Chapter 6: Battle Preparations

When I emerge on the other side of the dark pathway, I find myself ever closer to the temple's true entrance. The only issue? In order to reach it, I must traverse a thin pathway of ropes leading over chasms so deep I cannot see the bottom. I step forward when Fi rises out of my sword and floats before me.

"I have confirmed the plant life of this area matches that of Faron Woods. We have reached the area locally referred to as the Deep Woods. Now we should continue toward the temple in search of Zelda."

I nod to her, and she vanishes. I run forward, and when I round the corner, I quickly take out my new slingshot and fire a deku seed at the head of an unfortunate bokoblin. It screeches and clutches its head upon impact. I then rush over and finish the job with my blade, driving it into the bokoblin's heart. Before I proceed, I notice a faint buzzing sound. Turning my head, I find a beehive hanging from the nearby tree. Once more, I take out my slingshot and send a seed flying towards the hive, knocking it down and breaking it into pieces. I walk over and pick up the contents left behind; hornet larvae. I remember from previous playthroughs that, much like the other materials I've picked up, these can be taken to one of the residents of the bazaar in Skyloft to create new things.

Continuing down the stone pathway, I soon spot another bokoblin whom I swiftly destroy. Just then, I finally see the chasms. Standing cautiously on the edge, I look down.

I wish I hadn't.

A seemingly endless abyss meets my gaze, and when I look back up, I realize just how far I'll have to go to reach the temple's doors. Before I do anything, I make sure to knock down the beehive hanging over the first rope. I know there's no retrieving the contents from that one, but that doesn't matter to me. All I care about right now is not falling to my death. Once I get rid of that obstacle, I slowly begin to traverse the rope bridge which isn't even really a bridge at all; it's just one singular taut rope spanning the length of the chasm.

I'm not walking across this. I will crawl if I have to.

I kneel down and grab the rope firmly with both hands, then slide across. Inching my way closer and closer, a strange cold breeze rises from below me, sending a shiver along my spine.

Don't look down. You are going to live.

Eventually, I reach the other side and make it back to stable land.

But of course, I'm not in the clear yet.

I shake off my nerves and proceed, slaying another bokoblin. Suddenly, I hear a familiar voice call out to me.

"Now, there is a face I know! Hey, bud!"

I look up.

"Oh, hello, Gorko."

"I got something I need your help with. Come over here and take a look!"

"Sure thing. Give me a minute," I tell him. I follow the path to an even more frightening sight: instead of a rope leading to the next area, I find a ledge only a few inches deep jutting out from the rock wall. My hands tremble.

Am I going to have enough strength to wiggle my way across?

I breathe in. I breathe out.

For Zelda.

I hop up and grab the ledge, then carefully move along the wall—my finger bones near breaking—until, after an agonizing eternity, I arrive at the other side. I close my eyes and let out a sigh of relief. I can handle the ropes, but this? I'm glad to still be alive. I continue, crossing the next rope path with relative ease; that is, apart from having to shake a bokoblin off my trail.

Around and around I go, using ropes to crawl and swing across deep pits of nothingness. A small chest holding a red rupee serves as my reward at the end. When I finally catch up with Gorko, I immediately notice what he is so curious about.

"I tell you, your timing could not have been better. Look here. I stumbled onto one of these things just now, and it looks just like something I have seen in those ancient texts!"

I walk up to investigate. What sits before me in the dirt is a giant metal cube with mystical symbols etched into the surface, including the Hylian Crest.

"If I remember right… Yup, this is one of the things the goddess was said to have left behind for the hero of legend. Pretty amazing, right? I even thought up a name for these things. I have been calling them Goddess Cubes! Makes sense, right?"

"Indeed it does."

"Those ancient texts say some real interesting stuff about these things. How did it go again? Let me see, uh… 'Summon forth the light from a heavenly blade, and may that sword's master receive aid.' So there you have it. I see you got yourself a sword there. What do you say we try and crack the mystery of this cube together?"

"Sure. I think I know what I need to do here."

"Hey! Thanks a billion, bud!"

"Of course."

"This cube is made of some sort of metal I have never seen. I have whaled on it, but nothing happens. You know, bud, I would say the key to cracking this egg is that one line. You know, 'the light from a heavenly blade'?"

