
Writer-Farzana Zannat (Tanju)

In the morning, everyone is sitting at the dining table.

Servants are serving food,,, Ammu says,,,

--" Now we have to go,,,It has been raining in this house for 2 months,,,Sister's father-in-law's house, how many more days can we stay,"

Megh's face became dark like a new moon after hearing that he was leaving, he didn't want to swallow his food, he was looking at me with one look, I am also in the same situation, I can't dare to look at him.

thinking in my mind

--" Why is it so painful,,, why do I,,,don't like this man,,,if I can go away, then why??"

His parents are looking at the cloud, they understand the boy's state of mind.

But they have nothing to do.

After a while, it was decided to leave.

Cloud left the dining table and went up.

The eyes were impossibly red,,,due to holding back tears,,,

It would be wrong to say that I finished eating,,, after hearing this, I know why I could not eat anymore.

Food was not coming down the throat.


I came to the room and started to pack my luggage, I was startled by the sound of the door closing

Looking back, the chest tightened with fear,,,,

A cloud stands before me with bloodshot eyes,,,,

I asked with a trembling voice.

-- ",,,"

--"Why,,,no actually I understand to be happy"

--"No,,,no,,not that,,,ah,,,ah,,,what are you,,,doing"

--" Not much,,,, I will take today's energy"

-- "Mother...means"

--"Mom...I mean you don't have to understand,,,Barbie Doll"

Suddenly Megh connected his lips with my lips,,,I was standing there as if unconscious for a while,,,after realizing what was happening, I started trying thousands of times to remove him from myself,,,kill,,punch,,pinch didn't spare anything,,,

But in front of his gymmed body my keel punches felt like small ants and elephants,,,

While kissing, he pushed me on the bed,,,I am dying of fear,,,, and God bless you,,,,

--"God save me,,,Aya aya aya"

I couldn't say anything from my mouth, so I was saying it in my mind and crying.

Now I dare to say,,,

--" Hey,,,What do you want to do,,,Luchu where are you,,Devil,,Badar,,,Red lizard,, Hanuman,,,Crocodile with cut off tail,,Badar with cut off ears,,,Red ant,,,"

Hearing my words, Megh looked at me in shock for a moment, then put his hands on both sides of me and said,

--" What do you say I'm luchu"

--" Yes,,,What I said wrong,,,If you see a girl, fall for it,,,,Otherwise, he would not be such a big boy and come to a girl's house like this."

--" When you call him luchu,,,do you have to show a little luchugiri"""

Without giving me a chance to say anything, Megh bit my throat,,,when I screamed,,,he held my face with his hand,,,

-- "ummmm ummm"

Megh doesn't care,,,she is busy with my throat,,,filling it with small bites and kisses,,,,a shiver runs through my whole body,,,,

Can't bear can't spread,,,

There is an obstacle somewhere.

After almost a long time, he got up from me and walked away.

Hearing the sound of her leaving, I sat down and looked in front of the mirror. My throat was completely red.

There are black spots on some places.

Blood rose to the head in anger.

--"Sala Rakshasa species,,What happened to my throat,,,What will I do now in front of everyone,,,Red bat,,,Luchu,,,Cockroach chop,,,Crocodile tikka kebab,,,Roast elephant foot,,, Lizard broth,,,If I have not eaten you, then my name and rain will not be,,,Shala how many born vukkar k gaane,,,I felt like I would eat myselfWanted,,,Shala Nana's house devil"-- "What language is this girl" says with bullying.

Looking back, that devil has come again,,,

--" They are calling you down,,,and yes,,,from now on, if you speak these languages, you will be informed," says Ragi in an angry voice,,,

I tiptoe to the door,,, I go and stand, keep the luggage a little away,,, put my hand on the door and say,,,

--" I will say it a hundred times,, what is your devil?"

After speaking, I opened the door and ran away.

Megh bangs against the door as she follows me.

I came down panting,,,mother asked,,,

--" Why do you play chasing ghosts?"

-- "Bhut na bhut na devil demon," I gasp.

No one understood anything, I hurriedly said,,,

--"Come on,,,"

I said goodbye to everyone and sat in the car.

