[18] The Lion Among Sheep

With Akuma:

I stumbled out of the now-normal school building, my body aching from the intense battle I'd just fought. The adrenaline was fading, replaced by a bone-deep exhaustion that made every step a challenge. But I couldn't rest yet. Something wasn't right.

Gritting my teeth against the pain, I activated my Sense ability, pushing my awareness outward. Two cursed signatures flared to life in my mind's eye. One I recognized as Fushiguro's, but the other... It was overwhelmingly powerful and dark, a malevolent presence that could only belong to one being: Sukuna.

"Damn it," I cursed under my breath. Every instinct screamed at me to walk away, to let someone else handle this mess. I'd done my part, hadn't I? But the image of Fushiguro's determined face flashed through my mind, and I knew I couldn't abandon him.

My head pounded as I tapped into my Temporal Shift, feeling the familiar rush of power flood my system. It hurt like hell, but I didn't have a choice. I had to move fast.

I launched myself towards the two signatures. The world blurred around me as I rocketed through the air, my body protesting every second. I spotted them in a clearing - Fushiguro on the ground, a pink-haired man standing over him with a cruel smirk.

I didn't hesitate. As soon as he was in reach, I slammed into the man with a punch that would have shattered concrete. He stumbled back, caught off guard by my sudden appearance.

I stood between Fushiguro and Sukuna, my body thrumming with the power of the Temporal Shift. Every nerve ending screamed in protest, but I pushed the pain aside. There was no time for weakness now.

"Just who the hell do you think I am?" I called out.

I heard Fushiguro's whisper behind me. "Kantaro... What happened to you?"

Sparing him a quick glance, I replied, "I'll explain later, Fushiguro. Right now, we've got bigger fish to fry."

Turning back to Sukuna, I cracked my knuckles, a habit I'd picked up in the underground fights. It was familiar, grounding. I needed that now, facing down the King of Curses himself.

"Now then," I said, my voice low and dangerous. "Let's see what you're really made of, shall we?"

Sukuna's lips curled into a smirk that sent chills down my spine.

"Well, well," he drawled, his voice dripping with amusement. "To think a descendant of the great Fujiwara Clan made it all the way to today."

My brow furrowed. "Fujiwara Clan? What are you talking about?"

Sukuna's eyes glinted with malice. "Oh? You don't know your own heritage? How... disappointing."

"Stop playing games. What do you know about my family?"

He chuckled, a sound that made my skin crawl. "Now, now. Where's the fun in just telling you? Figure it out yourself, little Fujiwara."

This wasn't the time for a history lesson, no matter how much I wanted answers. I had to focus on the threat at hand.

"Enough," I growled. "Whatever game you're playing, it ends now. Let Itadori go."

Sukuna's grin widened, revealing sharp teeth. "And why would I do that? This vessel is quite comfortable."

I shifted my stance, readying myself for a fight. "Then I guess we'll have to make you uncomfortable."

"Ready to dance, little Fujiwara?"

I didn't waste breath on a reply. My hands blurred, cards fanning between my fingers. With a flick of my wrist, they sailed through the air, edges gleaming with cursed energy.

Sukuna's laughter echoed off the walls as he swatted the cards aside like gnats. "Parlor tricks? Is that the best you can do?"

The air around him shimmered, distorting like a heat haze. My instincts screamed danger. I dove to the side just as an invisible force cleaved through the space I'd occupied. Concrete crumbled, a deep gash carved into the floor.

"Not bad," Sukuna drawled. "You've got good reflexes. This might actually be fun."

I rolled to my feet, adrenaline singing in my veins. The cursed energy emanating from Sukuna was suffocating, a miasma of malevolence that threatened to choke me. But beneath the fear, a thrill of excitement sparked to life.

This was what I'd been training for. A true test of my abilities.

I launched myself forward, closing the distance in a heartbeat. Sukuna's eyes widened a fraction – surprise? My fist connected with his jaw, a satisfying crack echoing.

Sukuna stumbled back, more shocked than hurt. "Well, well," he said, rubbing his chin. "You've got some bite after all."

I pressed my advantage, unleashing a flurry of strikes. Jabs, hooks, kicks – I poured everything I had into the assault. Sukuna blocked and dodged, but I could see the glimmer of genuine interest in those blood-red eyes.

"Not bad, not bad at all," he murmured, almost to himself. "You might actually be worth keeping around."

His hand shot out, faster than I could track. Fingers closed around my throat, lifting me off my feet. I clawed at his grip, struggling for air.

Sukuna's face loomed close, his breath hot against my ear. "But don't get cocky, brat. You're still centuries too young to challenge me."

With a casual flick, he tossed me across the concrete. I slammed into the wall, stars exploding behind my eyes. Every breath was agony – ribs definitely cracked, if not broken.

I forced myself to my feet, swaying slightly. Sukuna watched with an amused smirk, clearly savoring the moment.

"Done already?" he taunted. "And here I thought you might provide some entertainment."

I spat blood, meeting his gaze with defiance. "I'm just getting started."

Cursed energy surged through me, a familiar warmth that set my nerves alight. I reached into my pocket, fingers closing around a deck of cards. Not just any cards – my trump card, quite literally.

"Charge and Accelerate," I whispered, infusing the deck with my power.

Sukuna's eyes narrowed, his posture shifting ever so slightly. He sensed the change, the escalation of our little dance.

