Innocence Lost

Kira and Sachi sat at the bottom of the stairs while Taka stood guard at the doorway. Indeed, this wasn't Kira's plan, but now it was too late as he had fucked up.

He glanced at Sachi, whose face was still red, 'Shit, I completely forgot that I'm only seven. Even Taka didn't know about it and he's four years older than me for fuck's sake! Ugh!'

He wanted to smack himself for the mistake he had done, but it was too late as Sachi had grabbed him and ran back down knowing that he was too young to be standing outside a room that had people who were having sex.

Just as Sachi was getting back to her normal self, the two of them heard a low pitched yelp and a surprised shout.

"Looks like Taka opened the door..." he muttered before sighing as he didn't really want to go back up. Surprisingly, Taka was the one who walked back downstairs with a dazed look on his face.

Sachi did her best to not look at him, but Kira couldn't help but smirk when he saw Taka's facial expression.

'Bro's a man of culture now.' he thought as he quickly turned away to hide the smirk.

The three of them silently sat beside each other while not saying a word, but a few minutes later, Taka spoke up.

"Orders, wait here."

Kira nodded, "Got it..."

The awkwardness in the air was high, so Kira stood up from the stairs and decided to walk around the house, only to have the other to follow behind him.

".... if all of us go, who's going to keep watch?" he asked, frowning, but Taka didn't respond and silently walked forward, not reacting to his words at all.

Sachi on the other hand, silently went back to the stairs and sat down while Kira did the same.

Luckily, he came back with Raichi a few minutes later and they were then given a lesson on keeping their emotions in check while on missions. Raichi also explained the process of baby making in a cryptic way, but Taka was in his own dream world.

Seeing this, the Uchiha shook his head, "You guys, go out and roam the city. I'll keep watch here. Come back only after you've cleared your minds, I'm talking to you, Taka."

The guy in question silently nodded and walked towards the main door while Kira and Sachi followed right behind him.

Not wanting to stay with the two of them for much longer, Kira ran in a random direction until he reached a nice looking theatre. There were a lot of people rushing in, so Kira simply joined the crowd and entered.

There was an entrance fee, but that wasn't much of a problem for Kira. He then spent the entire day roaming the city and headed back to the mansion only after the sun set.

Inside, he saw Taka and Sachi standing at the top of the stairs with a neutral expression on their faces.

"Any new orders?" he asked as he walked up to them. Taka nodded and Sachi spoke.

"Yes, our new orders are to keep an eye on the girl we met before. Sensei told us to sleep in her room until the mission is done."

"Oh, okay." Kira replied and stretched his back while yawning, "For some reason, I feel extremely tired today... can we go to sleep early?"

Taka nodded and walked down the stairs. Seeing this, Kira felt like something was amiss.

"Wait, if sensei told us to keep a watch on the girl, then what the hell are you two doing here?" he asked as he grabbed the hilt of his sword, ready to strike if the two of them made any funny movements.

Sachi's face went red once again, but Taka's expression was the regular neutral as he answered.

"We asked about baby making. They showed us."

"They what?"

"Showed baby making."

"What?" Kira repeated for the second time, unable to believe what he had just heard. After all, who in their right mind, would show children the act of sex?

Sachi who was unable to bear it anymore, interfered, "They didn't show us anything!! We just read a book instead... a... book with pictures..."

Kira felt like better when he heard this and this time, he maintained his act of a child as he nodded with a curious expression on his face, "Can I read it too?"

"Hell no!!"


The mission lasted three entire weeks, but they didn't face any kind of assassination attempts or attacks. The hardest part of the mission was the first day, but once they were told to spend time with the little girl, things turned out better than expected.

Sachi and the girl cried for a while before they left, while Kira and Taka silently watched the two of them.

'It's finally done. B rank mission, so another 50,000 ryo.' Kira thought and right that instant, a smile formed on his face.

The journey back to Konoha was relaxing even though it was a continuous run. It took them four entire days, but when they reached Konoha, the one who first split up from the group was Taka.

"I've never seen him run off so fast... what's up with him?" Kira asked as he looked at Sachi and Raichi.

"He's a pervert!" Sachi commented and rushed towards her house without giving any explanation, so Kira simply followed Taka instead.

Two minutes later, he saw the guy walk into a book store and put two and two together.

'Man of culture indeed... though, the materials on earth are way better compared to the ones available here.' he thought to himself as he turned around and headed back home.