
Writer-Farzana Zannat (Tanju)

Coming to the room and turning on the LED screen, Megh was shocked.

I am not in the room,,, the room is completely empty,,,, a fear comes to Megh's mind, a familiar fear comes to Veer.

in his mind

--" Where did the girl go???"

Just then I entered the room with a jug of water in my hand, Megh breathed a sigh of relief seeing her.

Today for the first time Megh Chowdhury understands what fear is,,, a lake pond is beating loudly,,, Megh Chowdhury who has killed so many people is afraid of losing her Barbie Doll,,,


next day

I am ready to go to college.

Everyone is chatting in the canteen,, I also go there and join.,,

"What are you talking about?"

--" Hey rain,,, there is one day left tomorrow,,, I don't know what to do in this one day,,,"

--"Hey don't worry,,,I have done all the planning for tomorrow,,,now we all have to work together,,,come with me"

-- "But where to go" said Chhoea

--"Hey come with me,"

We all passed by the college and arrived in front of a beautiful lake.

Our college is surrounded by nature. There is a lake behind the college.

All the students are standing there,,, I stand in front of everyone and say,,

--" Everyone listen to me carefully,,, tomorrow is the freshman reception ceremony,,, the stage is ready,,, now everyone can decorate beautifully," I shouted.,,

All together said, "Yes!"

( Let me say something about myself,,, I am a famous student here,,, everyone respects me,,, no less in any way,,)

Everyone starts work,,,if everyone works together,,any work can be completed easily,,,

At 8 o'clock in the night, all the work is finished.

Principal sir comes and says,,,

--"Wow!! I didn't know that my students had so much math,,,"

-- Moon said, "No, sir, we deserve these credits, and if we hadn't brought everyone together, none of this would have happened."

--"No,,Sir Moon is saying more and more,,,It's not my credit, all the credit is ours,"

-- Principal sir put his hand on my head and said, "Grow up in life mom,"

I smile a little,

"Sir, I had a little talk with you,"


--"Sir,, I am saying,,, Ka..l,,, if the chief had told the guest,," I asked in a warm voice,,,

Sir smiled and said,

--"Rain,,,I have known you for a long time,,so you can't trap me in the net of your sweet words,,,surprise when I say surprise,,,"

Sir said the words and left,,,I am standing with a puffed face,,,"Whoever will come",,what is there to pretend so much,,so I don't understand.

I walked towards the car fuming with anger,,, how the driver uncle was looking at me,,,I didn't understand anything,,,I got in the car,,,then the uncle was looking at me,,,it seems to be telling me, "I'm done today"

I put my body on the car seat without giving any more,,, today is very stressful,,,

I almost fell asleep,,, uncle's call broke the darkness,,,, uncle said,,

--" Mamuni has come,,,"

I am also standing at the door of the house ringing the bell when I am sleepy. Aunty comes and opens the door. Aunty asks in a worried voice.

--"Mamuni, where have you been all this time??"

Api came to the door hearing the sound of the calling bell and saw me running to me and hugging me and asked.

"Where did you go, you know how tense we were,"

--" hey aunty,,and you,,don't stress,,just chill,,i was in college,,actually tomorrow is the function,,busy in decorating,,,well listen i won't eat anything,,,khun tired,now take a rest"

As I said that, I went up the stairs,,,while going, I noticed,,Uncle, Surya Biya,Api,Aunty,,the driver was looking at me with the same eyes as an uncle,,I didn't play that way anymore,,,

Everyone took a deep breath after I left.

You ask to sit on the sofa.

-- "Give Dol endurance today, Allah."

-- "Amen"

Everyone said together


I came to the room and saw how dark the room is,,,I don't like darkness again,,,so I turned on the light in the room without looking around,,threw the bag on the bed and took a towel and went to the bathroom.,,,

After about 30 minutes, he came out of the bathroom,,,I was startled like seeing a ghost when I looked ahead,,,I said with a trembling voice,,,,


--" Why wasn't Barbie Doll supposed to come," looking down with a wry smile.