But why,,,seem to be leaving something precious of myself,,,don't understand what am leaving,,,

Megh stands on her balcony watching us go,,,with a crooked smile on her face,,,,

Which means no one goes,,,

Barbie Doll


After eating at night, I came to the room and saw that the room light was off.

Someone is sitting on the bed.

My hands and feet started shaking with fear,,,,

I was about to walk out the door slowly,,,, then someone pulled me inside,,,,

I think I'm a ghost and scream loudly,,,,,

-- "Whoah, ummmmm"

Someone gripped my face tightly,,,

--"Shut up,,,someone shouts so loud,,,,everyone will think me a thief,,,,

Why do you want to kill your future bridegroom?

-- "ummm, ummm"

--" what are umm umm doing,,,, talk,,,"

I mean with eye gestures,,,hands on my mouth,,,,

-- "oops,,,sorry"

Removes hand from my face,,,,

I said angrily,, "What are you doing in my house so late at night,,,,don't be ashamed to sneak into the house of an unmarried girl,,,,get out,,,get out of my house,,,or else, ,,,, "

Megh pulls me with him and says,,,,"or what else,,,,"

I forgot to breathe because the cloud was so close to me, it felt like someone was hammering inside my chest.

I said with a trembling voice, "I will scream."

After listening to my words, the cloud left me,,,the words worked,,,, but after throwing a bucket of water in all my thoughts, the cloud went and slept on the bed,,,

Step on your feet and say

--"Ok,,,scream,,,,I'm here,,not going anywhere,,,"

Before I was going to say something, the cloud said again,,,, "But,,,but,,think about it and chatter about it,,,it will benefit me,,,,"

I couldn't understand what he was saying,,,so I asked,,,"Mean???"

Megh suddenly came to me and held me with him,,,Farzana_Jannat_Tanju put the hair on her face near the ear and said,,, "I mean go,,,if you call everyone here then,,,,everyone will want to know that I am here. What do you do,,,,I will tell you directly,,,I love you,,,then what about all of usI will marry you and I will go with you.I looked at him laughing,,,,I thought to myself, "Really,, I didn't think that if everyone comes,,,No"

I kept twisting and turning to free myself from him.

The cloud silences me with a scolding,,,,

I also wrapped myself in his chest,,,,

I don't know how long I was like this.

I looked around and saw no clouds anywhere,,,,

I'm thinking to myself,,, "Yah dad,,,where did this devil go again,,,,is he really a human,,,,or a,,,,vampire"

All my thoughts were cut to pieces by the ringtone of a message on the phone,,,,

The message was from Megh,,, "Barbie Doll don't worry about me so much,,,, this won't happen to your little head,,,,sleep now,,,,see you tomorrow in college,,,Love u Barbie Doll"


Anyway, I am sleepy in the kingdom,,, tomorrow will be what will happen,,, now I will sleep,,,

Whatever you think is what you do, jump up and sleep.

Megh laughs at me,,,,turns off the phone screen,,,,


4:40 am

Quinn is lying in her bed wandering around in the land of sleep,,,,

Phone ringtones sleep loose,,,

The call ended before I picked up the phone.

Quinn fell asleep again.

Again the sound of the phone makes the sleep fly away,,,

Pick up the phone and shout.

--"This Hanuman,,,the fox with cut off tail,,Badar,,the president of Uganda,,,the black crocodile,,,the red lizard,,,eggplant,,,ruined my beautiful sleep"

Someone from the other side laughed and said,,,

--"Wow! It's a matter of luck to hear such abuse in Quinn's mouth,,,"

Hearing his hidden name from someone on the other side of the phone, he lost all his sleep.

--"Who are you,,,and who is this Queen,,,you called the wrong person"

--" Ugh! Queen Queen,,,Your mouth doesn't fit in such words,,You know how hard I got your number,,,"

--"Who are you," quipped Quinn.

The man from the other side smiles and says,,, "Here comes the true form of Quinn,,,, whatever she is,,, here comes a breaking news for you."


--" The RK you are searching like crazy abroad is hiding in this country,,,"

--" What? Who are you,,, and why should I believe you"

-- "Because this King never lies."

-- "King"

King hangs up before Quinn can say anything else.