I fanned the cards, each one glowing with an eerie light. "Let's see how you handle this, Your Majesty."

The cards erupted from my hand in a deadly storm. Each one was a missile, imbued with enough cursed energy to level a building. They screamed through the air, leaving trails of light in their wake.

Sukuna's grin turned feral. He raised a hand, and the air around him shimmered once more. "Dismantle."

The invisible force lashed out, slicing through my cards like tissue paper. But I was ready this time. As the cards were cut, they detonated, filling the air with explosions of cursed energy.

Through the chaos, I charged. Sukuna's attention was split, trying to track the remaining cards while keeping an eye on me. It was the tiniest of openings, but it was all I needed.

I ducked under a swipe of his arm, coming up inside his guard. My fist, charged with cursed energy, slammed into his solar plexus. For a brief, glorious moment, I saw genuine shock in those inhuman eyes.

Sukuna stumbled back, actually winded. "You little–"

I didn't let him finish. I pressed forward, unleashing everything I had. Fists, feet, elbows – every strike precise, every movement calculated.

For a few precious seconds, I had the upper hand. Sukuna was on the defensive, forced to block and dodge. But with each passing moment, I could feel the tide turning. His surprise was fading, replaced by a cold, calculating fury.

"Enough," Sukuna growled.

A wave of cursed energy exploded outward, sending me flying. I hit the ground hard, skidding across the broken concrete.

Sukuna stood tall, his eyes blazing with an infernal light. The air around him warped and twisted, reality itself seeming to bend to his will.

"I'll admit, you've impressed me," he said, his voice oddly calm. "But playtime is over."

The pressure increased tenfold. It felt like gravity itself was crushing down on me, forcing me to my knees. I gasped for air, struggling against the overwhelming force.

Sukuna approached, each step deliberate and unhurried. "You have potential, little Fujiwara. More than I expected. But you're still just a child playing at being a sorcerer."

He crouched down, grabbing a fistful of my hair and yanking my head back. Those crimson eyes bore into mine, filled with a mixture of curiosity and contempt.

"Tell me," he purred, "do you know why I'm so interested in your bloodline?"

I gritted my teeth, refusing to give him the satisfaction of an answer. Sukuna chuckled, a low, menacing sound that sent chills down my spine.

"The Fujiwara Clan," he continued, his voice taking on a lecturing tone, "was once one of the most powerful families in all of Japan. They held sway over emperors, shaped the course of history. But their true power? It came from their mastery of cursed energy."

His grip tightened, sending fresh waves of pain through my scalp. "Your ancestors were some of the most formidable and dangerous sorcerers I ever encountered. They understood that true strength comes from embracing the darkness, not running from it."

I struggled to process his words through the haze of pain and exhaustion. My family... sorcerers?

Sukuna's eyes glittered with malicious glee. "Oh, you didn't know? How delightful. Your own family kept you in the dark about your heritage. Tell me, boy – how does it feel to be a lion raised among sheep?"

"You're... lying," I managed to growl, though the words lacked conviction even to my own ears.

Sukuna threw back his head and laughed, a sound of genuine amusement. "Lying? Oh, you naive child. I have no need for lies. The truth is far more delicious."

He released his grip, letting me slump to the ground.

"You have potential," Sukuna mused, almost to himself. "Raw talent, certainly. But you lack... refinement. The true understanding of what it means to wield cursed energy."

I heard movement behind me, and Fushiguro's voice cut through the haze of pain. "He's running purely off adrenaline. It's a surprise he can even stay standing right now."

I wanted to snap at him, to tell him I didn't need his concern. But the words died in my throat as Fushiguro locked eyes with Sukuna, his voice filled with a resolve I hadn't expected.

"I don't have a logical reason for saving you then. Even if it was dangerous, I didn't want to see a good person like you die. I made a selfish choice driven by emotions, but that's fine. I'm not a hero; I'm a sorcerer. That's why I never regretted saving you, Yuji."

The air seemed to shift, and I watched in stunned silence as the tattoos adorning Yuji's body began to fade away. It was like watching ink dissolve in water, leaving behind only Yuji's battered form.

Yuji's eyes found mine, and he managed a weak smile. "I see. I think the way you live your truth is right. But I don't think my way is wrong either."

I wanted to move, to do something, anything. But my body refused to cooperate. I could only watch, helpless, as Yuji coughed, blood spattering the ground.

"Sorry, guys," he wheezed, his voice barely above a whisper. "It looks like it's time for me. I don't have to worry about you guys and Gojo-sensei, right? Live long, will ya?"

And then he fell forward, hitting the ground with a sickening thud.

I stared at Yuji's motionless form, my mind refusing to process what I'd just witnessed. This couldn't be happening. We were supposed to be teammates, to face these challenges together. And now...

I fought to hold back the tears threatening to spill from my eyes. We were training to be sorcerers, for fuck's sake. But in the end, what good did it do? We completely lost to the curses.

I wanted to scream, to rage against the unfairness of it all. But I didn't have the energy. Everything I had, I'd poured into that fight with Sukuna. And for what? To watch helplessly as Itadori died anyway?

As my energy drained away, I felt a familiar darkness creeping in at the edges of my vision. But I fought against it, gritting my teeth. I couldn't pass out, not now. Not when Fushiguro might need me. Not when there might still be curses waiting to pounce.

But who was I kidding? What could I do in this state? My body pushed far beyond its limits. I was useless. Weak.
