Growing up, my mum had liked to watch reruns of classic imperial palace politics shows all the time so I ended up watching a fair amount. I hadn't especially like them, but I was now rather grateful for it as all those hours of crown princes groveling before wily emperor was now good material for my current conversation with this Commander Johnny Briggs.

He wasn't an especially large, intimidating kind of man. Rather, he was more like the mild-mannered advisor who ends up getting promoted before revealing themselves to be the final 'big bad'.

But while I exchanged pleasantries and made veiled threats with the commander, I also drew closer to the convoy in another form: a monkey.

As a monkey, I had to rely on steal to get near, not ubiquity, but that proved to be simple enough since all eyes were drawn to the current on-going negotiations. So in just a hop, skip, and a jump, I was in the back of a lorry packed with supply crates and tent poles.