Chapter Sixty-Four: Off Screen Exposition

"So, then what?" crackled the radio, "Just war, war, war?"

"More or less." replied Aron. "Then when it was discovered that digital beings could willfully take control of digital systems, that put the end to any efforts to rebuild the internet or just widescale communication systems in general. Plus, electrical signals make it easy for any enemies to pick out targets."

Lachlan sighed. "No wonder it's so hard to move around," he said. "When I first woke up, I thought it would be easy to jump around to wherever on the internet, but instead, I have to rely on bouncing between animals and plants."

"Really? Plants?" asked Aron.

"Yeah, well actually… there is a kind of digital realm that overlays the physical that I and Mr. Heartwood over there can exist in, but…"

"It's hard to get to," finished Dr Chong. "And hard to exist in."

"How's that?"