Chapter 0038: Shocked Minato

Chapter 0038: Shocked Minato

"Tsunade-sama…" Minato said with a wry smile, "You could tell that I was dissatisfied?"

He was a respectful and obedient student, not a rebellious one. Therefore, he was very convinced by his mentor's words. At most, he was just a bit curious about me.

"Well, it's normal to be dissatisfied before seeing it in person," Tsunade said, seemingly ignoring the bitter expression on his face. "So, let my student show you a bit… Hiroto!"


I wasn't sure what kind of expression to have. My beautiful teacher was really willful! He had just casually mentioned something, and now she was forcing me to show off. Isn't this a bit unreasonable?!

Moreover, what does "show off" mean? Does she think I'm some street performer?

Thinking this in my heart, I sighed with some frustration and said, "Teacher, what do you want me to show?"

"Why does that sound weird?" Tsunade raised an eyebrow and said, "Use your Lightning Release, that technique called Chidori. Show it to him!"

Birds, show the birds?! Is that what she wants me to do?

I was momentarily stunned and said with a face full of black lines, "Teacher, I think…"

"Stop talking and hurry up!" Tsunade slammed the table and said coldly.

"Alright, alright." Facing the situation, I could only yield to the superior force. I quickly formed hand signs, and immediately, the chirping sound of birds echoed as a ball of blue lightning gathered in his palm.

"This technique…" Minato was startled and said, "It's gathering Lightning Release chakra in the hand and thrusting it out to create a burst of power in an instant? Did you create this yourself?

"Sort of," I said, feeling a bit guilty when facing Kakashi who was not far away.

What I didn't know was that Kakashi's shock had reached its peak!

Earlier, when his teacher said that I was the most talented ninja of the younger generation, Kakashi was somewhat skeptical. But seeing this technique, he realized… he might really be inferior to the me.

At least, he currently lacked the ability to create a new technique. Let alone, the Lightning Release chakra in this boy's hand, if it exploded, the destructive power would probably reach an A-rank level.

"Very impressive!" Minato gave a sincere evaluation. "Hiroto's talent is indeed frightening. No wonder the teacher speaks so highly of you. However, if this technique didn't need hand signs, it would be even more perfect."

I understood why he said this.

Because at this time, Minato was researching ways to develop non-hand-seal techniques and practical applications. Soon, he would find inspiration and insights from the Tailed Beast Ball and fully develop the "Rasengan."

Speaking of Rasengan!

I seemed to think of something and curiously asked, "Minato-senpai seems interested in non-hand-seal techniques?"

"You noticed," Minato scratched his head and said with a nonchalant smile, "My combat style is a bit special. If I can develop a non-hand-seal technique, it will greatly enhance my combat ability."

"I see." I pretended to be casual and said, "Actually, I also thought about being able to use a technique like Chidori without hand signs. But Lightning Release chakra is too violent to be compressed at high density."

"High-density compression, huh…"

Minato, being one of the top geniuses in the Naruto world, immediately extended my idea and suggested, "What if you first use non-attribute chakra to condense and compress, then add the nature transformation?"

"I'll give it a try." I seemed to suddenly wake up, and, ignoring everyone else, extended my hand and began to gather chakra.

At this moment, everyone forgot their purpose of eating and focused their attention on my right hand. The chakra gathered in his palm, flowing in different directions, then suddenly turned into a spherical ball of chakra.

"Did it work?!" Minato's eyes widened in disbelief.

The problem he had been working on for years was unexpectedly solved by the boy's words, which was beyond his imagination.

"It seems to have worked," I scratched my head and said with an awkward laugh. "But for now, I still can't inject chakra nature transformation into it."

"No, you're already amazing." Minato took a deep breath and calmed himself. "At your age, I wasn't even a fraction of your ability."

I felt a bit embarrassed by the praise and said with a blush, "Minato-senpai is exaggerating."

This wasn't really my own idea or concept. I merely borrowed the experience from Minato's future creation of Rasengan. Now being praised by the originator, I wasn't bold enough to accept it.

Minato shook his head and said, "I should thank you. If it weren't for your suggestion, it would have taken me more time to complete this technique. Here's a scroll with several sealing techniques as a token of my gratitude." He took out a scroll from his pocket and handed it to me.

I was momentarily stunned and then said, "No, there's no need to be thankful. I just helped...", but I accepted it with an inward smirk. Only a fool would let such an opportunity pass by.

"I need to head back first. Kakashi, Obito, Rin, you stay here and continue eating. I'll find you later." Minato quickly left the restaurant after instructing his students.

"Probably going to tell Kushina the good news, what a good boy," Tsunade said with a hint of sarcasm.

"Wait, Minato-senpai…" I chased out of the barbecue restaurant and called out from behind.

"What's up, Hiroto-kun?" Minato turned around in confusion. "Is there something else you want to say?"

"This…" I was about to return the sealing scroll, after all, the knowledge had already entered my mind with one look and I could get a favor from Minato if I could return it…

But just then… the fucking system almost made me collapse once again.

[New options generated!]

[Host, choose one of the following options:]

[-> Option one: Calmly inform Minato that Kushina is actually your wife. Ask him if he's surprised and happy and wants to congratulate you.]

[-> Option two: Quietly remind Minato that Kakashi's true identity is a perverted homosexual, so he should be careful when bathing with him.]

[-> Option three: Curiously ask Minato if, whenever he and Kushina are intimate, the Nine-Tails cheers them on from the sidelines!]

[Note: The foreskin on your dick will peel away every time you move for 30 days - it will be painful, extremely.]


Note: For +30 chps, check out p@treon: