Chapter 22

Chapter 22

At exactly 2:00 pm in the afternoon Mr Scatt and Maya's twin brothers, Dan and Andrew showed up in front of the huge millionaire white house. Mr Scatt had a blue t-shirt, long black pants and a black Jordan on him while the boys, Dan and Andrew had on the same thing in different fonts. They arrived in a taxi, pressed on the bells and Maya had to go and open the door for them and then she encountered the gaze of her father frowning upon her as if she was being useless and stupid and her whole life was being wasted living together with her mom.

Maya: *In her mind 'Great! The fucking meeting hasn't even started and he is already judging me and giving me bad looks. I genuinely hope that my mom disposes him and divorces him because he IS definitely not a good man. UGHHH HOW DID I LIVE WITH HIM ALL MY LIFE THINKING THST HE WAS THE PERFECT DAD?? I COULDN'T BE MORE DISGUSTED WITH HIM AND MYSELF!!' *Goes back to reality.

Daniel and Andrew were already out of the car and seemed to be running excitedly towards their sister who was still standing in her pijamas and her fluffy bunny 🐰 🐰 shoes, but with her face as clean and gorgeous as a baby's bum, and her lips and creamy and pink as a bunny's lips and her amazing brunette curls shining in the faint afternoon sun. She.. was…beautiful. Staring at her from across the window was Lisa and Franklon. Both watching how she wholeheartedly hugged both of her brothers and turned them around and a happy 360 rotation before heading into her house.

Lisa: "This is the first time in all our life that we've had a fight and haven't spoken or gotten back the next 24 hours" Sighs "And even if we didn't talk within the next day, we would both….I mean she would be worried and would be the first one to talk and apologise and I'd be the one who seemed to not care at all and thrived and now…. she's the one thriving! For real for real." Chuckles a little "She looks so healthy and…happy and content. Afterall, her mom is now a multi millionaire, her grades her perfect, she's hot, she's got GOOD friends….how wouldn't she be happy?".

Franclon: *Looks at Lisa with absolute disgust and disturbance in his eyes "Thank God!"

Lisa: *Looks at him "Thank God for what?".

Franclon: "Thank God she finally saw you for who you are and finally decided that she was thorough with you, because how could you be so elitist, jealous and self-centred?? Don't you recognise that you don't need to feel higher than her or to have everything she has to feel happy. Happiness IS a state of mind, because no matter how rich you think you are, there is still going to be someone who is richer than you. And jealousy will get you nowhere?"

Lisa: "Hmmmm…..Broken to pieces son of a Bitch who's dad is fucking my mom, and who is fucking me and my friend is trying to lecture me" *Franclon eyes widen when she said that last part "Oh! So you really are fucking her too!" Laughs loudly and hysterically. Starts mimicking Franclon "Jealousy won't get you nowhere" in her normal voice "Well it got me under you and your mom under my dad so, pretty sure it could and DID get me somewhere, Because I am one under percent sure that you glutton son of a bitch LOVE it when I am under you. You enjoy every fucking moment inside 💠 💠 IT, don't ya?" Smacks lips "Anyways, Maya's problem is not my problem because you are no more my problem, your hers now!" Turns and walks away "Have Fun".

And now we are at we are located inside the Scatts's house, where Mr and Mrs Scatts are located in the balcony negotiating their family and their Marriage Slash divorce status, while Maya Dan and Andrew are in the dining room having lunch.

Maya: "So..boys!...How has Dad been treating you?" Looks jokingly at the boys while she turns her phone 🤳 recorder on "So.. tell me…how had Dad's been treating you?".

Suddenly a little moment of sadness surged in the room, when the boys' smile went upside down as they were asked about their house situation with their dad.

Dan: "This is out 54th cloth to be bought for us by our dad!"

Andrew: "He's watched the tutorial on how to work a washing machine like 49 times but still can't get it to be working, the first time he tried he destroyed it so now we can't wash our clothes".

Dan: "So he buys us clothes to wear once and hide it in our room till he buys us a new one the next day."

Maya: *With her jaw on the floor because she couldn't believe how restless and stupid her dad was being, because she knew that he could have solved all of that by simply getting a maid. "So you're telling me that right now the house is a total disaster?"

Dan and Andrew: "Yes" in unison.

Dan: "He can't cook, so we are always ordering food. He is always too tired to wash plates so we always wait for our babysitter to wash them. He can't sweep, can't mop, can't do anything except "Pay bills". Apparently, something that mom used to do very effortlessly in the house is something he takes more than 3 hours and counting to do and says that "it's very exhausting".

Andrew: "So how has mom been treating you?"

Maya: "Look around. How does it look? Does it look as horrible as YOUR house?"

Dan and Andrew: "No" in unison and then start crying "This place looks better, so much better"

Maya: "Oohhh, don't cry my babies!" Hugs them both at the same time "Don't worry, you'll be fine, you'll be coming here more frequently than before".

Dan and Andrew: "Really?"

Maya: "Yes, if you want".

Dan: "Of course we want" Hugs their sister even tighter.