[15] Belly of the Beast

I slammed into the ground, cursed energy crackling around me like angry static.

"Shit," I muttered, pushing myself up onto my elbows. The parched grass crackled beneath me, brittle from weeks without rain. My latest attempt at refining my technique had backfired spectacularly, leaving me sprawled in the dirt and no closer to my goal.

I sat up, brushing bits of dead vegetation from my clothes. The late afternoon sun beat down mercilessly, and sweat trickled down my temples. I squinted against the glare, surveying the empty training field. At least no one had been around to witness my embarrassing failure.

Gritting my teeth, I climbed to my feet. This wasn't working. Brute force clearly wasn't the answer. I needed a different approach.

I held out my right hand, palm up, and concentrated. A small sphere of dark energy began to form, hints of crimson swirling within as I infused it with my cursed technique. Instead of trying to shape it into a projectile, I simply observed.

The energy pulsed and shifted, almost hypnotic in its constant motion. There was a strange beauty to it, the interplay of shadow and blood-red light. I'd been so focused on the end result, I'd neglected to truly understand the nature of what I was working with.

"Guide, don't control," I murmured to myself. The sphere responded, growing slightly larger and more stable.

A faint smile tugged at my lips. This was it. I was on the verge of a breakthrough, I could feel it. Just a little more time, a little more focus—

"Kantaro! So this is where you've been hiding."

The sphere winked out of existence as my concentration shattered. I turned to see Nobara striding towards me, her face set in its usual expression of mild annoyance.

"What do you want?" I asked, unable to keep the irritation from my voice. "I'm in the middle of something here."

Nobara rolled her eyes. "Calm down, drama queen. Ijichi wants us in the classroom. Now. Emergency briefing or whatever."

I frowned. "Emergency briefing? What for?"

"How should I know? But he said all of us first-years need to be there."

My eyebrows rose at that. Whatever was going on must be serious if they were calling in the newbies. Still, the timing couldn't have been worse.

"Fine," I said with a sigh. "Let's go see what fresh hell awaits us."

We set off across the field, our footsteps crunching in the dry grass. Nobara glanced at me sidelong.

"So, what were you doing out here anyway? Besides eating dirt."

I shot her a glare. "Training. Not that it's any of your business."

She snorted. "Looked more like you were getting your ass kicked by invisible ghosts."

"I'd like to see you do better," I snapped.

"Please. My technique actually works."

I bit back a retort. Rising to her bait would only encourage her, and I wasn't in the mood for our usual verbal sparring. Instead, I changed the subject.

"Any idea what this briefing might be about?"

Nobara shrugged. "Nope. But Ijichi looked pretty stressed. Well, more stressed than usual."

That wasn't encouraging. Ijichi always looked like he was one bad day away from a nervous breakdown, so if he seemed extra frazzled...

We reached the main building and made our way to the classroom. A handful of other first-years were already there, clustered in small groups and talking in low, urgent tones. The atmosphere was tense, charged with an undercurrent of nervous energy.

I scanned the room, noting who was present and who was still missing. Megumi was in his usual spot by the window, arms crossed and expression unreadable. Yuji was bouncing on the balls of his feet near the front of the room, practically vibrating with barely contained energy.

"Akuma! Nobara!" Yuji called out when he spotted us. "Do you guys know what's going on?"

I shook my head as we approached. "No idea. Hopefully, Ijichi will fill us in soon."

As if summoned by his name, the door slid open and Ijichi hurried in. His tie was askew and there was a sheen of sweat on his forehead. He clutched a stack of papers to his chest like a shield.

"Is everyone here?" he asked, his voice pitched slightly higher than normal. "Good, good. Please, take your seats quickly."

We all scrambled to comply, the scraping of chairs filling the room. I settled into my usual spot, leaning back and affecting an air of casual indifference. No need to let on how curious—and yes, a bit concerned—I actually was.

Ijichi cleared his throat, shuffling his papers nervously. "I'm sure you're all wondering why I've called you here on such short notice. We've received reports of two powerful curses manifesting at the Eishuu Juvenile Detention Center. Multiple civilians have witnessed it, and based on the descriptions... we believe it may be a Special Grade threat."

A tense silence fell over the room. Special Grade curses were no joke – even experienced jujutsu sorcerers struggled against them. And they wanted to send in a bunch of first-years?

"Uh, quick question," Nobara asked. "Shouldn't you be calling in, I don't know, actual pros for this? No offense, but we're not exactly equipped to handle a Special Grade."

Ijichi nodded. "Normally, yes. But all of our more experienced teams are currently deployed on other missions. You four are the only ones available."

"Great," Nobara muttered. "So we're the B-team."

Megumi stepped forward, his face set in its usual serious expression. "What exactly are we dealing with? Do we have any more information on this curse?"

Ijichi shook his head. "Details are scarce. We know it manifested within the detention center itself, and that it's powerful enough to be visible to non-sorcerers. Beyond that..." He spread his hands helplessly.

"So we're going in blind," I said. "Against a potentially Special Grade curse. In a juvenile detention center full of civilians who can see it. Sounds like a great plan."

Ijichi winced. "I understand your concerns, but-"

"When do we leave?" Yuji interrupted.

We all turned to stare at him. "Are you serious?" Nobara asked. "Did you miss the part about this being a suicide mission?"

Yuji grinned. "Come on, where's your sense of adventure? This is what we've been training for!"

"We've been training for about a month," Megumi pointed out. "Hardly enough time to take on a Special Grade."

"Maybe not alone," Yuji said, "but together? We've got this!"

I couldn't help but admire his enthusiasm, misplaced as it was. But enthusiasm wouldn't count for much against a curse powerful enough to be seen by normal people.

"Itadori's right," Ijichi said, though he didn't sound particularly convinced. "You four are the best chance we have right now. Meet me at the car in 15 minutes."

I gripped the armrest as Ijichi took another sharp turn, the SUV's tires screeching against the pavement. Tokyo's neon-lit streets blurred past, fading into unfamiliar territory. The weight of our mission pressed down on me, a stark contrast to the carefree training session just hours ago.

Wedged between Kugisaki and Itadori, I tried to focus on the task ahead. Kugisaki's elbow dug into my ribs with each bump in the road, her fruity shampoo scent an odd counterpoint to the tension in the air. On my right, Itadori fidgeted restlessly, his usual boundless energy contained in twitching fingers and darting glances.

Fushiguro's voice cut through the silence, low and terse. "If it is Special Grade, we prioritize containment. Get everyone out that we can."

"Evacuate?" Nobara scoffed. "We can't just turn tail and run."

"We gotta do something," Itadori insisted, his voice tight. "Right?"

Fushiguro remained silent, his grip on the handrail white-knuckled.

"Eishuu Detention Center - 3km," Ijichi announced, his tone flat.

Three kilometers. The distance seemed to stretch endlessly, each meter bringing us closer to an unknown threat. But as the dread settled in my gut, another emotion rose to meet it - a fierce, almost reckless confidence.

I'd taken down ten Grade One curses before. What was one more, even if it was Special Grade? Maybe this was the chance I'd been waiting for, to prove myself and fully secure a future for Sister Maria and the kids.

The SUV jerked to a halt, snapping me out of my thoughts. Ijichi's voice was clinical as he briefed us. "All civilians within a 500-meter radius have been evacuated. If you encounter the Special Grade, retreat immediately. Your mission is to confirm if there are survivors and rescue them if possible."

We piled out of the vehicle, greeted by a cluster of grim-faced officials huddled near a police barricade. Their hushed tones and strained expressions spoke volumes about the gravity of the situation.

A woman's anguished cry pierced the night. "Please! Where's my son?" She struggled against a suited man's grip, her face a mask of desperation. "Tadashi! Is Tadashi okay?"

