Chapter 34: A Righteous Act

Performing two exorcisms in one day was certainly taxing on Rod's body.

But, fortunately, the results were satisfactory.

Fleur, who had fully succumbed to her succubus form, had been purified repeatedly by the fierce power of the sun's thorns. Finally, under the cleansing force of holy water, she was driven back, reluctantly satisfied.

"True demons are definitely harder to deal with than mere demonic pollution," Rhodes sighed in relief.

A succubus's relentless, automatic hunger was far more than just physical desire—it was untiring and obsessive. Even for a professional exorcist like him, it had proven challenging.

Succubi were truly unique among the demon races.

As dawn began to break, Rhodes lost all interest in sleep.

"Sign in!"

[Ding! Sign-in successful!]

[Rewards: Ten Commandments – Magic of True Commandments (Critical Breakthrough)]

[Critical Breakthrough: Utilize magical power to push physical abilities to their absolute limits. In this state, power can increase between 1.1 to 10 times depending on the intensity of the magical energy.]

"A critical breakthrough!"

The effect of this magic was astonishing. It allowed one to strengthen their body using magical energy, converting that magic into raw physical power. The stronger one's magic, the higher the limits their body could endure, thus greatly enhancing their physical strength.

In theory, as long as Rod's magical energy and physical endurance were sufficient, his physical capabilities could be increased tenfold.

And, more importantly, his breakthrough came with no risk of losing control.

Feeling reinvigorated, Rod changed his clothes and left the hotel. He arrived at a tavern he had scoped out earlier. Something strange was brewing in the castle, and the tavern was always the best place to gather information.

"The Count's gone mad—he's actually planning to go to war with those monsters in the forest."

"That banshee in the Silent Forest isn't something you can just deal with easily."

As soon as he stepped into the tavern, Rod overheard a heated discussion. Several townspeople, dressed in simple clothes, were speaking in low voices.

"I heard the whole forest is covered in sharp thorns now, even the woodcutters have to trek several kilometers just to gather firewood. It's all because of that banshee."

"I heard a rumor that the Count was once in love with the banshee, but to please his father, the old Earl, he cut off her wings while she slept so he could marry the princess instead."

"Is that true?"

Those sitting nearby, eavesdropping like Rod, suddenly perked up, eyes filled with curiosity.

It seemed no matter which world you were in, gossip was always a universal pastime.

"It's true! My cousin works as a guard at the castle. He swears he overheard the Count and the Countess quarreling about the Silent Forest's banshee."

"Even if that's the case, why prepare for war against the banshee now?" someone else asked, confused.

At first glance, this seemed like a tragic love story between a heartless man and a wronged banshee. But now, the heartless man wanted to exterminate the banshee completely? It seemed unnecessarily cruel.

"Did you hear about what happened sixteen years ago?"

"Sixteen years ago, when the princess was born?"

"Yes. The day the princess was born, the banshee appeared uninvited and cursed her. The curse stated that when the princess turned sixteen, she would fall into an eternal sleep after touching a spindle."

"Now that you mention it, I remember hearing something like that."

Rod, still listening intently, raised his eyebrows. A banshee, a king, a princess, a spindle, eternal sleep…

Wasn't this the story of Sleeping Beauty? Was this really happening?

He could already guess how the rest of the plot would unfold.

A kiss from a prince would break the curse, and the princess would eventually run off into the forest, where she'd meet her dashing prince charming. They'd fall in love, and he'd save her with a kiss, living happily ever after.

It was such a clichéd storyline.

To Rod, it didn't make much sense. Why would such a powerful banshee leave a loophole in her curse?

The idea that a kiss could undo powerful magic seemed too simplistic. And don't even get him started on the "power of love" trope. Was love really supposed to break through a spell cast by a holy-realm-level banshee?

"I heard that to break the curse, a man stronger than the banshee must sleep with the princess and use powerful magic to purify her."

"That's right. The Count has even devised three trials to find such a brave man. Only those who pass the trials will have the right to save the princess."

"And whoever succeeds will marry the princess and become the next king of the Francis Kingdom."

Are you kidding me?

Rod was momentarily stunned, disbelief etched across his face.

A warrior is supposed to save the princess… by having sex with her?

How could that be a serious method to lift a curse?

"It's a shame no one has been able to pass the three trials yet. That's why the Count's considering a second option—killing the banshee to break the curse."

"That makes sense. But can ordinary weapons, even iron ones, really kill such a powerful banshee?"

"If only I were strong enough," one of the drunkards muttered, his face filled with longing. "Just imagine it—saving the princess, marrying her, and becoming the next Earl. It's like something out of a storybook."

It was the classic adventure tale—the brave hero saves the princess, defeats the monster, and inherits the kingdom. But the reality was that the banshee in the Silent Forest was far too powerful for such dreams to come true.

Feeling conflicted, Rod didn't even realize how he had left the tavern.

How had the pure, innocent fairy tale in his mind suddenly taken such an… adult turn?

The situation now made more sense, he supposed. But the method to break the curse seemed unnecessarily complicated. It was almost as if the banshee was deliberately tormenting the Count—dangling hope before him only to snatch it away.

Even if the Count found a way to lift the curse, his beloved daughter would have to marry someone else. It was the kind of punishment that would make any father's heart ache.

Regardless of whether the curse was lifted or not, it seemed the Count was destined to lose.

Althoug Rod found the story development a bit bizarre, he muttered under his breath, "So this is Sleeping Beauty…"

The fairy tale he had once known was unfolding before his very eyes, and while he wasn't thrilled with its more "mature" version, it was happening nonetheless.

And no, it wasn't the prospect of saving a beautiful princess that stirred his heart.

This was purely about his desire to help. Just like when he purged demons for others, this was a selfless act of goodwill.

He simply couldn't stand to see a young princess, with her whole future ahead of her, fade away in her prime. Yes, that was it.

This was a righteous act.


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