Chapter 0007: Fierce Battle

Chapter 0007: Fierce Battle

What in the heavenly holy fuck did she say!?

I was completely floored. Did she really just say that? She actually agreed?!

Sure, there was a condition—that I had to beat her in a fight—but still, wasn't this a bit too outrageous? We were talking about a girl's most private clothing here, and she just... gambled it like that?

Was this confidence? Or just naivety? Overconfidence perhaps?

I didn't know. And frankly, I didn't want to know. All I could do was put my hands together and force a smile. "Um, I was just kidding, Yui-senpai… No, Yui-sama. Just trying to lighten the mood, you know? Please don't take it seriously." At this point, all I wanted was to escape this situation, away from this crazy conversation. I didn't even pay attention to the system's notification telling me I had completed the task.

"My father once said that a man's words are like water spilled on the ground," Yui said in that same indifferent tone. "Once said, there's no taking them back." As she spoke, her wrist flipped, and with a sharp hiss, a kunai shot toward me.

My eyes sharpened as I instinctively dodged to the side. The kunai grazed past my hair, embedding itself into a nearby tree with a dull thunk.

"W-Wait, you're serious?" I touched the spot where a chunk of my hair had been sliced off, exasperated.

"The next one will be your head," she said coldly, pulling out three more kunai from her pouch, then skillfully flinging them at me.

The sound of air being sliced reached my ears as three kunai flew at me from different angles. The power and precision behind them were something no ordinary academy student could match.

As expected of a top-tier genius.

I smiled wryly, but my body didn't slow down. I pushed off to the right and, in one swift motion, pulled out several shuriken from my own pouch and hurled them forward.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

The sound of metal clashing echoed through the air.

Shuriken were lighter than kunai, and since I threw them in a rush, I didn't manage to deflect Yui's kunai entirely. Still, I altered their course enough that they flew past me, missing my body by a hair.

Just as I was about to breathe a sigh of relief, I felt something sharp coming from behind me. Reacting on instinct, I ducked, and the kunai whizzed over my head, spinning back toward me.

She was using the Manipulated Shuriken Technique?! Or rather, Manipulated Kunai Technique?

I looked up, and sure enough, there were faint, gleaming strings attached to the kunai, leading back to Yui's hand. Damn it. That sly trickster! She was really going all out to mess with me.

Squinting my eyes, I made a decision. I wasn't the type to just roll over and give up. If she had just wanted to throw a few punches or kicks, fine, I could handle that. But with her aiming to kill, I wasn't about to sit still and take it.

Got it!

As her kunai flew at me again, I shot my left hand out and grabbed onto the wire. Using the momentum, I yanked myself forward, charging straight at Yui with my right fist raised.


Yui's eyes widened slightly, clearly surprised that I had countered her technique so quickly. But she wasn't just a genius for nothing. She reacted almost immediately, pushing off the ground and retreating several steps back.

Leaf Whirlwind!

Not giving her a chance to breathe, I pressed the attack, sweeping my right leg toward her stomach in a wide arc.


The sound of impact reverberated through the air, and I froze for a second. She... blocked it?!


Even though Yui had been forced to take a few more steps back, and her arms were trembling slightly from the force, she had still managed to catch my kick.

That... was impressive.

I couldn't help but be a little stunned. Earlier, she had seemed to downplay taijutsu, so I had assumed her physical skills were average at best. But her physical strength was far beyond what I had expected!

So this is what a true all-rounder genius is like?

Before I could dwell on it further, Yui spoke up. "Your taijutsu is better than I thought. If I stick to the basics, I might really lose. So..."

As she spoke, she raised her arms, her fingers swiftly forming a series of hand signs.

She was casting a jutsu. And fast too. Within the blink of an eye, she had already completed it.

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu!"

Her cheeks puffed up, and a moment later, a huge, dark red fireball erupted from her mouth.

The moment the fireball appeared, I could feel the searing heat rush toward me. An intense sense of danger surged through my body, from my spine straight to my brain.


The fireball exploded where I had been standing, sending smoke and embers flying everywhere.

Did I dodge in time?

Yui's instincts told her I wouldn't be foolish enough to take the hit head-on. Her eyes scanned the area, looking for where I'd escaped to.


Just then, I shot out of the smoke, lunging straight at her.


Yui's usually calm expression finally showed a hint of surprise. In her dark eyes, she could see my fist growing larger and larger, scorched from the flames but still coming right at her.

Not just my fist, either.

My clothes and hair were singed, and my face was smeared with ash. I had taken her fireball jutsu head-on!

Fuck you bitch!

Author's Note: So, previously I had given an offer - 5 people subscribing to the lowest tier of p@treon and I will release 20 free chapters. Unfortunately, only 2 subscribed and I'm grateful for them. Therefore, as appreciation, I will be publishing 10 CHAPTER tomorrow.

My new offer is: 10 people subscribing to my lowest tier - I will release 50 new free chapters and NSFW images of Hinata, Sakura and any other characters on demand for these 10 people.