Chapter 17: The Fountain of Life! An Immortal Body!

"The power of plunder doesn't seem as useful as I thought," Rod muttered, counting his current abilities while sitting in the carriage.

From the Ten Commandments of the Demon God Clan, he had only gained the Commandment of Kindness(Charity), a defensive ability. As for the Seven Deadly Sins, he had already obtained the powers of Pride and Greed.

Compared to the overwhelming magic of the sun, which at noon could rival the gods, and the unbreakable defense of the Commandment of Charity, the power of plunder seemed rather average. It allowed him to steal others' magic and strength for his own use, including their weapons, abilities, and stamina. However, the strength he could steal was limited to what his body could handle.

Moreover, the stolen power was temporary. Once it wore off, he would enter a weakened state, and the side effects were troublesome.

The real strength of the power of Greed lay not just in its magic but also in the fact that he had gained an immortal body after drinking holy water. Immortality, combined with the unique effects of certain divine artifacts, and paired with the power of plunder, was what truly made Greed formidable. By itself, the power of plunder was just a decent ability.

As these thoughts crossed his mind, Rod suddenly remembered he hadn't done his daily check-in.


[Ding! Check-in successful.]

[Reward obtained: Fountain of Life.]

[Fountain of Life: A spring containing boundless life energy. Drinking it grants eternal life and an immortal body.]

Rod raised an eyebrow. Just what he needed.

Finding an excuse to step out of the carriage, he discreetly retrieved the Fountain of Life. A continuous stream of water flowed from a golden chalice in his hand, the source of life force hidden within the cup itself. The water spilling onto the ground was condensed from pure life energy.

Wherever the water fell, the nearby plants and trees grew at a rapid pace, flourishing almost instantly. In the blink of an eye, the entire forest around him became several times denser, a direct result of just a few drops.

Looking at the Fountain of Life, Rod felt a strong, indescribable urge rise within him. His very cells were screaming at him to drink it.

He had never been one to restrain his desires.


Rod tilted his head back and poured the liquid into his mouth.

An overwhelming surge of vitality spread throughout his body, transforming each of his cells. The remaining life essence seeped out through his pores, affecting the surrounding environment. The plants seemed to come alive, growing rapidly, blooming, and thriving.

Rod casually sliced a small wound on his arm. Before the blood could even flow, the cut healed instantly.

"An immortal body, eternal life..."

The very thing countless people dreamed of, he had acquired effortlessly.

In addition to his power, Rod's level of existence now neared that of the gods.

He turned and walked back toward the carriage, and as he passed, the plants seemed to part for him, creating a clear path.

"Lord Rod! What happened to the plants?"

Inside the carriage, a few women huddled in the corner, staring in fear at the now dense forest around them. They had only paused for a brief moment, but the sparse woods had transformed into a thick jungle.

"Don't worry about it," Rod said, not bothering to explain.

With a snap of his fingers, the silver guards pulled the carriage forward once more, and they continued down the country road without stopping.

By afternoon, a massive castle appeared on the horizon, its outline becoming clearer as they approached.

"It's huge." Anne poked her head out of the carriage, her lively face full of wonder and awe.

"If only we could live here."

The towering black castle stood like a giant against the sky, its spires piercing the clouds. Soldiers in iron armor patrolled the thick walls, moving back and forth.

A castle was the ultimate symbol of nobility in this feudal medieval civilization. It often represented a small kingdom in itself, a testament to the era's level of development.

As the carriage approached the castle's entrance, a group of fully armed soldiers stood guard, eyeing the carriage warily.

"A monster?"

At the sight of the massive hound pulling the carriage, clearly no ordinary animal, the soldiers tensed, their hands instinctively moving to their swords.

"Don't be afraid. It's just my servant," Rod said as he stepped out of the carriage.

"Who are you? Outsiders need to register and pay one silver coin to enter the city!" one of the soldiers barked, drawing his knight's sword and eyeing Rod cautiously.

"Me? Just a passing mage."

Rod stood calmly by the carriage, summoning a ball of searing flames in his hand. The heat, drawn from the power of the sun, made the soldiers swallow nervously, their bodies starting to sweat under the pressure.

They sheathed their knightly swords, bowed, and hurriedly opened the castle gates with fawning smiles.

"Master Mage! Please, come in."

Rod calmly returned to his carriage, unfazed by the guards' sudden change in attitude. This was nothing surprising.

The strong rule the weak; strength is the ultimate truth.

Mages, wielders of magic, stood at the top of the food chain in this world. Their status surpassed even that of regular nobles.

Even kings had to show courtesy to powerful mages.

As for these common soldiers, they wouldn't dare to stand in the way of a mage.

Charge a fee?

They must have a death wish.

As the carriage passed through the castle gates, a cobblestone-paved road stretched out before them. On both sides, luxurious shops stood, their decorations gleaming under the dim light.

The taverns were bustling with people, lights flickering warmly from within. A blacksmith hammered away at red-hot iron outside his forge, and the innkeeper swayed her hips provocatively as she welcomed guests. In a nearby alley, scantily-clad women beckoned to passersby, offering their services.

The commoners walking by seemed unfazed, as if this was an everyday scene.

A blend of chaos and order—this was the rhythm of this world.

The streets weren't particularly clean, littered with trash here and there. But Rod wasn't expecting much from this backward era. As long as the streets weren't covered in filth to the point where there was nowhere to step, he could tolerate it.

At least he had transmigrated to this time period.

A few hundred years earlier, even the castles of nobles were synonymous with filth and disorder.

This world also had high-heeled shoes. It was said that in the past, high-ranking nobles invented them because they frequently stepped on others' waste within the castle. The shoes, with their elevated soles, were a symbol of the upper class, as they weren't practical for labor.

Similarly, the hollowed-out long skirts of noblewomen served a similar purpose—allowing them to navigate through the filth with ease.

"Two rooms," Rod said, stepping into the inn and tossing a gold coin onto the counter.

The innkeeper's face instantly lit up with a radiant smile at the sight of the gleaming coin.


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