As Megh looked forward, her eyes closed,,,I was just wrapped in a white towel,,,seeing Megh looking at me,,,I realized my situation and ran to the washroom,,,before Megh grabbed my hand and threw me on the bed. ,,,

Holding my hands tightly, gritting my teeth and saying angrily,

--" Where were you,,, tell me what happened, where were you,, don't feel the need to pick up the call,,,, tell me what happened."

-- "Ah... actually, I'm busy... I was so...

"Where's your phone," he said in a calm voice.

I gestured to the table.

Megh got up from above me and took my phone in his hand and hit it a bit and broke the phone.

I am shocked and crying face looking at my phone that just left,,, I looked up from the phone and looked at the cloud and said,,,

--" What did it do,,,you go,,,how many pictures were there of me,,,yeah,,yeah,,yeah,,my foooooon"

I burst into tears.

"Shut up, shut up."

Agyat I have to keep quiet,,, Megh says in a serious voice,,,

--" What will happen if you keep the things that will not be of any use?"

--" So you say..."

--" Did I tell you to keep quiet," he said in an angry tone.

--" I fell silent again,,,"

The cloud says again,

--" Why didn't you eat anything??"

i am quiet

--" Tell me what happened??"

I show her the closed mouth,,,, Megh says with an annoyed breath,,,

--" Don't be silent when you talk to me,,,"

Now I started saying,,,

--"Actually,,,I ate with my friends today, so I won't eat anything else,"

-- "Okay but I need something to eat."

staring at me drunkenly,

I'm thinking to myself, "This bastard is not good, he has to be kicked out of here."

The cloud keeps coming towards me one step at a time, suddenly it comes in front of me, the hot breath of the cloud is on my face.

--" Hey you, what are you doing here??"

The cloud quickly moved away from me,,,looked back and saw no one,,,by that time I had crossed the pogar,,means straight to the washroom with my clothes on,,,

When Megh returns to the front, he looks shocked for a while, then laughs.

--" How long Barbie Doll,,,How long will you hide from me,,,I will bring you to me very soon,,,,,,I can't live without you anymore"

He left the room with a crooked smile,,,I peeked from the bathroom after a while,,,did the devil come in the house,,,No, no,,, so I jumped out,,,As soon as I looked at the phone, the mood struck twelve. ,,

I began to curse Megh a thousand times in my heart


11 pm,,,Choea is getting ready to sweat,,,then there is a call on her phone,,,

Choya receives the call,,,

--" Hello,,,Hello,,who is speaking"


--" What happened,, why aren't you talking,,, why are you calling if you don't talk" Choya says in a hoarse voice.

--"Baby Girl" says someone from the other side of the phone in a drunken voice.

--" This KK baby girl,, don't get a place to screw up,,,so many scumbags,"

So hang up the phone.

The person on the other side says,,,

--" Ugh! Baby girl,,,I fell in love with you on the first day,,,I want you,,,"

Saying this, the person gives a crooked smile,,, hugs the photo of Chha on the phone to his chest and falls asleep.,,


in the morning

Got up early,,, started getting ready,,, that time aunt came to the room,,,

--" Where are you going getting ready so early in the morning?"

--"Hey aunty don't talk about that again,,,Actually there is a function in the college today,,,so I have to go soon,"I said holding the saree on my chest,,,

Aunty saw me and took kajal from the side and put it near my ear and said, "Don't let anyone notice my mamuni, today you look like an opsari".

Uncle comes from behind and says, "You don't notice."

-- "What did you say, I will get my attention" said angrily.

Two people are quarreling about this,,,I understand their quarrel will not stop now,,,I slowly take the purse and leave.,,

I left for college by car.

"Since this morning, the moron is nowhere to be seen,, where did he go,,, who knows where he killed my poor phone yesterday, and ran away,, so far Choya has called me and the phone has been turned off.

Thinking about this, the car braked, I was a bit unprepared and leaned forward.

The driver called uncle.

--" I have come Mamuni,,,"

I got down from the car,,, looking at the same, I am standing like a Vulcano,,,

I swallowed dry mouth and went to her and closed my eyes and said in one breath,,,

--" sorry sorry sorry,,it's not my fault,,that devil killed my phone"

I opened my eyes and saw that Choya was looking at me like a fool,,, I realized that he did not understand anything about my words.,,

"What are you talking about, rain?"

