Chapter 38

If it were a regular troll like a forest troll, that would be manageable.

But encountering a rare group like storm trolls, whose average combat power is above the legendary level? That could be a bit of trouble.

However, thinking realistically, it's unlikely.

The strength level doesn't match, and besides, storm trolls prefer living in places like Thunder Valley or the Highest Peak, where storms and thunder gather.

Moreover, almost all of the remaining storm trolls have become followers of the Storm God.

The chance of wild storm trolls appearing here is quite low.

"Lord Rhodes, it's getting late. We can discuss the test tomorrow."

"If you don't mind, you can stay in the palace for the night."

Rhodes glanced at the darkening sky.

The banquet had dragged on, and it was already nightfall. To play it safe, it was better to wait until tomorrow to take care of the troll group.

After all, trolls weren't ordinary monsters.

Compared to trolls, the jackals were just worthless trash.

"Though it may be a bit presumptuous, could I meet Her Royal Highness?"

Rhodes phrased it as a request, but his tone carried the weight of an order from someone superior.

Count Francis was momentarily stunned, and for a second, he didn't even dare to refuse.

Rejecting a legendary mage meant risking his anger—and potentially losing the mage's help entirely.

Moreover, as per the count's promise, whoever passed the three trials would be his daughter's future husband. The future king of the Kingdom of Francis.

It made sense for him to want to meet his future wife.

"The princess is resting in her chambers. Lord Rhodes, please follow me."

Rhodes followed the count as they made their way toward the part of the castle where the female family members resided.

"Aurora, are you awake?"

The count knocked softly at a door.

Tap, tap, tap!

After a brief pause, the door creaked open.

Princess Aurora, with a light sheen of sweat on her forehead, hurried to the door.

"Father, is something the matter at this hour?"

Her breathing was slightly uneven.

"This is Rhodes, a legendary mage who has passed the first test. If he successfully completes the remaining two trials, he will be your future husband."

"Lord Rhodes, I am Aurora."

Aurora curtsied, pulling at the hem of her gown gracefully.

Though she had no real understanding of what it meant to be a legendary mage, seeing her father's deferential attitude toward this young man, who seemed barely older than her, made it clear that Rhodes must hold an extremely high status.

"Sleeping Beauty."

Rhodes tilted her chin up playfully, smirking.

"She really does have a lovely face."

This princess had been blessed at birth by three forest fairies.

She possessed a flawless figure and breathtaking beauty, coupled with a kind heart.

In both appearance and character, she was the epitome of perfection.

Had she not been cursed by the holy banshee, she would undoubtedly have been one of the brightest jewels in this land.

Fairies were peculiar creatures, existing between nature and the laws of the universe.

They had a divine-like presence but no combat abilities.

Their lives were fragile—any common beast could easily kill a fairy.

However, as beings favored by the world's will, anyone who harmed a fairy would be cursed by fate and meet a terrible end.

Even gods refrained from punishing such beings.

Although fairies lacked combat strength, their blessings and curses were powerful enough to affect even deities.

That said, fairies rarely blessed or cursed others unless they encountered someone with a destined fate.

Princess Aurora had been raised by three such fairies until nearly reaching adulthood, after which she was taken in by Count Francis.

"Lord Rhodes, please have some decorum."

Aurora frowned, instinctively taking a step back.

Since childhood, no man, apart from her father, had ever come this close to her.

"If nothing changes, I will likely be your future husband."

"Better to get used to it a little early."

Rhodes smiled carelessly and turned his gaze toward the count.

"Count, may I stay in the room next door tonight?"

The count frowned briefly, eyeing him with a bit of suspicion.

But considering that Rhodes was a legendary mage and wouldn't likely do anything inappropriate, he nodded in agreement.

"Princess Aurora, may you have pleasant dreams tonight."

"Thank you, Your Excellency, and the same to you."

Aurora hurried back into her room, almost as if fleeing.

"Does the princess always stay within the castle?"

"Ever since she was brought back by the three fairies, she's remained in the castle. The windows in her chambers have even been specially reinforced," Count Francis said with a worried expression.

"Due to the banshee's curse, once she reaches adulthood, she is fated to prick her finger on a spindle and fall into eternal slumber. Though I've ordered the destruction of all spindles within the castle, I still take precautions."

Although he knew there was no true way to stop the curse, it was the only thing he could do as a father.

"No problem. I'll handle it."

Rhodes's simple statement carried undeniable confidence.

The count nodded, his tense demeanor easing somewhat.

Late that night, the door to Rhodes's room suddenly creaked open.

Rhodes frowned, turning his gaze toward the doorway.

Under the dim light, a slender woman with a graceful figure and an intricately designed low-cut gown entered the room.

Her face was pale, almost bloodless, save for her vibrant red lips.

"Lord Rhodes, may I come in?"

Her voice was magnetic and sultry, like a teasing whisper from a mischievous cat.

"Who are you?"

"I am Countess Frances, Princess Aurora's mother. I've come to serve Lord Rhodes tonight."

The countess slowly untied the laces of her gown, letting it fall to the floor, revealing her flawless and seductive figure.

"Wait a minute…"

Rhodes furrowed his brow, raising a hand to stop her.

It finally dawned on him that among the upper-class nobility, debauchery was quite rampant. It seemed there was a tradition of having wives and daughters serve esteemed guests.

However, this type of thing usually occurred when the status difference between guest and host was immense.

While Rhodes didn't fully understand it, this practice was still very popular among the nobility.

If the host failed to extend such "hospitality," the guest might feel slighted or disrespected.

Likewise, if the guest refused such kindness, the host might consider it an insult.

If you truly didn't want to accept, the best course of action would be to decline the invitation to stay overnight entirely.

With his status as a legendary mage, he held the equivalent rank of a duke in the empire.

Count Francis had no concubines or other daughters, so the only suitable candidates to "serve" him were the princess and the countess.

Princess Aurora, being the future queen of Francis, was naturally off-limits for such matters.

Thus, by default, only the countess fit the criteria.

Rhodes understood the custom, but as the future husband of Princess Aurora, was it really appropriate to do this?

To first spend the night with the countess and later marry the princess—what kind of situation was this?

A messy one, that's for sure.


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