Quinto is repeatedly calling that number but the result is zero,,,

--" Is it true that RK comes to this country,,, why will he give me wrong news,,,,and why will he give news,,,"

Quinn can't sleep anymore,,,She spends the rest of her time thinking about RK coming here.,,

Meanwhile, giving the news to Quinn, King smiles and says, "I will leave you as soon as I see you, and I will not leave that RK too."


In the morning at college,

Me and Chhoya are going to college together,,,,Chhoya is sitting with a book of words close to his ear,,,,I don't care about it,,,,I am lost in my own thoughts,,,no one knows what I am thinking except me.,, ,,

Rahin is sitting a little ahead with his gang,,,,Rahin is the rudest boy in this college,,,rudeness with girls,,bothering teachers,,,ragging his name before everything,,,

was walking by me,,,then rahin said to us,,,"where are you going hottie,,,give us time too,,,,oof what figure miri"

These dirty words of theirs did not reach my ears.

The cloud was behind us,,,no one noticed,,,,His eyes turned red hearing the boys,,,jaw tightened,,,

Give someone a call and say something, Devil left with a smile.

sitting in class

I came out of the world of thoughts,,,, even after hearing Chhoa's bullying,,,, first class Mihir,,,,

Mihir is telling everyone to read,,,I also understand with my heart,,,Suddenly I notice that Mahir is looking at our seat,,,,I am going to say something to Choya,,,Oma also sees this girl looking at Mihir in a meditation,,,,

I pushed him off the seat,,,,

Incidentally everyone is surprised,,,, Mihir and Chhoya are looking at me in surprise,,,,

I look at them with fiery eyes,,,,

What they understood

Megh and the principal's sir went to the class together to say something,,,,

Seeing Megh spitting in the room, anger is evident in my eyes,,,,

Mihir gestures and asks what happened.

Mihir also indicates with a gesture and will say later,,,

Principal sir addresses everyone and says, "Students, you know that your exam is coming up, so I want to refresh your mood."

Everyone is looking at the student with eager eyes,,,,,,

will continue


Everyone is looking at the principal to hear what he has to say.

The principal began to say.

--" Student,,, we will now go on tour to St. Martin,,,, and,,"

Megh stops him before he can say the rest.

"Sir, I will tell you the rest."

--"Yes,,,you tell everyone"

Principal sir leaves,,,Megh starts saying,,

--" Student,,, since the exam will start in a few days, we have decided that we will all go to Saint Martin tomorrow for a 2 day trip,,,"


Megh explains everything to everyone and leaves,,,,before leaving, tells me,,Choya and Mihir to go to their room,,,,

After Megh left, I, Choya and Mihir went to Megh's room together.

knock on the door and say

-- "I will come sir"

From the other side, a serious voice said,,, "Yes".

Megh was doing something on the laptop,,,,after we knocked, he closed the laptop and slammed the door.,,,

The three of us frowned at him.

Mihir's brother says, "What's going on Megh, what do you mean?"

--" What happened between the three of you,,,, why were you sitting with your face puffed up like that in class"

-- "actually actually"

"What have you been doing since then?" Megh said angrily.

I say now,,,

--" I say sir,,,"

I go aside with Megh,,,Choea and Mihir look at us with small eyes,,,

After some time me and Megh came and stood next to them,,,,

Megh leaves with Mihir without saying anything,,,Choya asks me,,,

--" What did you say to sir that he left with Mihir sir?"

"Whatever you say will change your life completely."

--" What do you mean by saying that?"

--" I will know when the time is right,,,,

Well tell me what you like Mihir"

Choya lowered his head.

--" If Mihir ever proposes and accepts,"

I left without giving Chhoya a chance to say anything else,,,Chhoya doesn't understand anything,,,just smiles lightly and says,,,"Well that's the first day."


--" Hello,,,Dad,,,, "

-- "Yes, tell me."

