Death report

Isabell Johnson was found dead in the house of Detective Alex Joul when he found her body after the killer broke into his house and planted the body on his couch, he called the police around the time of 4:20 am. The cause of death was blood loss due to the eyes being ruthlessly cut out and a large cut on her mouth that went from the side of her mouth to her upper cheekbone. The time of death was ten minutes after Detective Joul found her body as it seemed that she was still alive but unable to speak.

The weapon of use was found to be a large glass shard from her upstairs bedroom window. We have yet to find any fingerprints of the killer or any more evidence. As this was not the first murder that had happened in this specific way, because of what we also found on her back was a carved crossed-eyed smiling face. There have been several other murders with the same symbol and gruesome way of murder.

We believe this death was targeted at Detective Joul due to him being the lead on this case. We will provide information if we find anything else.