Ijichi stepped forward, his reply measured and devoid of emotion. "Ma'am, you need to leave the area. There's been a possible gas leak in the compound. We can't disclose any further information at this time."

The woman collapsed, her wails cutting through me like a knife. "No... why is this happening?"

Her cries transported me back to a sterile hospital hallway. The same despair, the same helplessness...

I clenched my fists, pushing the memory aside. This was different. 

"We're wasting time," I growled, striding towards the detention center's looming gates. 

Fushiguro fell into step beside me, his expression unreadable. "Remember the plan. We stick together, assess the situation, and-"

"And what?" I snapped. "Run away at the first sign of trouble? I didn't sign up to be a coward."

Nobara's voice rang out behind us. "Hey, hotshot! Wait up!" She jogged to catch up, Itadori on her heels. "You got a death wish or something?"

"No wish. Just confidence."

Itadori's eyes gleamed with excitement. "That's the spirit! We can take on anything if we work together!"

Fushiguro sighed, but drew his weapon. "Fine. But we move cautiously. No heroics."

The woman's sobs faded as we approached the Detention Center. Ijichi's footsteps echoed in the eerie silence, each step bringing us closer to the unknown threat lurking inside.

"Alright, I'm bringing down the 'screen.' Please be careful," Ijichi said, his voice barely above a whisper.

He closed his eyes and began to chant, "Emerge from the darkness, blacker than darkness. Purify that which is impure."

I looked up, watching as a dark substance descended from the sky, enveloping the Detention Center in a protective dome. The barrier pressed down around us, cutting us off from the outside world.

Fushiguro spoke quietly, "The screen is to hide us from the outside."

He made a quick hand sign and said, "Jade Hound." A white wolf-like creature materialized beside him.

"He'll let us know when the curse is closer," Fushiguro explained.

The Jade Hound sniffed the air, ears pricked, then padded silently ahead. We followed, tension coiling in my gut.

As we entered the building, reality warped around us. The cramped hallway we expected dissolved into an impossibly vast space. Row after row of buildings and pipes stretched into the darkness, the ceiling so high it vanished from sight.

"What the hell is this?" I blurted out, my eyes darting around, trying to make sense of our surroundings.

Itadori's voice quivered beside me. "This is supposed to be a two-story dorm building, right?"

"Maybe it's a condo? Chill out," Kugisaki said, but her usual bravado rang hollow.

Fushiguro's voice was tight as he spoke. "No. This isn't a condo. It's... an Innate Domain. The territory of a curse, created from its cursed energy. I've never seen one this big before."

I spun around, searching for the way we came in. "Where's the door?"

Everyone turned. Where the entrance should have been, there was only a tangle of pipes and concrete. Our escape route had vanished.

"Shit," I muttered, clenching my fists. I took a deep breath, forcing myself to focus. "Alright, we're in. Now what?"

Fushiguro's eyes narrowed as he scanned our surroundings. "We stick to the plan. Find survivors, avoid engagement with the curse if possible."

Itadori bounced on his toes, eyes wide with a mix of excitement and nervousness. "But how do we even start? This place is huge!"

I glanced at the endless rows of buildings stretching into the darkness. He had a point. Searching this labyrinth could take days, and we didn't have that kind of time.

"We split up," I said, earning sharp looks from the others. "Cover more ground that way."

"Are you insane?" Nobara hissed. "That's how people die in horror movies!"

I rolled my eyes. "This isn't a movie, Kugisaki. It's our job. And right now, there could be kids trapped in here who need our help."

Fushiguro shook his head. "It's too dangerous. We don't know what we're dealing with."

"Exactly," I countered. "Which is why we need to gather information as quickly as possible. Two teams can cover more ground than one."

Itadori nodded enthusiastically. "I'm with Kantaro on this one. We can't just stand around while people might be in trouble!"