Exactly what I thought,,, Choya didn't understand anything of my words,,,I took a deep breath and put my hand on her shoulder,,,

-- "Let's talk inside"

As I went inside with her, I told all the writers_Farzana_Jannat_Tanju,,,After hearing all this, I burst out laughing again,,,I don't understand where this girl's smile comes from in my bad times,,,

For this Bodhay says "har ek friend kamina hota he".

--" That Kuwi,,,What happened to so much laughter,,,He killed my phone,,,And you are laughing" I put the key on Choya's back and clenched my teeth.

--" Sorry ear,,,actually broke the phone so as not to pick up the phone,"

--" That's why I don't understand why you always interfere in my life,,,, a rude person,"

-- "I guess I know why."

I asked with a raised eyebrow, "Why???"

-- "Megh brother, love for you, for this reason, always has power over you"

-- I laughed out loud after listening to Choya and said, "That devil and love,,, anger is always at the tip of the nose,,, I don't like so much anger."

--" Yes,,but how can you lose all your courage in front of this,,,you were slapped that day,,you could not say anything,,,you were slapped on the day of the reception, you could not say anything,,,,as far as I know you If any boy dares to lay a hand on you, you bury him on the ground,,, then where does all the courage go in front of Megh Bhai"

--" Really,,,why can't I do anything like that man,,,and why does the heartbeat come out when the man comes near,,,no, it is always a gastric problem, you should see a doctor,"

I am thinking about all these things, then I look ahead and see how everyone is looking at me, I ask in my ear.

--" What's the matter? Why is everyone looking at me like this?"

-- "Today you saw yourself in the mirror"

--" Why did he say,, I forgot to come in a hurry,,, it looks very bad,,,

Choya dragged me to the culture room of the college and made me stand in front of the big mirror and said,

-- "Now look ahead"

I stopped looking ahead as she said,, black color is the most disliked for me,,, but now I am dressed in that color,,, wearing a black saree, white thread work on it,,, hair is polytoned,,, something is wrong. Golap Gantha,,, not much makeup on the face,,,

I started looking at myself.

Then Choya said, "Rain, you don't like black, so what do you do?"

I dive into the past with touching words,,,

a few hours ago

After waking up and going to the bathroom to freshen up, I put a packet on the table and put a note on it, "I will wear this saree in the college function today." I will go to college instead of

--" What are these? Who is this,,, and what do I wear? What does it matter??"

Then I think again, "But I don't have a saree with me, and the principal sir said, I have to wear a saree, I don't like it."

I took the saree and put it on, I didn't notice the collar of the saree because I was not in a good mood

I came back to reality with the sound of the phone,,,I got a call from an unknown number,,,I answered the call asking Choya to leave,,someone said from the other side of the phone,,,

-- I didn't think you would be so charming in your favorite color,,,

... That look of yours has killed me again and again....

. love love

He cut the phone after saying this,,,I am standing in shock,,,,

What is happening with me,,, at night, it seems that someone is holding me tightly,,,now this call again,,,what is the meaning of all this,,,

Then Moon comes and says,,,

--" Rain,, rain,, the time of chief guest has come,,, sir is calling you,"

I left those thoughts aside to welcome the chief guest.

I am standing in front of the college gate,,,five cars stopped in front,,,BMW black color car in the middle,,,two jeeps in front of it and two jeeps behind it,,,which have guards,,,

I'm eagerly waiting to see the chief guest,,,who is he so much hype for,,,,

It's not just me, every student has a situation,,,


--"But Sir Queen, what if he is busy with his personal life like this" said Riaz.

--" Don't forget Riaz and Maa have become senior ASP in three years,, by their own intelligence,,,he knows when to do what needs to be done,,,he doesn't like you talking about it,,,and yes King's case close it,

Saying that, Rahin Sir (to whom Quinn reports directly) leaves.

Riyaz looks at Raheen sir's departure and says with an awkward smile.

--" Nakto I will melt sir,, I don't like girls so many times,,, girls are made for boys,,, and to manage the house,,, I won't let a girl stumble over me there,,,"

Riaz leaves the room.

(To think of some people like Riyaz, girls in our society still think of their boys as slaves)

will continue,,