
"Well... one of them is basic while the other one is actually jonin level. I plan on using the clone technique along with body flicker, Switching places with the clones to make the opponents feel despair." Kira gave her a short explanation, but seeing her open her eyes extra wide, he knew that she understood what he was trying to say.

"That.... using the body flicker multiple times during the fight? Even Sensei Raichi can't do that... Body flicker is mostly used to close the distance or create distance and you want to use it like... ugh, are you dumb?

Isn't that just too much? Even if you plan ahead and switch places with your clones, will you be able to continue doing this when you're in an intense fight?" she blurted out as she stared at Kira like his mouth was full of shit.

"Do you think you're some kind of genius?"

Kira didn't really know how to respond as he couldn't just say yes. He knew that if he did, she'd go absolutely mental and start screaming at him for being too overconfident.

This was because she had tried the same thing after watching the flying raijin, but without the clones. Even then, she was unable to use the body flicker while in middle of combat.

And since Kira knew this, he didn't really want to press her buttons.

Unfortunately for her, Taka opened his mouth and slapped her with facts.

"Kira is seven years. You're ten. He knows ninjutsu, taijutsu and is our team's medical nin. He's a genius. He wasn't fighting you seriously and you still lost."

Kira and Sachi stared at him with a bamboozled expression on their faces for a few seconds, though both of them had different reasons. For Kira, it was very shocking to see the guy who rarely talked, to speak so many good things about him in one stretch.

But for Sachi, it felt like she had been slapped so hard that she couldn't really react.

She turned to look at Kira, 'Taka isn't wrong... when I was seven, I was chasing butterflies with the other girls and only knew the palm strike... I didn't even know how to use chakra properly. Genius huh...'

".... I guess you can do it. If it's you..." she muttered, her eyes back on the hot pot in front of her as her mind felt cluttered with various random thoughts.

Kira silently ate with them until they were done. He didn't really like talking about his so called "talents" as they weren't exactly true talents. Instead, he considered them as his own cheats and even though he didn't mind showing off to the people he didn't like, this wasn't the same when it came to his friends.

He didn't like seeing them compare themselves to him as he knew that no one in the Naruto universe would be able to match his growth rate. Comparing would only made them feel inferior if their mentality wasn't strong.

Seeing Sachi return back to her cheerful self in just two minutes, he let out a sigh of relief, 'Not the worst case scenario.'

After the three of them were done eating, they headed to a nearby park. It was still afternoon, so there weren't any shinobi kids in the area at the moment.

He stood facing the two of them and created two clones before rushing towards his teammates. Sachi stood in place while Taka rushed forward to meet Kira midway.

His ninjato slashed at the Kira, only to pass through him. Seeing this, he ignored the clone and attacked the second one, only to see the same thing happen again.

Taka looked at the last "Kira" and suddenly turned around to attack behind him. It was not because he knew that Kira was behind him, or because he could sense him.

No, it was simply because he had already heard about the way Kira planned on using his clones. If he could switch places with is clones, then there was no way that the third one would be the real one if Taka slashed at it.

Instead, he decided to catch Kira off guard and slashed behind him, only to see that the two identical Kiras were rushing towards Sachi instead of attacking him from behind.

'Third one was the real one?!' he thought as he instantly slashed behind him once again and this time, his sword cut through Kira like butter.

"Clone..." Taka said, frowning as he stared at the clone that was attacking the air randomly, not even targetting Taka.

He turned to look at Sachi who was fighting two Kira's but no matter which one she hit, her palm would pass though. As for Kira, Taka saw some of his attacks passing through and some hitting Sachi properly.

He then looked at the clone near him that was fighting air and sighed as he knew that Kira couldn't control two clones at he same time. But even with a single clone, he was able to completely suppress the Hyuga's gentle fist.

Of course, this was only because Sachi was not used to a fighting style like this. Even though she could tell which one was the clone and which one was real, she couldn't keep up with the instantaneous swapping that Kira did with his clone.

Every time she tried to hit the "Original", he would swap places with his clone, making her attacks ineffective.

After a few minutes of hitting Sachi with normal "touch" punches, Kira stopped and made some distance. He could hit her harder, but since he was just testing his jutsu, he didn't put in too much force.

"Okay, I'm done testing. Looks like no matter how much I try, I'm unable to control more than one clone." he said as he looked at the clone standing beside Taka silently.

Sachi kept her eyes on Kira as she panted, "You actually did it... you did something that Sensei Raichi can't do."

"Well... you need a few things to achieve what I just did."