Already knowing just what to do, I draw my sword and raise the blade skyward, allowing it to charge with holy energy. When it glows blue, I swing downward, allowing the light to seep through and strike the cube. Immediately, the cube lights up, and the metal shell fades to reveal a glowing orb of light inside which promptly rises into the sky. Gorko steps back, astonished.

"WHOOOA! Did you see that?! The cube just shot up into the sky! I think it reacted to that whirly-beam thing that shot out of your sword. And where do you think the cube shot off to, anyhow? This mystery just got a whole lot more, uh, mysterious! The texts say there are cubes like that one all over this land. Tell you what. You blast as many of those cubes as you can find. If you find out more about them along the way, you come see me."

"Will do. Thank you, Gorko."

I make the final stretch to the entrance of the temple. Just outside lies yet another goddess cube. Following the same actions as before, I unleash a skyward strike upon the cube, watching the light inside fly off into the air. Once it's gone, I walk up to the bird statue that is also nearby. Fi emerges from my sword to give me more valuable information.

"Master Adrienne, I have detected Zelda's aura emanating from within this structure."

I look up towards the temple and notice the ornate golden door embedded with gems locking me out and Zelda inside.

"However, I have also detected the presence of numerous monsters. Are you sure you want to proceed?"


"It would be very unwise to display overconfidence here. Within the walls of this place, no one will come to your aid. If you feel unprepared to face the dangers ahead, consider returning to the sky to properly equip yourself. It would be wise to carry a shield to protect yourself, as well as a stock of potions to restore lost hearts. Now we should continue the search for Zelda."

As she fades away, I ponder my next move.

Hm… I could stand to do a few things up in Skyloft. Might as well return to the sky before entering the temple. Luckily, I can drop back right here when I return.

I interact with the bird statue and, before I know it, a powerful gust of wind shoots me toward the sky. My sailcloth billows in the wind as I rise through the clouds. Once I pass through the barrier, I whistle as loud as I can. My crimson loftwing flies to meet me, catching me in the air. I tightly grasp its feathers.

I don't think I'll ever get used to this feeling.

Before I can begin to plot out my time up here, Fi appears to give me a report.

"Master Adrienne… When you hit that Goddess Cube with a Skyward Strike earlier, I was able to detect a resulting energy reaction above the clouds. The location I have marked on your map indicates the spot where I sensed an energy reaction. I advise you to investigate the area around this location."

She returns to my sword and I start thinking of my plan.

All right. Well, let's see now… there are plenty of small floating islands scattered across Skyloft. I could stop at the bamboo place to chop down some bamboo and earn trinkets. That way, I can go to the bazaar and upgrade my shield. I can also stop by the Lumpy Pumpkin to grab that heart container on the chandelier. Finally, I'll stop by Beedle's air shop and pick up a few things.

I fly my loftwing through the sky, allowing the wind to rush through my outfit. My black hair flutters. We take a deep nose dive until we land on Bamboo Island. I enter the hut and find a small bamboo forest with a singular bamboo pole in the center. Off to the side is a heavy-set man with receding blond hair, a green, two-piece outfit, and long pink fingerless gloves on both hands.

"Whoa! Is that you, Adrienne? Never thought I'd run into you here."

"I'm sorry, who are you?"

"What? You tellin' me you don't know who I am? Believe it or not, I used to be the most popular guy in the sky! Mr. Skyloft, that was me. But… you might relate better if I told you I was the proud father of Skyloft's most popular girl: Peatrice, princess of the Item Check."

Oh, yes, I remember her. She's… interesting.

"How's that? Does that clear anything up for you, young feller? Ha ha ha ha! This here's my secret spot where I come to work the kinks out of my sword arm. There was a time I was the most popular guy in all of Skyloft. Folks were always cheerin' me on like it was a parade. But as you know, time passes. And I'm not the young buck I used to be. I eat when I get stressed, and I'm worried about my darlin' daughter all the time! I mean, look at this belly! So that's what drives a feller here to chop some bamboo! Let me tell you, there's no better way to sweat off those pounds. Here's an idea, Adrienne. Why don't you try slicin' some bamboo?"

"Sure. I'll give it a shot."

"That's the spirit! Chop away, girl!" He pauses as I draw my sword. "Hold up a second! Get your horses holded. There's got to be a way to spice things up a notch or three. Hmm… Yep. That's the ticket right there!"

