
Writer-Farzana Zannat (Tanju)

The next morning,

Uncle was sitting on the sofa watching the news,,,I was also going down for breakfast,,,Megh and everyone else were already at the table,,,

A news reached my ears,,,I stopped there,,hearing the news, everyone came near the TV.,,

The news was showing the mysterious murder of MP's son Raihan. It is suspected that the murder was done for revenge.

I was horrified to see the picture of the dead body on TV,,,He has been killed very brutally,,,Mihir and uncle look at Megh after seeing the picture,,,Megh takes a bite of the apple and looks at them with a crooked smile,,he eats again.,, ,

After seeing the condition of the body, they realized that it could not be anyone else but Megh,,,Only Megh could be so brutal,,,Only he did not become a mafia king,,,

You looked at me and said, "Doll, you are not a senior in college."

--" Hmmm what's up with that???" I ask with a raised eyebrow

-- "No, who killed the boy like that," said in a soft tone.

I said sternly, "What would I have done if I had seen him in front of me who was doing this?"

Everyone listens to me and looks at me like I am a creature from another planet,,,

I looked at everyone and said,

--" No wonder,,, Boys like him have no right to live,,, Those who can't respect girls deserve such death"

Cloud looked at me with some suspicion,, Cloud looked at me thinking,,

-- "His voice seems to be protesting today. There is a lot of anger and revenge in this voice."

I said to Aunty, "Aunty, feed me." The belly rats got tired of jumping, then they would die.

-- "Yes, yes, let's feed you"

Everyone is sitting at the table, everyone is eating.

I suddenly said, "Well, you go to the hospital now."

--" Hmmm, why??"

-- "No, actually, I will go to the restaurant on the road of your hospital, so deliver me."

Megh heard me and said in a serious voice from the middle,,,

--" Why,,,what is your job in the restaurant???"

"Why did I tell you that?"


-- "No sister, Megh is right, what are you doing there," said Surya Bhai, stopping Megh.

"Actually, my friend Mihi and Bappi have come, so I will meet them."

-- "Well, ok, I'll get you ready, come ready" you said.

I also went to jump,,,

A white long dress,,,hair puffed and tied in a bun,,white shoes on feet,,veil hanging around the neck,,

I went down with you.

I did not play, someone is looking at me with bloodshot eyes,,,

I left happy with you.

Api I am sitting in the car,,, you suddenly said to me,,,

--" Doll,, I will not return home today,, I have night shift,,, and father, mother, Surya will also go to a party,,, there will be no clouds either,,, I will go home quickly,,, I feel like"

-- "Ok Api,,, you will go,,,,,stop,stop,,stop here"

I went down in front of the restaurant and said bye to you.

As soon as I entered the restaurant, one person grabbed my eyes tightly, placed my hand over my eyes and uttered from my mouth, "Mihi".

Mihi came in front of me and stood smiling,,,I hugged her.,,

--" Where is the other one??"

--"Hey,,,Rain," said a boy from behind.

I turned back and saw a boy standing with a smile on his face.

I went and hugged the boy.

--" After so long I remembered you,,,you know how much I missed you,,,how much you have become in these 5 years,,,"

My throat was getting stuck.

Bappi Bhaiya put his hand on my head and said, "Damn crazy, you know what we do, why are you so angry?"

-- "Ok ok, now go inside"

Let's get to know each other as we go inside.

(Mihi Islam,,,age 25,,,very attractive to look at,,,what works, you will know with time,,,

Bappi Khan,,,age 26,,,my cousin brother,,,very handsome,,,Bappi's marriage with Mihi is fixed,,,

How do I meet them?

We went and sat at a table.

Bappi bhaiya orders me and Mihi's favorite food.

Until the food arrived, we were absorbed in the stories we had kept.


Chhoea is standing in front of a shop,,,looking once here and once again looking there,,,,this is the biggest battle in her life,,,which pendant to choose for her ears,,,

Still busy winning the same war,,,One time he looks at one pendant in his ear and another time another pendant.,,

But don't know which one to buy.

Choices are all,,, but only one,,,

Choya covered his face in frustration, that's when a male voice came from the side, "It will suit you."

Shows a pendant and says,,,

Choya looked to the side and saw Mihir standing.

Choya narrowed her eyes and said,,,

--" Hey,,,Poramukhi Badar,,what are you doing here???"

--" I came with a friend, I saw what Miss Jhagrute was thinking while sitting alone."

-- "I'm not Miss Jhagrute at all" said loudly,,,

Mihir holds a pendant in her hand and says,

"You look perfect."

-- "What, what did you say"

--" Where is nothing,,, (in mind) Is what to say. I was going"

--" I will not take what you like,,,your choice is too bad,,,"

Choya went straight out,,,Mihir looked at her leaving,,,

Choya comes back and peeks to see if Mihir is there or not.

--" No,,nowhere,,,Uummmmm,,what did you think,,I will leave such a beautiful pendant so easily,,,never,,,

But it must be said that Badar has a preference.

Picked up the pair of pendants and started to look at them,,, light hanging white stone pendants,, very unique design

Choya took the earring,,,

Seeing him take the pendant, Mihir gives a crooked smile.

--" Bah! Take the pendant I like,,,

Although secretly,,,But I Like It,,,Baby Girl,,,"

What was Mihir thinking when he came back to the shop and saw Chhaya trying to hide something, Mihir also hid to see what Chhaya wanted to do.


We three were laughing a lot,,,, Bappi bhaiya said,,,

--" This rain,,do you remember,,,4 years ago,,what we did with Mihi," he said with a smile,,,

I laugh out loud when I remember that day.

This smile is my tomorrow,,,Megh came to the same restaurant with some of his friends,,,hearing the sound of my laughter and looking back,,,eyes become hard,,,eyes immediately turn red,,,

I didn't notice him,,,but he is looking at me with bloodshot eyes,,,we don't care about that.,,

Mihi said while eating, "Where is this choya??"

--" He is busy with his world,, uncle's son's wedding tomorrow, he is busy shopping,"

--" Ugh! This girl's ghost of shopping is gone" Bappi Bhaiya says disappointedly.

Mihi laughed and said, "That is not possible in this world."

Some food gets on Mihi's clothes.

--" Is! If you don't wash it off from the bathroom, it will stain," I said.

--" Hmmm, I'm going"

As soon as Mihi left, a waiter came and gave her strawberry cake.

I'm staring at the cake with big eyes,,,

--" Ugh! Brother, the cake is so beautiful,,,I want to eat it all,,,"

--" My sister wants to eat now,,, "

He picked up a spoonful of cake and held it in front of my face.

Seeing this, Megh wrapped her hand in anger,,,applied ghee on it, then when I ate the cake from her hand,,,Megh ran out of there in a rage.,,

says in mind,

--" What you did today Barbie Doll will punish you,,," Devil leaves with a smile,,,

Walk around with them,,,come back home in the evening,,,

The whole house is empty,,, Apito has already said that,,,how is it heartbreaking,,,the whole house is plunged in darkness,,,there are no work people,,,,

Stuck in his room and his legs stopped.

A cloud is sitting on the table in front of me.

--" What is he doing here,,, Apito said he won't be at home then,,," (Thinking these things in my mind) I went to him and asked,,," What are you doing here in this room??"

My body trembled as he looked at me,,, his eyes were red like blood,,,, clearly angry in his eyes,,,, I swallowed a dry mouth and asked again,,,

-- "Tell me what happened."

Suddenly the cloud came up and grabbed my hair and brought me to him,,,screaming in an angry voice,,,

--"I forbade you,,,not to see any boys together,,,you don't understand good things,,,,you don't like to eat cake from another boy's hands,,,today I will make you such a situation that Can't even think of mixing with a boy a second time,"

I can't understand anymore that Megh has seen me with Bappi,,,,Megh trembled thinking what to do,,,I slapped him earlier and said,,Then seeing me like this will make my condition worse,,,I did that again.,, ,

I keep thinking about these things,,,back to the reality of Megh's scream,,,Megh shouts to the workman,,,

-- "bring"

The workers brought ten cakes by hand.

I am thinking in my mind, "Who will eat so many cakes,,, what does he want to do?"

"Ah...what will you do with so many cakes?" I asked with a trembling voice.

Megh says in a very calm voice,

--" Why do you eat Barbie Doll,, you like cake very much,,,"

I was shocked to hear about the cloud.

How can I eat 10 cakes,,,I looked at Megh with a pitiful look.

I said softly,

--"Please,,don't do that,,I will never do that again,,,please,"

-- "You should have thought of that before,"

Megh took my hand and sat me on the table.

He passed the cake to me.

