
It wasn't flawless.

The body and temperament of the person who possessed this magic would change with the rise and fall of the sun.

When the sun set, the bearer of the power of the sun would enter their weakest state.

Even their personality would shift, becoming extremely timid and insecure.

It was the very embodiment of "I apologize for existing."

But once the sun rose, their mentality would explode with overconfidence, filled with overwhelming arrogance.

They would look at others with a gaze that said, "I'm not singling anyone out, but all of you here... are trash."

However, Rod wasn't Escanor himself.

He shouldn't be affected by the magic to the point that his personality would change.

At worst, he would simply lose the enhancement of his magic at night.

"Come to think of it, it's daytime right now!"

Rod looked up at the sky, his gaze fixed on the blazing sun hanging high above.

The sun, radiating intense light and heat, seemed to expand in his vision, eventually filling his entire line of sight.

"The sun!"

The scorching power spread through his limbs, coursing through every fiber of his being.

Where Rod stood, the grass and flowers withered as if evaporated by the intense heat.

The ground dried up, the rivers ceased to flow.

Even the air around him warped slightly from the sheer heat.

A terrifying aura of high temperatures radiated outward, with Rod at its center.

"So, this is the power of the sun?"

Rod stretched out his hand, and a flicker of flame danced at his fingertip.

The floating fire burned with a heat that had to be in the tens of thousands of degrees.

At this moment, he felt like he was the sun itself.

Blinding light and searing heat poured from his body, as if threatening to tear him apart from within.

And this wasn't even noon yet, when the sun's power would be at its peak.

If he unleashed all his power at high noon, just how terrifying would it be?

"Destroying a country... shouldn't be too difficult."

Rod muttered softly to himself.

For a brief moment, he realized how dangerous his thoughts were.

"Must be the magic influencing me."

He stood still for a while, slowly adapting to the overwhelming power surging through him.

Half an hour later, he finally managed to rein in the scorching magic within his body.


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