Beneath the Streets of Luthadel (1)

The streets of Luthadel were chaos.

The heavy clang of armored boots echoed through the alleyways, mixing with the distant wails of frightened citizens. The Technomancer enforcers moved like an unyielding tide, shoving people aside, dragging them from their homes, and restraining those who dared to resist. Above, the sky darkened with the haze of mist, its tendrils creeping unnaturally through the buildings, as if it were watching.

Shouts rang out from a nearby square, followed by the sharp crackle of magical energy—one of the Technomancers' suppressor spells. A bright flash lit up the fog-ridden streets for a moment, revealing a group of civilians attempting to flee before being intercepted. Resistance was met with brute force—one man tried to run, only to be struck down by an enforcer's gauntlet, his body convulsing from the electric discharge. A woman screamed as she was pulled away, her cries lost beneath the methodical, unrelenting advance of the enforcers.