The Labyrinth’s Last Secret

"So down it is." He forced a grin that he didn't quite feel. "I guess up is overrated anyway."

They turned toward the lower passage, each step echoing on the slick floor. The further they went, the more Mikhailis felt an odd energy thrumming through his skull, like static before a storm. Rhea's limp grew more pronounced, but she clenched her jaw, refusing to complain.

At last, they emerged into a cavern that was big enough to stand in comfortably. The faint glow of runes traced the walls in bizarre patterns—spirals, sigils, branching lines that almost resembled tree roots. The fragment's light brightened, illuminating jagged rocks and the glimmer of water pooling around their boots.

Another subtle quake made dust fall from above. Mikhailis braced himself, heart pounding, but the ceiling held for the moment. He could see small cracks, though, creeping like spiderwebs. No telling how much time they had left before everything came crashing down.