Chapter 40

Coincidences don't just happen.

But when it comes to a prince, who crafts elaborate schemes to win a princess's heart, it all makes perfect sense.

A sheltered princess who has never left the castle, who knows nothing of the world, and was raised among the strange company of goblins.

Then, in her moment of crisis, a hero appears to save her.

And if this hero happens to be handsome, young, and wealthy?

It's hard not to surrender one's heart to him.

Such is the tragic fate that befalls those too naive to see through the game.


"Very clever!" the man said softly, his lips curling into a smug smile.

"But it doesn't matter. Whether you've figured it out or not, you're going to die here."

He brandished his sword confidently. "And I, the great legendary swordsman, the son of Marquis Louis, will save the cursed princess and claim her as my bride."

With a glimmer of triumph in his eyes, he added, "Soon, I'll be king of this land."


A legendary swordsman? Rod thought, his gaze cool and steady.

No wonder this guy was so arrogant. Becoming a legendary swordsman by the age of thirty was impressive. A rare talent, to be sure.


This man had picked the wrong fight.

Some battles are simply unwinnable—especially when you choose to provoke the king of hell himself.


"The son of a marquis, huh?" Rod's voice was calm, but his words dripped with disdain. "More like a bastard who isn't even fit to be called the second son."

The swordsman's face twisted into an expression of fury, as though Rod had struck a nerve.

Class hierarchies in this world were deeply entrenched, and nobility took such insults personally.

If he had been the eldest son, destined to inherit his father's title, he would have married the daughter of a marquis of equal standing. Nobles always sought to maintain alliances within their ranks, arranging marriages to benefit both families.

But if a marquis married beneath his station—say, to an earl's daughter—it was considered charity, practically an act of "poverty relief." And if a second son married someone beneath him, it was seen as even more pathetic.

Those without inheritance rights were little more than burdens to the noble class, often cast aside when they reached adulthood. To call someone "noble" without status was a cruel joke—they were nothing more than names without power.


"You're courting death!" the swordsman roared, charging at Rod, consumed with rage.

He had traveled from the distant Kingdom of Louis to pursue a dream. After hearing tales from bards about Princess Aurora, he saw his opportunity—a chance to build a future in the Shinra Empire.

As a swordsman, he lacked the prestige of a mage. To earn a noble title and secure land to build his own castle, he needed time, resources, and political leverage. Marrying an earl's daughter was the fastest route to legitimacy.

Many nobles had only daughters as heirs, and Aurora was among them. She was a perfect target—vulnerable and easy to charm. Once married to her, he would become the next earl, inheriting wealth and power.


But to his dismay, Rod had ruined his plans before they even began.

Just days ago, Rod had wiped out the gnoll camp—a feat that would have cost the swordsman considerable effort. Anyone capable of such power had to be a legendary mage. And against such a rival, the swordsman knew he stood no chance.

Still, he now had the upper hand. A sneak attack at close range was his only chance to win.

A fierce gleam flashed in the swordsman's eyes, his handsome face twisted with malevolent intent.

"No matter how strong a mage is, physical strength is always their weakness," he muttered to himself. "Compared to the physique of a legendary swordsman, even the most powerful mage is fragile."

As long as he could close the distance, the battle would be over.


Rod remained calm, watching the man's approach.

"Who told you I was just a legendary mage?" he asked quietly.

The swordsman's heart skipped a beat, but before he could react, Rod raised the divine axe in his hand.

Magic power snatch—Critical Breakthrough!

Suddenly, the swordsman felt his strength drain away, as if his body had been cut in half. His limbs weakened, and his power ebbed, stolen by an unseen force.

Rod grinned. "Heavy Chop!"

With overwhelming power surging through him, Rod swung the divine axe. His blow carried not just his own strength, but the strength he had stolen from his opponent.


The axe cleaved through the air, unleashing a monstrous shockwave. The forest before him was obliterated in an instant, reduced to splinters. A massive crater, tens of meters deep, scarred the earth.

Even the dark clouds above were ripped apart, revealing a sliver of moonlight that illuminated the devastated forest.

As for the so-called prince? If one were to sift through the wreckage, they might find some scraps of leather... if they were lucky.


"Threats should always be eliminated at the root," Rod muttered, satisfied.

With his potential rival out of the way, Rod's mood lifted.

"Fate? Destiny? That's all nonsense," he scoffed. "Anyone who challenges me will be dealt with, one by one. I'll kill them all—until no one dares to stand in my way."

In this world, strength was the only truth.

As long as he was powerful enough to make even the gods tremble, no one could touch him.

Rod stretched his arms leisurely and turned to leave the forest.

The commotion had likely caught the attention of the holy banshee that dwelled here. But now wasn't the time to face her.

Killing the banshee and breaking the curse was something he'd save for later. If he destroyed her too soon, it might complicate his plans with Count Francis.

After all, there was no telling how Francis would react—delays and negotiations were annoying to deal with.

"No rush," Rod murmured. "I'll return after I pass the second trial."

The banshee wasn't going anywhere. She was trapped within the forest, bound by the curse.

Worst case scenario, he could wait until the curse on Princess Aurora took effect. By then, Francis would have no choice but to beg him for help.


There was no need for sweet-talking or romantic gestures. No need to play the hero or pretend to care.

Once the princess was in his hands, everything would fall into place.

Why bother with love before sealing the deal?

He'd take what was his, and then talk about love.

After all, there would be plenty of time for romance... once the princess was already his.


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