Chapter 0035: "Have You Had Enough?"

Chapter 0035: "Have You Had Enough?"


The sharp sound of metal breaking echoed in the air.

Whoosh… clang!

Mid-air, a sword glinting coldly spun a few times before embedding itself into the ground.

Tsunade stood still, her expression calm. "What's the name of that sword technique?"

"Iai," I sighed, holding the broken hilt of my sword.

The battle was over. It ended with my complete defeat, just as I had anticipated. Still, a sense of frustration welled up inside me. My strongest attack had been shattered by a single punch, leaving me disheartened.

"Iai, huh..." Tsunade glanced at her torn sleeve, her eyes reflecting surprise and contemplation. If my blade had been just a bit sturdier, she might've been injured right now.

It was hard to believe that Tsunade, a legendary ninja who had survived countless battles, had almost been wounded by a kid like me. If anyone heard about this, they'd probably laugh it off as a joke.

A monster.

That's how Tsunade must see me. In every aspect, I was a monstrous talent.

She took a deep breath, calming herself. "I've seen enough of your strength. Now then…" As she spoke, her eyes suddenly widened, her body trembling. "You… you…"

"What's wrong?" I tilted my head, confused.

"Are you injured? Don't come any closer! Turn around, now!" Tsunade's expression morphed into pure panic, something I hadn't expected from her.

It was just a bit of blood running down my arm.

Tsunade, unable to save her lover and watching him die in front of her, had developed a severe case of hemophobia—a crippling fear of blood. The sight of it paralyzed her with fear and dread, sometimes even knocking her unconscious.

"Are you okay, Tsunade-sensei?" I asked, pretending to be oblivious, taking a few steps closer on purpose.

Her trembling worsened. "Stay back!" She took an involuntary step backward, only to trip on a log behind her, about to fall.

Instinctively, I reached out with my left hand, grabbing her arm, while my right arm slipped around her waist, pulling her into my embrace.

"Are you alright?" I asked, acting casual as if nothing unusual had happened.

Given the difference in our heights, holding her like this was a bit awkward.

My head was pressed tightly against something soft, and most of my face was buried deep in that softness. Breathing became difficult, but I endured the "discomfort" for the sake of completing my mission. My hands moved slowly downwards.

Finally, my palms landed on her hips, a place no one had dared touch before. For the mission's sake, I applied a bit of pressure until I heard the system notification chime in my head.

[Congratulations, Host. Task complete. You have gained 50 days' worth of experience in ninjutsu, taijutsu, and kenjutsu]

I breathed a sigh of relief. But just as I was about to remove my hands from the forbidden zone, Tsunade's cold voice whispered in my ear.

"Well? Have you had enough?"

I froze, lifting my head with great difficulty, only to be met with Tsunade's icy, unamused face.

How? How had she recovered so quickly?!

What do I do now? I'm dead, I'm so dead!

A cold sweat ran down my forehead as my mind blanked.

Tsunade gazed at me expressionlessly, her voice flat. "Well? Care to share your thoughts?"

Thoughts? What kind of thoughts could I possibly have in this situation?!

I swallowed hard, thinking of excuses, ready to explain this as some sort of huge misunderstanding. But that damned system of mine, always stirring up trouble, decided to intervene with a new task:

[New options generated!]

[Host, choose one of the following options:]

[-> Option one: Gaze deeply into her eyes and say: "Your hips have an amazing shape; they feel incredible."]

[-> Option two: Sneer and say: "Too much fat. I prefer women like Kurenai with smaller figures."]

[-> Option three: Sigh and say: "The time was too short. I couldn't really feel anything."]

Screw you, system!

I almost cursed out loud. The system was hellbent on pushing me into the abyss. Each of these options clearly confessed that what I had done was on purpose! First meeting my beautiful teacher, and I'd already groped her. This was the quickest way to get killed!

I was staring down a major crisis. This was without a doubt the most perilous moment of my life. Honestly, I considered abandoning the task altogether, even if it meant losing my chakra for a while. That would be better than being murdered.

Sensing my hesitation, the system, usually so emotionless and detached, threw in an additional punishment warning:

[NOTE: If the Host abandons the task, they will be subject to the 'panties curse'. For the next two years, unless you have a pair of panties in your mouth, you will lose control of your bladder and bowels.]

Panties... curse?

I was stunned. This punishment was far worse than losing chakra!

There was no way out. Resigned to my fate, I forced myself to say, haltingly, "The time… it was too short. I… I couldn't really, really feel anything."

Author's Note: I'm 25% angry at the moment XD. This book got 89 reports with 52 being: "I hate slave system" and the rest being: "Inappropriate Title/Cover/Unoriginal Story" and the book was banned for 72 hours. I could neither change the cover nor the title nor could I upload anything... Like wth?

Sigh, anyway, I know the supporters are a lot more than that... So, I'm controlling myself.

Currently, 6 chapters mass release is set on Monday. 2 goals are yet to be reached: Powerstones - 237/350. Roughly little more than hundred to go. and paid p@treons: 12/15 - just 3 to go. If you complete these 2 goals too, in total, there will be 21 chapters released on Monday.

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