Chapter 13

Chapter 13

The fuck lasted 45 mins to be exact and after they finished, Maya's back was so broken and her pussy was so red that she couldn't stand up from where she was sat and had to wait for at least 20 mins in order to have had the power to stand up. Franclon had already gone but Maya stayed because she couldn't stand up.

Her hole was so busted and she couldn't feel anything because she had gone numb due to the fact that everything on her including her nipples, her buttholes are all red and hurting so she had to call her friends to come and lift her up from the floors of the bathroom because she was so tired and couldn't walk at all. Luckily her friends were near and came immediately to help her walk out of the bathroom and after that they went directly to the cafeteria because it was just in time for the break and doing to take some stuff to drink and help her reset and get better before they started asking her what happened to her and why she was like that.

She couldn't really explain her situation or what had happened to her so she told them that she fell while peeing because of her low iron. After the smoothie and some food she then told them that since she wasn't going to do anything in school she was going to go and ask her proprietress for permission to go home since she was feeling a little bad.

The girls then decided to help her go to the Proprietress together so that they can help her ask for permission.

After they got there, the permission was successful and she was allowed to go home, but only on one condition, which was that she was going to call her mom and tell her why she was going to go home and that she was going to go home.

So Bella picked up her phone, called her mom, told her mom that she felt a little tired, unconscious and sick and that she was going to go home, hearing this and getting nervous immediately, her mom allowed her to be given the permission to go home. As soon as she got permission from her mom to go home, she then said goodbye and thank you to the girls and told them that she was tired and felt very weird and that she would be going home. They then all gave her a hug and a little goodbye biscuits so that she would have something to eat on the way. After receiving the biscuits and the well wishes of the girls she then moved on got on the bus got off the bus as soon as it was her bus stop and then trekked a little bit to her house. Finally she successfully got into her house and as soon as she got into her house she suddenly felt her knees go weak but mustered up the courage to just go upstairs unconsciously and weakly but she made it up to her room and directly went into the shower, cleaned her whole body, took a pregnancy test and saw that she wasn't pregnant and then fell on the bed and slept for over 3 hours.

The next voice that woke her up was her mom smacking her in the face little by little for her to wake up and then she she finally woke up feeling a little tired but she was way less tired than she was before.

Her whole and her nipple were still pretty bumped and hurted but she felt like it was going to get better after just a few more hours of sleep. After she as finally well conscious to see her mum, she was surprised when she saw her mom with her smile on her face and immediately asked her mom what was making her smile and her mom told her that her dad had accepted to co-parent and to be in the house with her but wouldn't do anything with her because they were still on the verge of separating but wanted to see his daughter a little bit more and thought it would be a great idea for them to be together in the same house co-parenting but not doing through each other.

Furthermore, the only bad side of it was that he was going to be going back and forth to his house everyday with his sons (her brothers ) and that they would only be coming by to live together with Maya and her mom in the same house on Mondays to Saturdays. So every time they came they would go and come and go and come and would not be sleeping together in the same house as Maya and her mom. Maya thought it was a great idea but also a little hustle because why not move back in together, and go through all that every summer day, but she knew that her dad was probably the one who told and surged out the idea of going back and forth because he probably didn't want to see her mom. But still she was like okay mom I'm going to go back to sleep her mom then said okay I'm going to make some cookies and went back to the kitchen while Maya try to sleep more.

As Maya turned her back to go back to sleep, her phone suddenly rang and she had to go get up and move to her table, check her bag, bring it out and pick it up. When she finally got it in her hand and watched who it was, she figured that it was Tamara, Julia and Aaliyah calling from the girls WhatsApp group and they wanted to ask if Maya was okay.

After her little chat with the girls she finally had her time to go back to her bed and cover herself with her little blanket while her AC was on because it was hot, it was during summer, so she got a better blanket stuff on, covering her while her AC was on and slept for two more hours.