"In the ruins, we found a hidden system controlling the mist, older than the Technomancers' tech. The city used to manage its own air. Now everything's twisted by the new network. Also, we nearly got killed by some ancient guardian."
Vyrelda's tone was flat. "We took care of it. Or shut it down for now."
Rhea's eyes gleamed with curiosity. "A guardian? That's definitely not standard city architecture."
"It was… something else," Mikhailis said, recalling the swirling, semi-sentient mist that had tried to rip them apart. "And it confirms that the Crownless House wants to free this old system. But their idea of 'freeing' might be seizing it for themselves."
Cerys's mouth hardened into a line. "So we can't trust them. They might just become a second Technomancer tyranny."