"What's your idea?"

"You're goin' to take a swing at whittlin' down that big old bamboo right there in the middle of the room. Thing is, see, it's a contest to see how many cuts you can make before it hits the ground. If you're good enough, you'll stroll out of here with a prize!"

"I like the sound of that."

"It'll cost you ten rupees to see what you're made of. You want to give it a try?"


"All right, then. Get to slicin'!"

I grip my sword and stand at the ready in front of the bamboo pole.

3… 2… 1… Start!

Magic fueling my right arm, I slice through the bamboo pole as many times as I possibly can, counting each cut in my mind. When I finish, the bamboo pole lies on the floor in pieces—35 pieces to be exact.

"Hold up, young one, you're all done! Let's count those cuts. Your score this time is 35! That is one humding-alinger of a score! I only reached that number a few times myself. Here's your prize!"

He reaches into a pouch on his belt and pulls out a Goddess Plume, a shimmering crystalline feather. According to my memory, this item is a legendary treasure that few have ever beheld. I place the crystal gently in my adventure pouch.

I decide to try a few more times. He also gives me a bluebird feather, a golden skull, and an evil crystal. After I've acquired these items, I thank the man and bid him farewell. Next stop—the Lumpy Pumpkin. I leap off the edge of the island and whistle. Soon my bird returns and whisks me away. We fly through the sky for a little while, the crisp cool air rushing past us as we navigate through the clouds. We close in on the island, and just as my loftwing flies over, I jump off and use my sailcloth to float to the ground. An orange pumpkin-shaped building meets my gaze, along with the small pumpkin farm out front. I slice through some of the pumpkins and, pouring some of the mushroom spores on the rupees that pop out of them, get some extra money. Just then, I remember what Fi told me. I check my map and notice that I just so happen to be on one of the islands that holds a Goddess Cube chest. I run around the building and find a shiny silver chest. When I open it, I find an extension for my adventure pouch. I can now fit one more item inside it. I then walk back around the side of the building and enter the Lumpy Pumpkin.

The interior of the Lumpy Pumpkin is quaint and warm, with soft orange walls, green trim, dark wooden tables, and a custom chandelier with pumpkin-shaped light fixtures. On top of the chandelier is a heart container. I decide to go talk to the few patrons inside the restaurant. An old man says some strange ramblings about a demon supposedly living in Skyloft. Keeping that information in mind, I go over to talk to Kina, the daughter of the owner. She has black and white hair done up in an intricate pumpkin-shaped bun, large brown eyes, and wears a colorful dress.

"Well, well… Welcome! I can see from your handsome outfit there that you're a Skyloft knight!"

"Yes, that's right."

"I hope you'll make yourself at home! Have the rupees sitting on top of the chandelier caught your eye? Don't go thinking that you can get those down, you hear? You might think that you could knock the rupees down by bumping something and making the chandelier shake, but… Don't even think about it! Are we clear?"


Walking away, I go over to speak with her father behind the bar.

"Welcome to every bird rider's favorite rest stop, the Lumpy Pumpkin! This is the one and only place you can enjoy some of our famous pumpkin soup! What do you think? Want to try a bit and see what all the buzz is about?"

"Yes, please."

I hand him a small cluster of rupees and in turn, he gives me a bottle of piping hot pumpkin soup. I take off the lid and, blowing on it to cool it off, take a sip. My eyes widen.


"It's delicious! Thank you!" I smile. I walk up the steps nearby to see the upper floor. I look across the balcony at the heart container sitting on the chandelier. The only way to reach it is to break the chandelier.

Or is it?

Making sure no one is looking, I wiggle my fingers and allow my latent magic to delicately lift the heart container into the air. As it floats toward me, I keep an eye on the chandelier. It moves ever so slightly, but not enough for it to fall. After an agonizing moment, I claim my prize.

Great! No damage done!

I hurry down the steps, satisfied with my work, and leave the Lumpy Pumpkin. Once again, I jump off the ledge and fly off toward the next location; another sky chest. I land on the island marked on my map and open this chest to find another heart container.

