out, trying to soften my voice. "Coast is clear. You can come out now."

The kid just shrank back further, eyes wide with fear.

I rolled my eyes. "Seriously? I just saved your butt and this is the thanks I get?"

The kid didn't budge. I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "Fine, I'll go grab Itadori. Maybe he can..."

"No!" The kid's scream made me whip around. My blood ran cold at what I saw.

A curse, uglier and meaner-looking than the ones I'd just taken out, had the kid in a chokehold. Its claws dug into the child's neck, drawing a thin line of blood.

"Fuck," I hissed, my mind blank. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

The curse's eyes gleamed with a sick intelligence as it tightened its grip. The kid whimpered.

My hands shook as I reached for my hammer. What the hell was I supposed to do? One wrong move and that thing would...

I swallowed hard, forcing myself to breathe. Come on, Nobara. Think!