Chapter Fifty-Nine

Aron hadn't been able to find any tarps or tents on their escape from the enemy earlier so he went about gathering up what wood he could to build a makeshift shelter for the night, while Dr Chong was in charge of clearing an area for them to sleep in. There wasn't much usable material near the river, so Aron had to go a bit of a distance to find anything and by the time he returned, he was pleasantly surprised to find that Dr Chong had actually done a good job clearing away a large circular area for camp.

Aron dropped the long branches on the ground and went to find some rope from his backpack.

"What was your conclusion then?" he asked as he slotted one of the thicker branches between the crooks of two trees and across the clearing.

"Conclusion?" asked Dr Chong. He had moved on to counting and documenting their supplies.

"You and Kai were discussing whether the Rot is evil or not."