Now, for my final destination…

Returning to Skyloft, I land on the nearest platform. Luckily, Beedle's air shop is just above my head. I grab my slingshot and fire a deku seed at the large, golden bell hanging from the bottom of the shop which stops and lowers a rope for me to climb. I grasp the rope and wait as it retracts, lifting me upward. Once I reach the top, I enter.

Inside the air shop are massive gears turning, exposed pipes, and a strange bicycle with a power machine connected to it. A man with short brown hair, a long nose, brown fingerless gloves, and blue shorts riding the bicycle turns to look at me.

"Hello, Beedle," I say, waving.

"Oh! You've come all this way? It's so rare to have a customer here! Beedle's Airshop has everything you could ever want. Please, take a look around! And if you actually buy something, that would be even better!"

"Thank you." I walk over to him and glance at his wares: a piece of heart, an extra wallet, a bug net, and an adventure pouch extension. I want all of it, but even with all my funds, I don't think I could afford it all. I pick up the wallet first.

"That's an extra wallet. It's amazingly useful! With this, you can carry an extra 300 rupees in your wallet! Say goodbye to all those times you couldn't pick up another rupee because your wallet was stuffed full! Leave no rupee behind!"

A sense of sadness washes over me.

Something about that last phrase… it's triggering my hyperempathy.

"Even you must be able to see just how useful this item is, and all for only 100 rupees. Want to buy it?"

"Yes, please."

"Oh! Thank you ever so much! You've given me the strength to keep pedaling!"

"I have more things I am interested in." I pick up the bug net next.

"That's a bug net. You know, for catching bugs! Insects too. Okay, so there aren't so many bugs here, but you'll be able to catch tons with this when there are some! And at only 50 rupees, I'm sure you'll make a 'net profit'! Want to buy it?"

"Yes, please."

"Oh! Thank you ever so much! You've given me the strength to keep pedaling!"

I bid him farewell, then leave the air shop to go to the bazaar, my very last stop.

Stepping into the familiar lively scene, I approach the first shopkeeper, an overly eccentric man with rosy cheeks and a wide, overly friendly smile. I pick up a small pouch sitting on his table.

"That's a small see satchel. With this in your pouch, you can carry ten additional seeds. Recommended for slingshot enthusiasts! It costs 100 rupees. Do we have a deal, friend?"

"Yes," I say, giving him the money. He cheers.

"Ahaa! Thank you for your loyal and continued patronage, friend. If you have any doubts about the durability of your shield, I suggest you have it examined at the Scrap Shop. Provided you take good Gondo there the necessary treasures and the like, he will happily upgrade your items."

"Thank you. I will."

I leave the shopkeeper behind and walk across the way to the Scrap Shop. A muscular black man with pointy ears, a warm smile, and a tan mask hiding his eyes tinkers with something at a table.

"Heyyyyy! Welcome to the Scrap Shop! I can use the stuff you find to upgrade your gear and make it even stronger! And if your shield takes a beating, no worries. I can fix that too. So what'll it be?"

"I'd like to upgrade my gear, please."

"You got it! These are all the items you have that I can upgrade right now." He gestures to my shield, my bug net, my slingshot, and my seed satchel. I examine the shield options.

Okay, so if I give Gondo two amber relics, one monster claw, and one jelly blob, I can upgrade my shield. And at 30 rupees, that's a great deal.

I explain my wishes to him and hand him the money and materials. He smiles kindly at me.

"Okay! You just wait right there!"

He takes my shield. I watch him work. Moments later, he finishes.

"All done! Here you go!"

"Thank you!"

"Come again soon, y'hear!"

I say goodbye to him, then walk out of the bazaar.

Time to return to the surface.

Leaping off the same nearby ledge, I call my loftwing and fly off toward the green beacon piercing the cloud barrier. Once I am right on top of it, I jump off my bird and choose my destination. As I descend through the clouds, I can't help wondering what lies in wait for me.

Soon, my thoughts are interrupted, for I arrive outside the temple. I aimlessly wander around catching bugs and fighting monsters to collect some more trinkets, then return to the temple door. I step forward. I look up and notice a pink, diamond-shaped gem on the ceiling. I've seen plenty of these before, so I know exactly what to do. I take out my slingshot and fire a deku seed at the gem which then glows and splits apart into multiple diamonds. After that, it turns black, and then… the door opens. I descend into the darkness.

Here we go.