If I thought I had seen anything on the lower level, I was mistaken.

The music here is much more intense. The people are more daring, more sensual, and most of all, here everything screams sex.

There are more secluded couches, booths, and more shadows … very exotic, very suggestive.

"If I didn't know it then, I know now," Day links his arm with mine as he whispers.

"Know what?"

"That I want to come here with Travis. This is exciting, and I know we haven't even seen everything," he is giddy as we look around, attracting eyes and I know it's not from being out of place.

No, these people are looking at us like we are a piece of meat and they want to sink their teeth in and taste.

I shudder, feeling filthy and revolted.

"I don't think I can come to such a place, all these yes watching," I sidesstep someone who is walking a little too close for my liking.

"You don't like voyeurism?"

"What's that?"