-- "Eat,,,look there are all kinds of cakes"

I didn't shake my head.

"Please forgive me like this, never again," I cried.

Megh banged on the table and scolded loudly, "I didn't ask you to eat, eat quietly."

His words shook me to the core,,, I started to eat with my cuppa,,,, I took one bite with great difficulty,,, then it was not possible anymore,, I had already eaten so much in the restaurant, and now all this,,, I was getting very sick.,, ,

--" Please I can't anymore,,,let me go," I cried looking at the clouds,,,

But the fact that Megh's mind was not changed by my words is shown by her face,,,Megh said nothing and held a spoonful of cake towards my face,,,looking at her with tearful eyes was of no use,,,

I took the cake in my mouth and said to myself, "If I live today, I will never eat anything from another boy in my life."

And after taking two spoons in my mouth, I ran to the bathroom,,,gulped and vomited. Someone is holding me tightly.

I don't remember anything after that.

After 2 hours, I opened my eyes, I was lying on the bed, next to me, Megh came to sleep leaning on the bed. ,,,

As soon as I loosened the bandage, I realized that there was something liquid on my hand.

Megh's hand is bruised a lot,,,hit by something heavy,,,,looks at a corner of the wall,,,there is blood there,,,

I don't know what happened after that.

Looking at the face of the cloud, I kept thinking.

--" First he hurt me,,,then he hurt himself,,,in such a way,,,,the man went crazy,,,"

Megh's eyes widened and I looked at him,,,Megh's eyes were impossibly red and swollen,,,It is understood that he had cried a lot.

Megh got up quickly and put her hand on my cheek and asked.

--" Barbie Doll,, are you ok,,,no problem,,,"

He started to fill my mouth with countless kisses,,,I am just watching his madness,,, "So what Chhoei said right,,,Megh loves me,,,but Oto never said,,,and I also to him..."

Thinking of these things, I feel that Megh has merged me with her chest,,, Her chest sounds as if she is speaking,,, "Barbie Doll is only mine,"

After that, I could not understand what Megh said, I will not be happy with it.--" Why don't you understand that my chest bursts to hurt you,,,why do you do such things to punish you,,,why don't you understand, my chest or side hurts a lot when I see you with someone else,,,,why do you understand No Barbie Doll,,, love,,love,,,,love you too much,,,you are addicted you are dead,,,,without youI can't imagine anything,,,I can't spend a moment without you,,,Why don't you understand??"I am completely shocked,,,

--" That means the cloud loves me,,,somewhere seems to be happy,,,the reason is unknown,,,but this is my aunt's father-in-law's house,,,,"

--" Don't think so much Barbie Doll,,, just remember one thing what you do today,,,so that it doesn't happen in the future,,,there will be no one worse than me,,,,and don't even try to go away,,, , then its results will be very bad,,,

Even though she said it in a calm voice, why did Jani cut her face after hearing her words,,,

Seeing me sitting quietly Megh says with a crooked smile.

--" get ready and come down,,,stomach is empty to vomit,,,, will eat something,,,I wait,,,give 5 minutes time,,,to get ready,,,otherwise,,, I'll come and get it ready."

Megh left me and went down,,,I am still sitting on the bed,,,how is everything going over my head,,,when I thought of Megh getting ready again,,,I ran to washroom with clothes,,,


Choya was sitting at the table doing some work,,,the phone rang,,,that number one,,,Choya received the phone and said in a hoarse voice,,,

--" What is your problem,,,,why did you call again,,,you didn't answer for so long,,then why did you call again,,,"

--" Sorry baby girl,,,I was busy with an important work,,,,did my dear miss me,,,"

--" How much love,, who are you that you must miss,"

--" When the time comes, who can I go,,,, by the way,,, why did you take the pendant given by that Mihir today,,,, how dare he,, he should get the punishment for giving you a pendant,,, ," he said through gritted teeth.

--" You will not do anything to her,,,,it is not her fault,,,, "

--"Wow! Why do you have so much love for that two-day-old boy,,,I have to see him now,,,"

hang up the phone

--" Hello,,Hello,, cut off,,,God see that the man can't do any harm to Mihir,,,"

After touching the phone,

in a room

--" Wow! Baby girl so much care for Mihir,,,, seems you are slowly falling in love with him,,,good good,,,"

A crooked smile plays on the face,,,

This is how the days pass,

After 1 month

will continue,,