A Voice of Authority

Just as the clash between Isha and Darius was about to unfold, a powerful voice boomed across the arena.


The single word resonated with authority, halting both Darius and Isha in their tracks. The intense energy that had filled the arena dissipated instantly, replaced by a palpable silence.

The disciples around the arena quickly bowed their heads, their whispers dying away.

Stepping forward with an air of undeniable command was Elder Garrick. His imposing presence and strict demeanor conveyed that he was not to be trifled with. As a Mid Master-tier cultivator, his very essence commanded respect.

He surveyed the scene with a sharp, penetrating gaze, his voice booming, "What is the meaning of this? Why are you two fighting like this?"

Isha stepped forward, her expression resolute. "Elder Garrick, Darius attacked Aryan during a sparring match. He tried to kill him without reason."

She continued, her voice steady but filled with concern. "Darius was being unreasonable and attempted to finish Aryan off, despite the match being a simple training exercise. I intervened to stop him from doing something irreparable."

Elder Garrick's gaze shifted to Aryan, his expression reflecting a mix of disappointment and pity.

He knew Aryan's presence in the academy's grand tournament was not due to his own merit, but rather because of his parents and their connection to the royal family.

'Isn't this boy…' Elder Garrick thought, his brow furrowing slightly.

He then turned his gaze to Darius. "Darius, is what Isha has said true? Did you really attempt to kill a fellow disciple in a training match?"

Darius, his face flushed with anger and embarrassment, tried to justify his actions.

"Elder Garrick, you don't understand. I was doing the academy a favour. Aryan has no place in the grand tournament. He's been stuck at the Initial stage of the mortal tier for years. I was merely showing him that he doesn't belong here. It was a necessary action to maintain the standards of the academy."

Elder Garrick's eyes narrowed. "So you believe it's your right to judge and punish your fellow disciples as you see fit? This behaviour is unacceptable. The academy's purpose is to nurture and challenge its disciples, not to undermine them. You will face consequences for your actions."

As Darius listened, his face twisted with frustration, but he dared not argue further. He could see the finality in Elder Garrick's expression and knew that any further resistance would be futile.

With a dismissive wave, Elder Garrick turned away. "Today, you are fortunate that I have chosen to address this matter without further escalation. But remember, Darius, you will not get away with this. Your actions will be noted, and there will be repercussions."

Darius seethed but managed a strained, respectful bow. "Understood, Elder Garrick."

As Darius prepared to leave, his gaze fell upon Aryan, who was still lying on the ground.

He allowed himself a fleeting look of disdain before his thoughts darkened with a hint of malevolence.

'Today was your lucky day, Aryan. But mark my words, during the grand tournament, I'll make sure you regret ever stepping into this arena. And this bitch, Isha—' he thought, his gaze shifting toward her with a hard edge. 'You've ruined my plans today. Don't think I'll forget this. You'll regret crossing me.'

With one last glance at the scene, Darius walked away, his footsteps echoing with a sense of finality.

After Darius left, Elder Garrick turned his attention back to Aryan's state and addressed Isha. "Isha, take Aryan to the infirmary. He needs more treatment than what can be provided here."

Isha nodded, her expression softening as she looked at the injured Aryan. "Yes, Elder Garrick. I'll make sure he gets the care he needs."

Elder Garrick's gaze was steady as he spoke. "You acted admirably today, Isha. Your quick thinking prevented a grave mistake. See to it that Aryan receives the necessary care, and ensure that such behaviour does not happen again."

Isha bowed deeply, her gratitude evident. "Thank you, Elder Garrick. I appreciate your intervention and guidance."

With a final nod, Elder Garrick acknowledged her thanks and continued on his way, leaving the arena in a subdued silence.

Isha turned to Aryan, offering him a reassuring smile. "Let's get you to the infirmary," she said gently. "You'll be alright. Just hold on a bit longer."

Isha helped Aryan to his feet and began guiding him towards the infirmary. She cast a last glance at the departing elder, a mix of relief and concern in her eyes.