R18 uwuuu

"No you're pregnant, you sit on the stool there .."

Haeun eyes followed Yeongsoo's fingers as he stared at the stool before shaking his head.

"I'm pregnant not useless, I want to help.."

Yeongsoo sighed and nodded, since Haeun insisted on helping out.

"Alright let's do it together.."

As Haeun dried the last dish, he tossed a playful glance at Yeongsoo, who was scrubbing a pot. "You know, I never expected a rich kid like you to be so good at chores. Did your parents make you do this?"

Yeongsoo glanced over his shoulder, a smirk playing on his lips. "My parents were always busy. My two older brothers practically raised me, but they were also busy, so I had to fend for myself at times."

"Really? I would have thought you had maids and butlers for that," Haeun teased, running the towel over a plate.