Chapter 67

Jack turned to look at Mike who had his arms folded with an apologetic look. He thought about how best to table the matter but he just decided to say it in any way he could.

"I brought you food and everything you might need Mike, I know you would need some things for the weekend, I came yesterday too but you weren't home," Jack said to Mike who had an almost surprised look on his face but he pretended not to be fazed.

"May I ask why you came here with all of that when we clearly are not on good terms? I told you not to come closer right? Or didn't you hear that instruction?" Mike asked with a firm voice as he pretended not to be pleased with the situation and what Jack did.

Jack looked at him for a minute before answering. "Did you give me that instruction as my boss or my best friend?" He asked as Mike looked away without answering his question and he was at a loss for what to do.