-- "Dad,,King has found out that you are from Bangladesh,"

--" What,,,but how??" excited,

--" Yes,,,Knows,,,,And if I'm not mistaken,,,He also told Quinn,,,,Both of them are standing in our way,,,"

-- "Then kill both of them" shouted,,,

--" Don't even forget such a mistake,,,Both of them are quite intelligent,,,So listen to what they say,,,Stay where you are now,,,"

--"Ok,,,keep it,,can't talk more"

--"Hmmm,,,keep it"


at night

--" Oh father,,,don't make mommy understand,,,I want to go to Saint Martin for so many days," I said to father in a sweet voice,,,

Mom angrily says, "No, I don't mean it."

"Well, why are you doing this, it's only been 2 days?"

-- "Yes, Jas."

Hearing mother's words, I fell into the ocean of happiness,,,but soon after hearing mother's words, the sea itself took me out.,,

--" Go,,,but with your husband,"

"Mommy, don't tell your wife, am I going alone or are you going too?"

-- "No means no"

Abbu is sitting on the sofa and watching us fight and thinking,,,who will win his queen or his little princess,,,

"Mom, Megh sir and Mihir sir are going with us."

Hearing this, mom's eyes sparkled with happiness,,, I looked at mom with small eyes and thought, "What's the matter, hearing the names of Megh and Mihir, both eyes sparkled."

Mom said with a smile, "So, is the cloud going or not?"

I am eating the whole task by my mother's words,,,,while hearing one tone and hearing Megh's name, she is speaking in another tone,,,I have to look into the matter carefully,,,,"

-- "Why are you still standing?"

Mom is giving shocks one after another,,,,

I also went to room,,,anyway going to visit my favorite place,,,,so more happy,,,

At night I packed my bag and went to bed in one jump and fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, nothing can be heard except the barking of dogs and silence, the whole area is asleep, sometimes the sound of night birds is terrifying.

At that time someone entered through the balcony, sat next to me and said,

--" Barbie Doll,,,, from tomorrow you will be with me for 2 days,,,no one can separate us,,,and I will find Rk too,,,pull him out of his hole ,,,,Prepare to be mine from tomorrow Barbie Doll"

Then he gave a kiss on the forehead,,, gently mixed his lips with his lips,,,

I felt the touch of something and moved a little and went back to sleep,,,,

Do you understand who it was?


in the morning

Queen did some work,,, then her 2nd phone rang,,, took the phone and saw that the call came from that private number,,,, means King called,,,,

--" What's the matter,,,does Queen come free these days,,,is there no hot news in the papers that,,,," King (Megh) quips,,,

--"If your smile is mocked, tell me why you called" in a calm voice,,,

--"You Know What Queen,,, hearing your voice reminds me of someone,,,,very own someone,,, my life,,,"

--"Tell me why you called,,,I am not interested to hear about your life" says somewhat angrily

--" What are you going somewhere?"

Now Quinn gets all angry,,,,says in angry voice,,,,

--" This is what you called to do Fazlamo,,,,"

--" why are you getting angry,,,,okay,,,listen,,,your and my victim RK now comes to St.Martin,,,there is really good news,,,,"

Didn't give Quinn a chance to say anything, hung up the call immediately.

Quinn stands stunned.

From where does he get news that he does not have,,,,

Then he says to himself,,,,

--" There may be,,,Mafia king talk,,,,They have more news than the police,,,"

--" hello,,,blue berry,,,me and red rose are going to st martin,,,, news is RK is there,,, "



-- "Mm,,,Mm,,,where,,,hurry up breakfast,,,it was getting late,,,and where is that ass" Megh screamed,,,

--"Hey,,,,hey,,,why are you calling me an ass again,,,,from which side do I look like an ass" Mihir asked to sit in front of the table,,,,

Aunty asks to bring food.

--" Seito,,,Megh, why are you calling my son an ass,,,,, how polite my son is,,,"

--" Polite and O,,,, then rude mum,,,"

--" Hey,,,what do you mean,,,,what rudeness have I done," said Mihir angrily,,,,

Megh says in Mihir's ear, "I will tell you about Chhoa."

Mihir swallows a dry mouth and looks at her pitifully, aunty says.

--" Tell me what happened."

--" actually mmm,,,,,,"

Before saying anything else, Mihir holds Megh's face and says,,,,

"Oh, you know, bro, it's always good to be wrong."

