Joseph sat in his chambers, his mind racing with the recent revelations. Sophia, whom everyone had dismissed as a poor gold digger after Alex's fortune, was the heiress of a billion-dollar fortune.
Not only that, but she was also his long-lost cousin. After Valerie had kicked her out of the mansion, Sophia had found her real family, and now all the inheritance that could have been his was going to her.
"Goddam it... Must that brat always take something so dear to me? At first, she took my chances of getting Alex's inheritance by accepting to marry him, and when we successfully got rid of her, now she has taken the inheritance that was supposed to go to me because her parents thought she was dead." Joseph muttered to himself.
"Thank goodness no one in Alex's mansion knows about this," Joseph thought, a sly smile creeping onto his face. "If they did, she'd be back in a heartbeat, and I can't have that."