
Rod struck the two black flints together, and a small spark ignited in the dark.


From the shadows, three vicious hounds sprang out, causing chaos among the ogres.

The ogres attacked by the hounds panicked and stumbled, some of them rushing towards Rod, desperate to escape.


Rod reached out and touched the largest ogre.


The moment his hand made contact, the ogre's body shrank as if deflating.

At the same time, a surge of immense power flowed from the ogre through Rod's hand, spreading into his limbs.


Rod's clothes tore apart as his body swelled to several times its original size. His knotted muscles radiated an aura of sheer brutality.

With one hand, he gripped another ogre's head, activating the power of "Plunder" once more.

His muscles swelled like a sponge absorbing water, expanding at an astonishing rate.

The ogre, now drained of its strength, had its skull crushed under Rod's grasp.


A golden hound breathed fire, reducing several ogres to charred husks.

In the blink of an eye, over a dozen ogres were annihilated.

Rod pocketed the flints and sent the three hounds back to his treasury.

"Where are you all from?"

He lowered the cages hanging from the trees, freeing a group of terrified humans, then casually asked.

"We're merchants traveling to Mushroom Town for business!"

"If it hadn't been for your help, we would have been eaten alive by these ogres!" The leader, a middle-aged man, spoke with deep gratitude.

"This is a small token of our thanks. Please, accept it."

Rod glanced at the small pouch the man offered him.

The bag was light, containing perhaps a dozen gold coins.

To an ordinary person, such a sum would be a fortune, but for Rod, who possessed three treasure vaults, it was hardly worth a second glance.

"Forget the gold coins."

"I noticed you have some furs in your carriage. Give me a fur coat instead."

Rod selected a coat with soft fur lining the collar.

The leader of the merchant caravan breathed a sigh of relief.

Traveling merchants like them dreaded encountering greedy adventurers who demanded more than they could afford.

Though the fur was high-quality, it was only worth a few gold coins.

Compared to the value of their entire cargo, it was nothing.