--" What's up,,,I'm wrong, today is your day, what's my day,,,,"

Megh leaves the chair and runs after Mihi,,,,

You and brother were walking in front, Mihir go and hide behind you.

--" I think,,,save your little brother from this devil,,,,"

--" I think,,,you move,,,,no one can save him today,,,how brave,,,he tells me that I am wrong,,,"

-- "Hey dad, calm down, why are you doing that?"

They are making you one side and then another side,,,,Brother, seeing the situation, pulled you from the middle of them and said, "You are making trouble for yourself, why are you dragging my simple wife into this?" ,,

Mihir starts running and says,,, "Bah Big Bro! Bah! There are no more brothers,,,everyone is,,,," he said and ran again,,,,

In the end, Mihir had to be killed three or four times by Megh.

Everyone in the house is laughing to see their children like this,,,,,

Everyone left after breakfast,,,,Megh and Mihir also left with bags,,,,


In between, Choya has called me twenty times,,,, and I still haven't been able to,,,breakfast,,,,

Mother is still struggling from below,,,,

-- "Good morning dad,,,"

-- "Good morning princess,,,, how did you sleep my princess"

--" No good father,,,, I fell asleep with the joy of going on a trip,,,,"

--"Listen to your daughter,,,,she sleeps till 9 am,,,didn't sleep,,,," mom says in a hoarse voice,,,

--" What's wrong with me,,,, it's all your fault,,,," addressing my mother,,, I say with a bread in my mouth,,,

--" What's wrong with me here," Mom looked at me for a while and said.

I said to eat bread,,, "It's your fault,,, of course,,, when I was in your stomach, you slept all day,,, that's why I'm so sleepy,"

Dad is smiling after listening to my words, Mom is coming towards me with a spoon in her hand and saying, "But,,,,,"

I took a bread in my hand and ran out of the gate, then slowly staggered out towards the college.


There are four buses standing in the college grounds, one for teachers and the other three for students.

Everyone has come,,,, except me and Chhoea,,,

Megh says angrily now,,,

--" What lack of common sense do these two girls have,,,everyone is waiting for them,,,and there is no news of them,,,,"

--"Bro,,, are you thinking for everyone or for yourself" he says with his eyebrows dancing,,,

-- "Shut up" said in an angry voice.

In the meantime Megh and I came there,,,, Mihir said,,,

--" Let's go father,, the empress has come,,, I thought I should send the palanquin,,,"

--" You don't think too much today, tomorrow," Choya says sarcastically.

Megh says in a serious voice, "Get in the car."

I and Chhoea went to the car and saw Farzana_Jannat_Tanju all the seats were filled,,, only the front four seats were empty,,,,Choea went and sat on one seat,,,Mihir came and sat on the seat as soon as I sat down,,,

I am looking at her with a smile,,,, Chhoya says in a husky voice,,,,

--" Sir,,,,Why are you sitting here?

--" This girl has not learned politeness,,,you don't know how to talk to sir,,,sit quietly,,,rain you go and sit on that seat"

Says scolding Chhoea,,,and winking at me,,,,

I also went and sat down,,,,after some time cloud came and sat next to me,,,I looked at him laughingly,,,,

--"I know I'm handsome,,,looking like that will cause an accident"

I understood his words and fell silent,,,this man has no faith,,,whatever he likes,,,

I started looking at the nature outside through the window.

It looked so good,,,how the trees were running away,,,I laughed to myself when I saw it,,,

Megh is looking at me with one look,,,, I understand without looking at him and he is looking at me,,,,

I didn't understand when sleep came to my eyes slowly,,,I am sleeping peacefully with my head on the cloud's shoulder,,,

Megh is busy watching me,,,,

In the car, the students are singing different songs,,,having fun,,,neither he nor I care about that,,,Megh is slowly touching my cheek with his hand,,,playing with my hair,,,

It seems like a very fun game to him,,,,

Mihir is sleeping with his head on Choya's shoulder.

.--" Iss,,,how cute,,,and when he is awake,,,he only quarrels with me,,,why do you understand that I love you,,,you can propose once,,,no,,, "If you have time, you will just fight."

Everyone falls asleep around noon.

Why are you rating your story low,,,I must not write badly,,,please give more rating

will continue