Chapter 15

Chapter 15

Seeing Maya run down from her room suddenly, Mrs Scatts knew something was wrong so she said

Mrs Scatts: Looking worriedly at Maya as she approached her "What is wrong baby? Everything alright?"

Maya: Panting heavily "No mom, everything is not alright, I was checking my phone to see who had texted me while I was having the best rest of my life and I saw all the messages from different people, and after reading some I realised that the best ones to read are from Dad, Mrs Collen and Lisa!"

Mrs Scatts: Goes pale "What?! What the hell are they texting you for, have they gone mad or something?" Sighs "Anyways, let's calm down and start from Mrs Collen, I want to hear what she has to say".

Maya: Surprised by how her mother was overreacting, because even though the situation was a bit sticky, it wasn't up to that. But she was also worried so she just tapped on Mrs Collen's messages and started reading it outloud "Hello my darling Maya, how are you? I hope you're fine darling. Lisa just told me about the fight between you and her. Ha! Silly girls, because I have also been wondering why you haven't been around our house in a long time, it wasn't usual, so forget about the fight because I am not fighting with you, my daughter is, and 🥺 please don't forget to come to my birthday this Sunday and also remind your mum for me too please, it looks like she hasn't been picking my calls. Anyways, whatever is happening between you guys can be sorted out later, but my birthday needs to be perfect so please when you come that day, don't fight with her then, so you don't ruin my party, fight with her after. Okay dear? Lovely, greet your mum for me. Bye!" After reading the message outloud, she then looked at her mum in the eyes and says "What are we going to do now mum?"

Mrs Scatts: "Well for starters, I am going to respond to her messages, because we all know how important she takes her birthdays and then we….are….going!"

Maya: "WHAT! No mom! I really don't want to. It'll be all awkward and uncomfortable because of the fight, mum. Things aren't like they used to be, we've both changed...well maybe I have changed but her? I'm not sure."

Mrs Scatts: "I have the same feeling but we can't not go to her party, because if we don't we would really be declaring war against her, and I don't want any more drama right now, I already have enough with you, my….the husband and my business. The only drama I want is the mums group… we'll have to go!"

Maya: Looks at her poor mom as the pondered around the room and then decided that she was also going to go "Well then MOM" her mom looks at her and tries to convince her to go…

Mrs Scatts: Sighs "Look Maya it would really be amazing if you went with m–"

Maya: "...We are going…together!" Smiles softly.

Mrs Scatts: "Thanks baby girl" and then hugs Maya softly "So who is next on your messages list?"

Maya: Sighs sadly while she looks at her phone but then says "Dad….but we don't have to read it, if you don't want to"

Mrs Scatts: Looks at Maya in the eyes with a smile on her face and then says "Don't worry baby, i'll be fine, just read it very well for me to hear".

Maya: "Okay min" Smiles back at her mom then she clicks the message and says "Hey Pookie, how are you doing? Are you sure you wanna keep staying with your mom?" Then looks at her mom "That's all mom, he didn't say anything else"

Mrs Scatts: "oh" Sighs relieved. Then laughs loudly for a while and that laugh became contagious and made Maya start laughing with her too but after a while they stopped and she said "What a pathetic little man" Laughs "Just continue with your messages, we'll be back to him later. So who's next?"

Maya: Sighs "Lisa" "Don't worry mom, this is not going to be hard, let's just see what this heifer has to say. if it's a bad thing I'm going to block her and if it's a good thing I'm going to probably respond or not" takes a deep breath and clicks on Lisa's message and was surprised to see the following "hey Maya I know that you're still mad at me about what happened and I am very sorry about everything I know it's all my fault I know that you probably don't want to speak to me again but even though you don't want to speak to me again I hope you forgive me because I I think I am now mature that I am now recognizing all of my mistakes and I would really be happy if you just forgive me even though we don't speak anymore just forgive me and with your forgiveness I would be more at content with myself". Maya was so surprised and so touched with Lisa's message and kind of felt like she should forgive her because she was only asking for forgiveness and didn't really ask for anything related to being friends again so she thought it would be better for her to reply to Lisa's message, so she replied with the following "Hey Lisa, okay I will forgive everything that you've done and even though I kind of don't want to be friends anymore I was still really appreciate if we still spoke with each other and yeah I guess I'll see you at your mom's birthday party"

Mrs Scatts: "I I'm very proud of you Maya the way you go through life with Grace and just fights and fight is so inspiring to me even as your mom so I hope that you never lose your grace and I hope whatever is going on with you and Lisa could be resolved and if not resolved at least forgiveness should be in like the resolvements package so I wish you the best" Smiles and hugs Maya tightly.