Chapter 24

Chapter 24

And there they were, Lacrosse and Lisa having quite the conversation sat on the floor of Lisa's bedroom talking about it all.

Lacrosse: "How did you know it was the most amazing sex?.Where you there?".

Lisa: "I wasn't, but it was very clear, after the sex, Maya came out looking like a whole lot of woman, she looked way more beautiful and she was glowing in all the right ways, and then she also told me about it and that was when I knew. So can I continue?"

Lacrosse: Nods her head.

Lisa: "After their sex she came running to me, scared that she was pregnant, so I helped her, but fortunately the dumb hoe wasn't pregnant, it was just the rest of the cum from the sex that hadn't come out was the one making her feel that way. Anyways, after knowing this I immediately went and had a conservation with Franklon because I felt a little betrayed and sad, and then he explained that he wasn't in love with me, his father was the one who asked him to come and pretend he was in love with him, in order to get information about my mum. He didn't tell me what the informations were about but as soon as I knew, I immediately told my mum that we could be getting scammed and she told care of the things on her own. But then we started the last week of school and that was when the fight happened. Amaya and I were debating on where to take Franclon because his dad had asked me to take him around, and as we were discussing the place we could take him too, she kept going against all of my opinions, which made me lash out and say somethings to her about me and Franclon but I don't really remember, all I can remember was the way she responded to me. I had never seen her that mad in all my life, and ever since then we haven't talked to each other."

Lacrosse: "Wow! everything is so complicated and so stupid because apparently you guys are both fighting about a guy. A guy, who could go out there right now and get another girl who would be with him, have a one night stand with her, turn her to his girlfriend and never look at none of you both again. Moreover, you both broke one of the most important rules of what it means to be a girl's girl, which is to never fight with your girl about a man. Anyways I hope your mom is dealing with Franklin's dad stupid creepy stuff and I hope that Maya will find it in her heart to forgive you and if she doesn't you need to go have a conversation with her. Or else this whole friendship is going to go to waste and if you ask me, it already has, because judging from what you said and how I have seen the route of your friendship, it looks like you are always make everything about you in the friendship".

Lisa: "I think the same thing too and I understand if she doesn't want to be my friend anymore but I at least want her forgiveness, so I would feel at peace"

Lacrosse: "Then you better hope that she wants to".

Lisa: "I hope so. Anyways enough about me, how are you doin? We haven't really talked about ya"

Lacrosse: Sighs "I have been good, still virgin and still can't go anywhere or do anything because my parents are very strict, but yeah, life is great!"

Lisa: Laughs"You should be happy your parents are that protective, mine are too, but sometimes it feels like they don't care about me at all, as long as I am alive and breathing and looking good because of my mom's cosmetic business, everything is fine".

Lacrosse: "Our parents are…so bad but like in different ways, like mine are too strict, your are not strict enough and Maya's are just fine but crazy about little things"

Lisa: "hahahahah, Maya's parents are bad at some levels, they do not let her be, they are always putting her up to things just because she's good at it, like for God sake".

Lacrosse: "Remember when we were seven and went to your mom's Birthday party and when parents were talking about things they have their kids do and Maya's mom spent like 40 minutes counting all the things she obligates a seven year old girl to do and everyone was stunned." Laughs "Thank God they don't put her up to those type of things anymore".

Lisa: 'Right!"

Back at Maya's house the beautiful teenager was getting ready to go out to meet her friends, Julia, Aaliyah and Tamara. They add organized the little picnic down garden and the months were also invited. So it was like a little mother and daughter picnic but they're going to be separated. The moms are going to do their own business while the daughters are also doing their own thing.

Some exceptions were made for people who had other siblings or more than one siblings, so Mrs Scatts decided to go with the twins, so she dressed them up and almost got emotional seeing all her kid together, laughing and looking amazing. It was like her world had been back to where

It was and she felt complete again.

The picnic 🧺 🧺 started at 5:00, but with all the excitement in the house they got late and missed almost half of the picnic but tamara's mom was amazing at filling them in and telling them everything and every gossip that they had lost while Maya went away out there with her friends on the other side of the garden in her picnic and the boys were also having fun with other siblings in the family-Friend group who were boys.So everyone was having fun and having the best time of their lives until…