Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Later that evening, they all met up at the library and since there was nothing related to school to do they all just made it a hangout and started getting to know their new member more. After a while, they ran out of things to say and decided that it was time to go home.

After Mrs Scatts picked up Maya from her new friends, she couldn't help but notice how nice and polite the girls were. And was convinced that Maya should hangout more with them

Mrs Scatts: "Are those your new friends"

Maya: "Yes, mum. Their names are Tamara, Aliyah and Julia"

Mrs Scatts: "Those are very nice names, and how come I didn't see Lisa with them, she must have gone home early"

Maya: Scared to tell her about Lisa "No, mum, these ones are only MY friends, not Lisa's. And about Lisa, we had a huge fight between us, because she is so controlling, bossy and selfish. When things don't go her way, it normally looks like He'll is about to let loose. And she always blames it on me, so today I ditched her hangout and made new friends, because like that, I could broaden my horizons and amplify my sociability" Maya was waiting for her mom to scold her and tell at her, since she always did that whenever they had problems with the Collen family.

Mrs Scatts: "Well then, I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, because Lisa's mum is the exact same replica of her daughter, but I have always deemed my light for hers to shine, that was why I didn't tell her about the million stuff, because I know how angry she could get. I have always learned to endure her attitude, but that is on me, if you feel like you can't be friends with her anymore, then that's fine, but then, it will mess up me and her mom's friendship, and I have no friends apart from her, so please think very well before doing this."

Maya: "Don't worry mum, the girls I am hanging out with have VERY similar situations to us, none of them have their dad at her, they are all with their mom, some have supportive businessmen as brothers,but that's it. So between us we want to make you guys friends. And they don't have friends too."

Mrs Scatts: Looks happy and relaxed "So you mean that I would be in my own girls group with mother's like me?

That sounds amazing, so when and how are you girls planning on doing it and you also need to give me more information about the girls and how their mom's aren't with their dads"

Maya: "We have decided to take things slowly and not rush our friendship that much, but regarding the girls, Tamara's parents are the typical millionaires who always have so many work and traveled a lot so they were unable to have a huge connection with their kid, but instead of leaving Tamara to live alone, one of the parents stopped working and decided to be a full-time mom and take care of the girl, since she was an only child. Julia's dad is a soldier and always had to move from one place to another, causing him to not be able to be at home for the girls sometimes, Julia had one elder brother, who was a businessman and was also literally never home, so she also lived with her mom.

However, Aliyah's parents were divorced and she is staying with her mom and her siblings were with her dad."

Mrs Scatts: "Aliyah's story is very close to OUR story but anyways I hope you have told them about us"

Maya: "I have, and those girls are very good people so they would NEVER tell anyone and justifying the fact that I know their secrets too, no one is going to know anything".

Mrs Scatts: "That's good news, anyways, make sure you are careful with them and cautious, you don't know them that well to be this sure of their personality, okay?"

Maya: "okay mum"

Mrs Scatts: "But I am glad that you've freed yourself from Lisa's bondage and have moved on, it is very good news, but let's talk better when we get home, okay"

Maya: "Okay mum"

The girls on the other hand were also telling their parents about their new friend. And also told their mums about the girls group they want to organize with their parents and the other mom's were also excited.