
[A/N: Everything about the bugs below is BS and I know nothing about bioscience. But hey, this is fiction so just enjoy watching him become overpowered.]

It had the smelling capabilities of the Bikochu. Although it wasn't as good as the Bikochu, his bug's sense of smell was as good as a trained ninja dog.

It also had the abilities of both the poison bugs of the Aburame clan, Kochu and Rinkaichu, but they were a little altered. Like the Kochu, his bugs could secrete poison into a person's body and once the person dies, the poison disappears, making it one of the best poisons to ever exist.

But unlike the the actual Kochu's poison that could both paralyse and kill, this one did none. Instead, this poison was technically not a poison.

As for which part of Rinkaichu's abilities it got? It was to consume flesh and organic matter to multiply in numbers. The Rinkaichu's poison ability was lost during the process, but Kira was still happy with the result.

There were other abilities that his bugs had, like insane chakra absorption capabilities, self destruction, etc. Unfortunately, he couldn't put his flying raijin seal marks on them as they were way too tiny, but he managed to figure out another way to integrate flying raijin to his fighting style using his bugs.

And that was done with the Kochu and Rinkaichu powers that his bugs had. By combining the Kochu's undetectable poison powers and Rinkaichu's poison spreading powers, Kira managed to biologically program this "poison" to create a seal mark inside a person's body.

Although these bugs were overpowered at first glance, they had a few minor drawbacks. They only listened to simple commands. Their intelligence was extremely low when compared to the regular Kikaichu which could act independently if needed.

Coupled with their low intelligence, they died too soon. In short, if they weren't supplied with enough chakra to keep themselves alive, they would die in a matter of 5 minutes.

But this weakness could easily be negated with Kira's immense chakra reserves. Currently, the amount of chakra he could use was only 20% but what would happen once he managed to get the "help 10,000 people" achievement? He could disperse his clones and get back 100% chakra access.

Aside from that, his chakra reserves still continued to grow as he was only 10 years old at the moment. His physical energy was way lower than his spiritual energy, so it was holding his true potential back.

6 more years and he could be called a true monster even if he ignored access he would gain to the custom ten tails.

He walked into the Hokage office and saw Hiruzen sitting at his usual place but the man looked sick. Although he had given Kira a good opportunity, Kira was still a little angry at him for not punishing Danzo properly.

He ignored the man's sick look and instead, simply announced his arrival.

"Sensei, I'm back." he said before he began to explain about his new and improved microbugs. Seeing that Hiruzen was impressed, he pushed forward and asked for another favour.

"Sensei, due to the drawbacks that my microbugs have, I need some kind of container that's unique or can store chakra inside it."

Hiruzen nodded before sighing, "I understand that you want something like that, but unfortunately, we don't have anything like that in our storage. Instead, I have another idea. Why don't you use scrolls to store your bugs and summon them whenever you want them instead?

This way, you don't have to keep them in your body and nor do you have to feed them chakra as the concept of time doesn't exist inside these scrolls."

"Oh, to think that the solution would be so simple." Kira said as he recalled the jutsu. He had learned about it when he studied the scrolls in the Hokage office, but he had never used it before.

Saying that, he turned around to leave, but Hiruzen's words stopped him.

"Wait. I have a mission for you. Here, take this mask. From today, you'll be a part of the anbu." Hiruzen said as he grabbed a mask from the drawer under his table and tossed it towards Kira who caught it without any effort.

While Kira was busy taking a good look at the mask, Hiruzen asked him a question.

"Kira, do you know what the responsibilities of the Anbu are?"

"Protecting the hokage?" Kira answered in the form of a question, but Hiruzen patiently explained.

He shook his head an said, "That's just a tip of the iceberg. More than ninety percent of the anbu are sent out on espionage or assassination missions. Sometimes, it takes them years to complete so technically, there are only 10% of the anbu staff roaming in or around Konoha.

Some of the regular shinobi could be stronger than the anbu, but the anbu is trained in assassinations. They don't fight long, drawn out fight and instead, are taught to end the fights as soon as possible.

This is the reason why your aburame clan is highly sought after. Their tracking abilities are very useful for espionage missions and their poison bugs are useful for assassinations.

Anyways, here's your mission." Hiruzen said as he handed Kira a paper before continuing.

"You'll have to live like a normal citizen in the land of fire, close to the border that we share with the land of rivers. That's the place there the hidden village of the valleys is from.

Your task is simple, just go with your team and learn from them. You don't have to do anything drastic. They're capable people so just learn from them."

Kira nodded and then glanced at the mask, "But sensei, I'm only ten years old. I thought that the age limit was 13 years for this."

Hiruzen nodded as he grabbed another paper from his drawer, "Here, forged documents of your age. Now go. Just keep this in mind, the hidden clouds and the hidden stone have already started attacking the borders. It's not full scale yet, so they're just skirmishes.

But from how things are going on, there's a high chance of a war popping up. When that happens, you might be sent to the front lines. So... I want you to mentally prepare yourself to see a lot of your friends and family die..."