Fushiguro sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Fine. But we stay in contact. At the first sign of trouble, we regroup. Understood?"

We all nodded, the gravity of the situation settling over us.

"Alright," Fushiguro said. "Itadori, you're with me. Kugisaki, you go with Kantaro. Keep your cursed energy suppressed as much as possible. We don't want to attract unwanted attention."

I glanced at Nobara. "Try to keep up, country girl."

She scowled. "Just don't slow me down, city boy."

We moved silently through the twisted landscape, our footsteps muffled by an oppressive silence. The air felt thick, heavy with cursed energy that made my skin crawl.

"This place gives me the creeps," Nobara muttered, her eyes darting from shadow to shadow.

I grunted in agreement, scanning our surroundings for any sign of movement. "Stay alert. We don't know what-"

A scream pierced the air, echoing off the walls and pipes. We froze, exchanging a quick glance before breaking into a run towards the sound.

As we rounded a corner, we came face to face with a group of terrified teenagers huddled against a wall. Their eyes widened as they saw us, a mix of fear and hope on their faces.

"Are you here to save us?" one of them asked, his voice trembling.

I nodded, keeping my voice low and calm. "We're here to help. What happened?"

A girl with tear-streaked cheeks spoke up. "We were in our cells, and then... everything changed. The walls started melting, and there was this... thing. It burned Kenji!"

Nobara knelt beside the girl, her voice uncharacteristically gentle. "What did it look like? The thing that burned your friend?"

The girl shuddered. "It was white, like a pale white. And its eyes... oh god, its eyes..."

I exchanged a grim look with Nobara. This was definitely our Special Grade curse.

"Alright, listen up," I said, addressing the group. "We're going to get you out of here, but you need to stay close and do exactly as we say. Understood?"

They nodded, clinging to each other as they stood.

I raised a hand, signaling for the group to halt. Scanning the area, my eyes landed on a small concrete building tucked between two larger structures. Unlike everything else in this twisted domain, it appeared untouched by the curse's influence. No melting walls or warped dimensions, just a plain metal door set into the facade.

"There," I said, nodding towards the building. "No cursed energy signatures coming from it. You'll be safe inside while we continue the search." 

The teenagers exchanged wary glances but didn't argue. We approached cautiously, senses alert for any sign of the curse's return. At the door, I hesitated, laying a palm against the cool metal. A faint hum of power thrummed beneath my touch - protective wards, strong enough to withstand even a Special Grade's aura. This place had been prepared specifically as a shelter.

I slid the door open, revealing a small room lined with benches and supply cabinets. It wasn't glamorous, but it would serve its purpose. 

"Get inside, quick but quiet," I instructed the group. "Barricade the door behind us. Do not open it again until someone gives the all-clear knock - three taps, a pause, then two more. Understood?"

Mute nods answered me as they filed past into relative safety. Before following, I turned to Nobara. 

"Kugisaki, you stay with them. Make sure no one tries anything stupid." I kept my voice low.

"Like hell I'm staying behind," she hissed, keeping her voice low but fierce. "You think I'm some damsel to be protected? I'm a jujutsu sorcerer, same as you."

"This isn't about protection, Kugisaki. Someone needs to guard these kids."

"Then you do it," she shot back. "I didn't come here to play babysitter. I came to fight curses."

I studied her for a moment, taking in the determination etched across her features. There was fear there too, buried deep, but it was overshadowed by a stubborn resolve that I couldn't help but admire.

"Fine," I said, surprising myself as much as her. "But you follow my lead. No unnecessary risks."

Nobara's grin was fierce. "Wouldn't dream of it."

Turning back to the huddled group of teenagers, I quickly explained the change of plans. "Stay put, keep quiet, and remember the knock. We'll be back as soon as we can."

As we slipped out of the shelter, I caught Nobara's eye. "Ready to face a Special Grade?"

She twirled one of her nails between her fingers, a determined glint in her eye. "Born ready. Let's show this curse what we're made of."