Chapter 4


Immediately we arrived home, Damian came down from the car not bothering to wait for me. I came down as well and thanked the driver.

I was about entering the house when I was captivated by the beautiful surrounding but I wasn't in the mood for that. I ignored it and went inside.

On getting to the living room, I was mesmerized by the beauty. I was about complimenting its beauty when I sighted Damian. I quickly composed myself and walked to the center of the living room.

Damian was at the bar drinking. Two bottles were right before him and one was empty.

"Did he just drink this?" I asked myself inwardly

I waited for a while thinking he would say something to me but he didn't but instead continued drinking. After waiting and I heard nothing from him, I took my leave and went upstairs.

I found my way to the room and went inside. I was about entering the bathroom to freshen up when someone barged in. I turned my back and saw it was Damian. I stopped on my track immediately to know if he needs anything.

What I heard next took me aback.

"What are you doing here" He shouted at me angrily.

"I…I…I" I stammered and this provoked him.

"Can't you speak well? I asked what are you doing in my room?" He asked not giving me space to reply him.

"I thought this was our room" I replied quickly.

"Our what? Our room. You must be out of your mind for thinking we would both sleep in the same room" he said "I would rather sleep on the street than sleep beside you, whore." He added

His words felt like a sword was pierced into my heart.

How could he address me his wife like that. Even if he does not love me, he does not have to call me names.

"Listen to me carefully, I do not want to see you near me. If you know what is good for you, avoid me or else I will make life a living hell for you till you crawl on your knees and beg to leave my life. Do I make myself clear?" He spoke

"Can't you answer me, bitch?" He asked me angrily which jolted me out of my reverie.

"Ehm…I…No…Yes…" I stammered

I couldn't find the right words to say. His piercing eyes on my body was making me scared.

He glared at me before ordering me out of his room rudely.

"Get out of my sight this minute before I do something I will regret" he said

With that I hurriedly took my leave and as I was about opening the door he called my name.

"Willa, should I be the one to bring your bag for you?" He asked looking at me with disgust written all over his face.

"No…I'm sorry" I said and went back to carry my bad and I went out of the room quietly with fear written all over my face.

I got inside one of the guest rooms in the house and I locked the door behind. The tears that have been longing to pour out of my face started pouring.

"Why…why…why me?" I asked myself stomping my feet on the floor.

"Is this the man my dad said is a good man? This is the opposite of what my dad portrayed him to be" I said in my mind

He is so cold hearted with no single feeling for his fellow human being in him.

I started thinking of how my stay in his house would be as he had threatened to make my stay here a living hell.

I kept on crying till there was no tears in my eyes again.

At night, I couldn't sleep. My mind was filled with lots of thought. I kept on rolling on the bed till I fell asleep.

The next day, I woke up with a swollen face due to lot of tears. I ignored it and went to freshen up.

When I was done, I went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for I and Damian. I dished the food and took it to the dining.

I went to Damian's room to inform him that breakfast was ready.

I got scared before knocking on the door but decided to brace up. Immediately he heard the knock at his door, he came to open it.

Seeing me at his door got him annoyed. He gave me a deadly glare which sent a shiver down my spine.

"What do you want?" He asked angrily

"I came to inform you breakfast is ready" I replied

"Over my dead body will I eat any food prepared by you" He said "I will rather eat the leftover of dog than eat the food prepared by you" He added.

"Now, if you would excuse me, I have better things to attend to" He said and slammed the door at my face.

I was frozen at the spot I stood. I couldn't say anything other than watch him rain insults at me.

Instantly, I lost my appetite and went inside my room and locked the door.

I started crying.

"Does he hate me that much for him to insult me at any opportunity he gets?" I asked myself.

I started blaming my father for forcing me into a marriage I don't want. If his company wasn't about to go bankrupt, I wouldn't have been here and Damian wouldn't be insulting me like this.

"What a cold-hearted man he is" I said silently fearing Damian might hear me.

Later in the day, I decided to go to the store for grocery shopping rather than brooding all day.

After shopping, I was about taking my leave when I heard someone call out my name. I turned my back and saw it was a lady. I wondered who she was because her face doesn't seem familiar to me.

The lady got to where I stood and sized me up disgustingly. This made me eager to know who the lady was that made her look at her in such manner.

The lady finally spoke up and asked her rudely "Are you Damian's wife"

I was surprised at first and wondered how the lady got to know my name and even knew of her marriage.

"Yes, I am" I replied her.

She laughed sarcastically at me like I said something funny. I was getting pissed off by her attitude but I kept quite so as not to cause a scene outside.

"Nice one." She said then continued "But let me bring this to your note, your so-called husband will soon divorce you, mark my words"

I was tempted to talk back at her. Who in the world approach someone you don't know before and start spitting out rubbish.

She was already getting on my nerves but I decided to keep my cool and watch her rant.

After she was done, she was about taking her leave when I asked "What's your name?"

Rather than telling me her name, she smiled at me and said "Watch out"